vim-patch:1cc4cae: runtime(typst): Add typst runtime files

closes: vim/vim#15234


Co-authored-by: Gregory Anders <>
This commit is contained in:
Christian Clason 2024-07-15 20:02:22 +02:00
parent 08abb64680
commit a0fd51c1e2
8 changed files with 596 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
" Language: Typst
" Maintainer: Gregory Anders
" Last Change: 2024-07-14
" Based on:
function! typst#indentexpr() abort
let l:lnum = v:lnum
let s:sw = shiftwidth()
let [l:plnum, l:pline] = s:get_prev_nonblank(l:lnum - 1)
if l:plnum == 0 | return 0 | endif
let l:line = getline(l:lnum)
let l:ind = indent(l:plnum)
let l:synname = synIDattr(synID(l:lnum, 1, 1), 'name')
" Use last indent for block comments
if l:synname == 'typstCommentBlock'
return l:ind
if l:pline =~ '\v[{[(]\s*$'
let l:ind += s:sw
if l:line =~ '\v^\s*[}\])]'
let l:ind -= s:sw
return l:ind
" Gets the previous non-blank line that is not a comment.
function! s:get_prev_nonblank(lnum) abort
let l:lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum)
let l:line = getline(l:lnum)
while l:lnum > 0 && l:line =~ '^\s*//'
let l:lnum = prevnonblank(l:lnum - 1)
let l:line = getline(l:lnum)
return [l:lnum, s:remove_comments(l:line)]
" Removes comments from the given line.
function! s:remove_comments(line) abort
return substitute(a:line, '\s*//.*', '', '')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
" Vim compiler file
" Language: Typst
" Maintainer: Gregory Anders
" Last Change: 2024-07-14
" Based on:
if exists('current_compiler')
let current_compiler = get(g:, 'typst_cmd', 'typst')
" With `--diagnostic-format` we can use the default errorformat
let s:makeprg = [current_compiler, 'compile', '--diagnostic-format', 'short', '%:S']
execute 'CompilerSet makeprg=' . join(s:makeprg, '\ ')

View File

@ -991,6 +991,10 @@ You can change the default by defining the variable g:tex_flavor to the format
let g:tex_flavor = "latex"
Currently no other formats are recognized.
TYPST *ft-typst-plugin*
When |TRUE| the Typst filetype plugin will set the 'conceallevel' option to 2.
VIM *ft-vim-plugin*

View File

@ -1372,6 +1372,17 @@ shells and OSes and also does not allow to use other available TeX options,
if any. If your TeX doesn't support "-interaction=nonstopmode", please
report it with different means to express \nonstopmode from the command line.
TYPST COMPILER *compiler-typst*
Vim includes a compiler plugin for Typst files. This compiler is enabled
automatically in Typst buffers by the Typst filetype plugin |ft-typst-plugin|.
Run |:make| to compile the current Typst file.
By default Vim will use "typst" as the command to run the Typst compiler. This
can be changed by setting the |g:typst_cmd| variable: >
let g:typst_cmd = "/path/to/other/command"
7. The error format *error-file-format*

View File

@ -3335,6 +3335,15 @@ are highlighted. To disable set it to zero in your .vimrc: >
The default value is 1.
TYPST *ft-typst-syntax*
Typst files can embed syntax highlighting for other languages by setting the
|g:typst_embedded_languages| variable. This variable is a list of language
names whose syntax definitions will be included in Typst files. Example: >
let g:typst_embedded_languages = ['python', 'r']
VIM *vim.vim* *ft-vim-syntax*
*g:vimsyn_minlines* *g:vimsyn_maxlines*
There is a trade-off between more accurate syntax highlighting versus screen

