dundargoc af23d17388
test: move oldtests to test directory (#22536)
The new oldtest directory is in test/old/testdir. The reason for this is
that many tests have hardcoded the parent directory name to be
2023-03-07 11:13:04 +08:00

90 lines
2.5 KiB

" Test for environment variables.
scriptencoding utf-8
source check.vim
func Test_environ()
unlet! $TESTENV
call assert_equal(0, has_key(environ(), 'TESTENV'))
let $TESTENV = 'foo'
call assert_equal(1, has_key(environ(), 'TESTENV'))
let $TESTENV = 'こんにちわ'
call assert_equal('こんにちわ', environ()['TESTENV'])
func Test_getenv()
unlet! $TESTENV
call assert_equal(v:null, 'TESTENV'->getenv())
let $TESTENV = 'foo'
call assert_equal('foo', getenv('TESTENV'))
func Test_setenv()
unlet! $TESTENV
eval 'foo'->setenv('TEST ENV')
call assert_equal('foo', getenv('TEST ENV'))
call setenv('TEST ENV', v:null)
call assert_equal(v:null, getenv('TEST ENV'))
func Test_special_env()
" The value for $HOME is cached internally by Vim, ensure the value is up to
" date.
let orig_ENV = $HOME
let $HOME = 'foo'
call assert_equal('foo', expand('~'))
" old $HOME value is kept until a new one is set
unlet $HOME
call assert_equal('foo', expand('~'))
call setenv('HOME', 'bar')
call assert_equal('bar', expand('~'))
" old $HOME value is kept until a new one is set
call setenv('HOME', v:null)
call assert_equal('bar', expand('~'))
let $HOME = orig_ENV
func Test_external_env()
call setenv('FOO', 'HelloWorld')
if has('win32')
let result = system('echo %FOO%')
let result = system('echo $FOO')
let result = substitute(result, '[ \r\n]', '', 'g')
call assert_equal('HelloWorld', result)
call setenv('FOO', v:null)
if has('win32')
let result = system('set | findstr "^FOO="')
let result = system('env | grep ^FOO=')
call assert_equal('', result)
func Test_mac_locale()
CheckFeature osxdarwin
" If $LANG is not set then the system locale will be used.
" Run Vim after unsetting all the locale environmental vars, and capture the
" output of :lang.
let lang_results = system("unset LANG; unset LC_MESSAGES; unset LC_CTYPE; " ..
\ shellescape(v:progpath) ..
\ " --clean -esX -c 'redir @a' -c 'lang' -c 'put a' -c 'print' -c 'qa!' ")
" Check that:
" 1. The locale is the form of <locale>.UTF-8.
" 2. Check that fourth item (LC_NUMERIC) is properly set to "C".
" Example match: "en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8"
call assert_match('"\([a-zA-Z_]\+\.UTF-8/\)\{3}C\(/[a-zA-Z_]\+\.UTF-8\)\{2}"',
\ lang_results,
\ "Default locale should have UTF-8 encoding set, and LC_NUMERIC set to 'C'")
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