feat(lsp): use treesitter for stylize markdown

This commit is contained in:
Maria José Solano 2023-09-12 20:51:21 -07:00 committed by Lewis Russell
parent c5abf487f1
commit cfd4a9dfaf
7 changed files with 162 additions and 75 deletions

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@ -1678,20 +1678,24 @@ convert_input_to_markdown_lines({input}, {contents})
window for `textDocument/hover`, for parsing the result of
`textDocument/signatureHelp`, and potentially others.
Note that if the input is of type `MarkupContent` and its kind is
`plaintext`, then the corresponding value is returned without further
Parameters: ~
• {input} (`MarkedString` | `MarkedString[]` | `MarkupContent`)
• {contents} (table|nil) List of strings to extend with converted
lines. Defaults to {}.
Return: ~
(table) {contents} extended with lines of converted markdown.
string[] extended with lines of converted markdown.
See also: ~
• https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#textDocument_hover
convert_signature_help_to_markdown_lines({signature_help}, {ft}, {triggers})
Converts `textDocument/SignatureHelp` response to markdown lines.
Converts `textDocument/signatureHelp` response to markdown lines.
Parameters: ~
• {signature_help} (table) Response of `textDocument/SignatureHelp`
@ -1908,10 +1912,6 @@ open_floating_preview({contents}, {syntax}, {opts})
height when wrap is enabled
• max_width: (integer) maximal width of floating window
• max_height: (integer) maximal height of floating window
• pad_top: (integer) number of lines to pad contents at
• pad_bottom: (integer) number of lines to pad contents at
• focus_id: (string) if a popup with this id is opened,
then focus it
• close_events: (table) list of events that closes the
@ -2005,8 +2005,6 @@ stylize_markdown({bufnr}, {contents}, {opts})
• wrap_at character to wrap at for computing height
• max_width maximal width of floating window
• max_height maximal height of floating window
• pad_top number of lines to pad contents at top
• pad_bottom number of lines to pad contents at bottom
• separator insert separator after code block
Return: ~

View File

@ -232,6 +232,11 @@ The following changes to existing APIs or features add new behavior.
In addition, |nvim_buf_get_extmarks()| has gained an "overlap" option to
return such ranges even if they started before the specified position.
• LSP hover and signature help now use Treesitter for highlighting of Markdown
Note that syntax highlighting of code examples requires a matching parser
and may be affected by custom queries.
REMOVED FEATURES *news-removed*

View File

@ -371,15 +371,22 @@ function M.hover(_, result, ctx, config)
local markdown_lines = util.convert_input_to_markdown_lines(result.contents)
markdown_lines = util.trim_empty_lines(markdown_lines)
if vim.tbl_isempty(markdown_lines) then
local format = 'markdown'
local contents ---@type string[]
if type(result.contents) == 'table' and result.contents.kind == 'plaintext' then
format = 'plaintext'
contents = { result.contents.value or '' }
contents = util.convert_input_to_markdown_lines(result.contents)
contents = util.trim_empty_lines(contents)
if vim.tbl_isempty(contents) then
if config.silent ~= true then
vim.notify('No information available')
return util.open_floating_preview(markdown_lines, 'markdown', config)
return util.open_floating_preview(contents, format, config)
--see: https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#textDocument_hover

