79 lines
2.3 KiB
79 lines
2.3 KiB
import numpy as np
from raytrace_2D import Disk
import csv
class Ray:
def __init__(self, origin, direction, intensity):
self.origin = np.array(origin)
self.direction = np.array(direction) / np.linalg.norm(direction)
self.intensity = intensity
center = [0,0]
r = 1
n = 1.3
disk = Disk(center, r, n)
dx = 0.01
N = int(2*r /dx - 1)
min_intensity = 0.001
stack = []
result = []
points = []
def init():
for x in np.linspace(-r + dx, r-dx, N):
stack.append(Ray([x, 2*r], [0,-1], 1))
print(np.linspace(-r + dx, r-dx, N))
def reflection_and_refraction(ray:Ray, intersection_point, normal, n):
print("reflection/refraction at the point:", intersection_point)
k_n = np.dot(ray.direction, normal)
if k_n > 0:
n1,n2 = n,1
n1, n2 = 1,n
kp = ray.direction - k_n*normal
k2p = n1*kp/n2
if np.dot(k2p, k2p) >= 1:
ray1 = Ray(intersection_point, ray.direction-2*k_n*normal, ray.intensity)
return ray1,None
k2n = np.sqrt(1 - np.dot(k2p, k2p))*np.sign(k_n)
Rs = (n1*k_n - n2*k2n)*(n1*k_n - n2*k2n)/((n1*k_n + n2*k2n)*(n1*k_n + n2*k2n))
Rp = (n1*k2n - n2*k_n)*(n1*k2n - n2*k_n)/((n1*k2n + n2*k_n)*(n1*k2n + n2*k_n))
R = (Rs+Rp)/2
ray1 = Ray(intersection_point, ray.direction-2*k_n*normal, ray.intensity*R)
ray2 = Ray(intersection_point, k2n*normal+k2p, ray.intensity*(1-R))
return ray1,ray2
def trace(disk:Disk, stack:list):
while stack:
ray = stack.pop()
if ray is None:
if isinstance(ray, Ray):
if ray.intensity < min_intensity:
direction = ray.direction
t,intersection_point = disk.find_intersection(ray)
if intersection_point is not None:
points.append(np.concatenate((ray.origin, intersection_point,[ray.intensity])))
normal = disk.get_normal(intersection_point)
stack.extend(reflection_and_refraction(ray, intersection_point, normal, disk.refractive_index))
points.append(np.concatenate((ray.origin, ray.origin+ray.direction,[ray.intensity])))
if direction[1] > 0:
result.append([np.arccos(direction[1]), ray.intensity*direction[1]])
# init()
stack.append(Ray([0.8, 2*r], [0,-1], 1))
trace(disk, stack)
with open("result.csv", 'w', newline='') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
with open("points.csv", 'w', newline='') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)