Justin M. Keyes a98a6996c2 re-integrate runtime/ vim-patch:0 #938
Vim runtime files based on 7.4.384 / hg changeset 7090d7f160f7

  Amiga icons (*.info, icons/)
  lang/ (only used for menu translations)
  macros/maze/, macros/hanoi/, macros/life/, macros/urm/
      These were used to test vi compatibility.
      "Demonstration of a termcap file (for the Amiga and Archimedes)"

Helped-by: Rich Wareham <>
Helped-by: John <>
Helped-by: Yann <>
Helped-by: Christophe Badoit <>
Helped-by: drasill <>
Helped-by: Tae Sandoval Murgan <>
Helped-by: Lowe Thiderman <>
2014-07-29 02:12:31 +00:00

51 lines
1.3 KiB

" Vim syntax file
" Language: ART-IM and ART*Enterprise
" Maintainer: Dorai Sitaram <>
" URL:
" Last Change: 2011 Dec 28 by Thilo Six
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
syn case ignore
syn keyword artspform => and assert bind
syn keyword artspform declare def-art-fun deffacts defglobal defrule defschema do
syn keyword artspform else for if in$ not or
syn keyword artspform progn retract salience schema test then while
syn match artvariable "?[^ \t";()|&~]\+"
syn match artglobalvar "?\*[^ \t";()|&~]\+\*"
syn match artinstance "![^ \t";()|&~]\+"
syn match delimiter "[()|&~]"
syn region string start=/"/ skip=/\\[\\"]/ end=/"/
syn match number "\<[-+]\=\([0-9]\+\(\.[0-9]*\)\=\|\.[0-9]\+\)\>"
syn match comment ";.*$"
syn match comment "#+:\=ignore" nextgroup=artignore skipwhite skipnl
syn region artignore start="(" end=")" contained contains=artignore,comment
syn region artignore start=/"/ skip=/\\[\\"]/ end=/"/ contained
hi def link artinstance type
hi def link artglobalvar preproc
hi def link artignore comment
hi def link artspform statement
hi def link artvariable function
let b:current_syntax = "art"
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save