View File

@ -877,9 +877,12 @@ end
--- window for `textDocument/hover`, for parsing the result of
--- `textDocument/signatureHelp`, and potentially others.
--- Note that if the input is of type `MarkupContent` and its kind is `plaintext`,
--- then the corresponding value is returned without further modifications.
---@param input (`MarkedString` | `MarkedString[]` | `MarkupContent`)
---@param contents (table|nil) List of strings to extend with converted lines. Defaults to {}.
---@return table {contents} extended with lines of converted markdown.
---@return string[] extended with lines of converted markdown.
---@see https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#textDocument_hover
function M.convert_input_to_markdown_lines(input, contents)
contents = contents or {}
@ -887,27 +890,13 @@ function M.convert_input_to_markdown_lines(input, contents)
if type(input) == 'string' then
list_extend(contents, split_lines(input))
assert(type(input) == 'table', 'Expected a table for Hover.contents')
assert(type(input) == 'table', 'Expected a table for LSP input')
-- MarkupContent
if input.kind then
-- The kind can be either plaintext or markdown.
-- If it's plaintext, then wrap it in a <text></text> block
-- Some servers send input.value as empty, so let's ignore this :(
local value = input.value or ''
if input.kind == 'plaintext' then
-- wrap this in a <text></text> block so that stylize_markdown
-- can properly process it as plaintext
value = string.format('<text>\n%s\n</text>', value)
-- assert(type(value) == 'string')
list_extend(contents, split_lines(value))
-- MarkupString variation 2
elseif input.language then
-- Some servers send input.value as empty, so let's ignore this :(
-- assert(type(input.value) == 'string')
table.insert(contents, '```' .. input.language)
list_extend(contents, split_lines(input.value or ''))
table.insert(contents, '```')
@ -925,7 +914,7 @@ function M.convert_input_to_markdown_lines(input, contents)
return contents
--- Converts `textDocument/SignatureHelp` response to markdown lines.
--- Converts `textDocument/signatureHelp` response to markdown lines.
---@param signature_help table Response of `textDocument/SignatureHelp`
---@param ft string|nil filetype that will be use as the `lang` for the label markdown code block
@ -955,7 +944,7 @@ function M.convert_signature_help_to_markdown_lines(signature_help, ft, triggers
local label = signature.label
if ft then
-- wrap inside a code block so stylize_markdown can render it properly
-- wrap inside a code block for proper rendering
label = ('```%s\n%s\n```'):format(ft, label)
list_extend(contents, split(label, '\n', { plain = true }))
@ -1223,7 +1212,7 @@ function M.preview_location(location, opts)
local syntax = vim.bo[bufnr].syntax
if syntax == '' then
-- When no syntax is set, we use filetype as fallback. This might not result
-- in a valid syntax definition. See also ft detection in stylize_markdown.
-- in a valid syntax definition.
-- An empty syntax is more common now with TreeSitter, since TS disables syntax.
syntax = vim.bo[bufnr].filetype
@ -1240,36 +1229,65 @@ local function find_window_by_var(name, value)
--- Trims empty lines from input and pad top and bottom with empty lines
---@param contents table of lines to trim and pad
---@param opts table with optional fields
--- - pad_top number of lines to pad contents at top (default 0)
--- - pad_bottom number of lines to pad contents at bottom (default 0)
---@return table table of trimmed and padded lines
function M._trim(contents, opts)
contents = { contents, 't' },
opts = { opts, 't', true },
opts = opts or {}
contents = M.trim_empty_lines(contents)
if opts.pad_top then
for _ = 1, opts.pad_top do
table.insert(contents, 1, '')
if opts.pad_bottom then
for _ = 1, opts.pad_bottom do
table.insert(contents, '')
return contents
---Returns true if the line is empty or only contains whitespace.
---@param line string
---@return boolean
local function is_blank_line(line)
return line and line:match('^%s*$')
---Returns true if the line corresponds to a Markdown thematic break.
---@param line string
---@return boolean
local function is_separator_line(line)
return line and line:match('^ ? ? ?%-%-%-+%s*$')
---Replaces separator lines by the given divider and removing surrounding blank lines.
---@param contents string[]
---@param divider string
---@return string[]
local function replace_separators(contents, divider)
local trimmed = {}
local l = 1
while l <= #contents do
local line = contents[l]
if is_separator_line(line) then
if l > 1 and is_blank_line(contents[l - 1]) then
table.insert(trimmed, divider)
if is_blank_line(contents[l + 1]) then
l = l + 1
table.insert(trimmed, line)
l = l + 1
return trimmed
---Collapses successive blank lines in the input table into a single one.
---@param contents string[]
---@return string[]
local function collapse_blank_lines(contents)
local collapsed = {}
local l = 1
while l <= #contents do
local line = contents[l]
if is_blank_line(line) then
while is_blank_line(contents[l + 1]) do
l = l + 1
table.insert(collapsed, line)
l = l + 1
return collapsed
--- Generates a table mapping markdown code block lang to vim syntax,
--- based on g:markdown_fenced_languages
---@return table table of lang -> syntax mappings
local function get_markdown_fences()
local fences = {}
for _, fence in pairs(vim.g.markdown_fenced_languages or {}) do
@ -1297,8 +1315,6 @@ end
--- - wrap_at character to wrap at for computing height
--- - max_width maximal width of floating window
--- - max_height maximal height of floating window
--- - pad_top number of lines to pad contents at top
--- - pad_bottom number of lines to pad contents at bottom
--- - separator insert separator after code block
---@return table stripped content
function M.stylize_markdown(bufnr, contents, opts)
@ -1335,7 +1351,7 @@ function M.stylize_markdown(bufnr, contents, opts)
-- Clean up
contents = M._trim(contents, opts)
contents = M.trim_empty_lines(contents)
local stripped = {}
local highlights = {}
@ -1484,6 +1500,49 @@ function M.stylize_markdown(bufnr, contents, opts)
return stripped
--- @class lsp.util.NormalizeMarkdownOptions
--- @field width integer Thematic breaks are expanded to this size. Defaults to 80.
--- Normalizes Markdown input to a canonical form.
--- The returned Markdown adheres to the GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM)
--- specification.
--- The following transformations are made:
--- 1. Empty lines at the beginning or end of the content are removed
--- 2. Carriage returns ('\r') are removed
--- 3. Successive empty lines are collapsed into a single empty line
--- 4. Thematic breaks are expanded to the given width
---@param contents string[]
---@param opts? lsp.util.NormalizeMarkdownOptions
---@return string[] table of lines containing normalized Markdown
---@see https://github.github.com/gfm
function M._normalize_markdown(contents, opts)
contents = { contents, 't' },
opts = { opts, 't', true },
opts = opts or {}
-- 1. Empty lines at the beginning or end of the content are removed
contents = M.trim_empty_lines(contents)
-- 2. Carriage returns are removed
contents = vim.split(table.concat(contents, '\n'):gsub('\r', ''), '\n')
-- 3. Successive empty lines are collapsed into a single empty line
contents = collapse_blank_lines(contents)
-- 4. Thematic breaks are expanded to the given width
local divider = string.rep('', opts.width or 80)
contents = replace_separators(contents, divider)
return contents
--- Closes the preview window
---@param winnr integer window id of preview window
@ -1620,8 +1679,6 @@ end
--- - wrap_at: (integer) character to wrap at for computing height when wrap is enabled
--- - max_width: (integer) maximal width of floating window
--- - max_height: (integer) maximal height of floating window
--- - pad_top: (integer) number of lines to pad contents at top
--- - pad_bottom: (integer) number of lines to pad contents at bottom
--- - focus_id: (string) if a popup with this id is opened, then focus it
--- - close_events: (table) list of events that closes the floating window
--- - focusable: (boolean, default true) Make float focusable
@ -1629,8 +1686,7 @@ end
--- is also `true`, focus an existing floating window with the same
--- {focus_id}
---@return integer bufnr of newly created float window
---@return integer winid of newly created float window
---preview window
---@return integer winid of newly created float window preview window
function M.open_floating_preview(contents, syntax, opts)
contents = { contents, 't' },
@ -1639,7 +1695,6 @@ function M.open_floating_preview(contents, syntax, opts)
opts = opts or {}
opts.wrap = opts.wrap ~= false -- wrapping by default
opts.stylize_markdown = opts.stylize_markdown ~= false and vim.g.syntax_on ~= nil
opts.focus = opts.focus ~= false
opts.close_events = opts.close_events or { 'CursorMoved', 'CursorMovedI', 'InsertCharPre' }
@ -1671,16 +1726,21 @@ function M.open_floating_preview(contents, syntax, opts)
api.nvim_win_close(existing_float, true)
-- Create the buffer
local floating_bufnr = api.nvim_create_buf(false, true)
local do_stylize = syntax == 'markdown' and opts.stylize_markdown
-- Clean up input: trim empty lines from the end, pad
contents = M._trim(contents, opts)
-- Set up the contents, using treesitter for markdown
local do_stylize = syntax == 'markdown' and vim.g.syntax_on ~= nil
if do_stylize then
-- applies the syntax and sets the lines to the buffer
contents = M.stylize_markdown(floating_bufnr, contents, opts)
local width = M._make_floating_popup_size(contents, opts)
contents = M._normalize_markdown(contents, { width = width })
vim.bo[floating_bufnr].filetype = 'markdown'
api.nvim_buf_set_lines(floating_bufnr, 0, -1, false, contents)
-- Clean up input: trim empty lines from the end, pad
contents = M.trim_empty_lines(contents)
if syntax then
vim.bo[floating_bufnr].syntax = syntax
@ -1697,9 +1757,9 @@ function M.open_floating_preview(contents, syntax, opts)
local float_option = M.make_floating_popup_options(width, height, opts)
local floating_winnr = api.nvim_open_win(floating_bufnr, false, float_option)
if do_stylize then
vim.wo[floating_winnr].conceallevel = 2
vim.wo[floating_winnr].concealcursor = 'n'
-- disable folding
vim.wo[floating_winnr].foldenable = false
@ -1708,6 +1768,7 @@ function M.open_floating_preview(contents, syntax, opts)
vim.bo[floating_bufnr].modifiable = false
vim.bo[floating_bufnr].bufhidden = 'wipe'

