" Language: Typst " Maintainer: Gregory Anders " Last Change: 2024-07-14 " Based on: https://github.com/kaarmu/typst.vim function! typst#indentexpr() abort let l:lnum = v:lnum let s:sw = shiftwidth() let [l:plnum, l:pline] = s:get_prev_nonblank(l:lnum - 1) if l:plnum == 0 | return 0 | endif let l:line = getline(l:lnum) let l:ind = indent(l:plnum) let l:synname = synIDattr(synID(l:lnum, 1, 1), 'name') " Use last indent for block comments if l:synname == 'typstCommentBlock' return l:ind endif if l:pline =~ '\v[{[(]\s*$' let l:ind += s:sw endif if l:line =~ '\v^\s*[}\])]' let l:ind -= s:sw endif return l:ind endfunction " Gets the previous non-blank line that is not a comment. function! s:get_prev_nonblank(lnum) abort let l:lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum) let l:line = getline(l:lnum) while l:lnum > 0 && l:line =~ '^\s*//' let l:lnum = prevnonblank(l:lnum - 1) let l:line = getline(l:lnum) endwhile return [l:lnum, s:remove_comments(l:line)] endfunction " Removes comments from the given line. function! s:remove_comments(line) abort return substitute(a:line, '\s*//.*', '', '') endfunction