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@ -61,3 +61,11 @@
] @string.escape
(inline) @spell
;; Conceal backticks
(fenced_code_block_delimiter) @conceal
(#set! conceal ""))
(info_string (language) @conceal
(#set! conceal "")))

View File

@ -92,3 +92,11 @@
] @conceal
(#set! conceal ""))
;; Replace common HTML entities.
((entity_reference) @conceal (#eq? @conceal "&nbsp;") (#set! conceal ""))
((entity_reference) @conceal (#eq? @conceal "&lt;") (#set! conceal "<"))
((entity_reference) @conceal (#eq? @conceal "&gt;") (#set! conceal ">"))
((entity_reference) @conceal (#eq? @conceal "&amp;") (#set! conceal "&"))
((entity_reference) @conceal (#eq? @conceal "&quot;") (#set! conceal "\""))
((entity_reference) @conceal (#any-of? @conceal "&ensp;" "&emsp;") (#set! conceal " "))

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@ -3032,7 +3032,7 @@ describe('LSP', function()
return vim.lsp.util.convert_signature_help_to_markdown_lines(signature_help, 'cs', {','})
local expected = {'```cs', 'TestEntity.TestEntity()', '```', '<text>', 'some doc', '</text>'}
local expected = {'```cs', 'TestEntity.TestEntity()', '```', 'some doc'}
eq(expected, result)