View File

@ -1,14 +1,24 @@
" Vim filetype plugin
" Language: typst
" Maintainer: Riley Bruins <>
" Last Change: 2024 May 19
" Vim filetype plugin file
" Language: Typst
" Maintainer: Gregory Anders
" Last Change: 2024-07-14
" Based on:
if exists('b:did_ftplugin')
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
setlocal comments=sO:*\ -,mO:*\ \ ,exO:*/,s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,://
setlocal commentstring=//\ %s
compiler typst
let b:undo_ftplugin = 'setl com< cms<'
setlocal commentstring=//\ %s
setlocal comments=s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,://
setlocal formatoptions+=croq
setlocal suffixesadd=.typ
let b:undo_ftplugin = 'setl cms< com< fo< sua<'
if get(g:, 'typst_conceal', 0)
setlocal conceallevel=2
let b:undo_ftplugin .= ' cole<'

runtime/indent/typst.vim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
" Vim indent file
" Language: Typst
" Maintainer: Gregory Anders <>
" Last Change: 2024-07-14
" Based on:
if exists('b:did_indent')
let b:did_indent = 1
setlocal expandtab
setlocal softtabstop=2
setlocal shiftwidth=2
setlocal autoindent
setlocal indentexpr=typst#indentexpr()
let b:undo_indent = 'setl et< sts< sw< ai< inde<'

runtime/syntax/typst.vim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Typst
" Maintainer: Gregory Anders <>
" Last Change: 2024-07-14
" Based on:
if exists('b:current_syntax')
syntax sync fromstart
syntax spell toplevel
" Common {{{1
syntax cluster typstCommon
\ contains=@typstComment
" Common > Comment {{{2
syntax cluster typstComment
\ contains=typstCommentBlock,typstCommentLine
syntax match typstCommentBlock
\ #/\*\%(\_.\{-}\)\*/#
\ contains=typstCommentTodo,@Spell
syntax match typstCommentLine
\ #//.*#
\ contains=typstCommentTodo,@Spell
syntax keyword typstCommentTodo
\ contained
" Code {{{1
syntax cluster typstCode
\ contains=@typstCommon
\ ,@typstCodeKeywords
\ ,@typstCodeConstants
\ ,@typstCodeIdentifiers
\ ,@typstCodeFunctions
\ ,@typstCodeParens
" Code > Keywords {{{2
syntax cluster typstCodeKeywords
\ contains=typstCodeConditional
\ ,typstCodeRepeat
\ ,typstCodeKeyword
\ ,typstCodeStatement
syntax keyword typstCodeConditional
\ contained
\ if else
syntax keyword typstCodeRepeat
\ contained
\ while for
syntax keyword typstCodeKeyword
\ contained
\ not in and or return
syntax region typstCodeStatement
\ contained
\ matchgroup=typstCodeStatementWord start=/\v(let|set|import|include)>/
\ matchgroup=Noise end=/\v%(;|$)/
\ contains=@typstCode
syntax region typstCodeStatement
\ contained
\ matchgroup=typstCodeStatementWord start=/show/
\ matchgroup=Noise end=/\v%(:|$)/ keepend
\ contains=@typstCode
\ skipwhite nextgroup=@typstCode,typstCodeShowRocket
syntax match typstCodeShowRocket
\ contained
\ /.*=>/
\ contains=@typstCode
\ skipwhite nextgroup=@typstCode
" Code > Identifiers {{{2
syntax cluster typstCodeIdentifiers
\ contains=typstCodeIdentifier
\ ,typstCodeFieldAccess
syntax match typstCodeIdentifier
\ contained
\ /\v\w\k*>(<%(let|set|show|import|include))@<![\.\[\(]@!/
syntax match typstCodeFieldAccess
\ contained
\ /\v\w\k*>(<%(let|set|show|import|include))@<!\.[\[\(]@!/
\ nextgroup=typstCodeFieldAccess,typstCodeFunction
" Code > Functions {{{2
syntax cluster typstCodeFunctions
\ contains=typstCodeFunction
syntax match typstCodeFunction
\ contained
\ /\v\w\k*>(<%(let|set|show|import|include))@<![\(\[]@=/
\ nextgroup=typstCodeFunctionArgument
syntax match typstCodeFunctionArgument
\ contained
\ /\v%(%(\(.{-}\)|\[.{-}\]|\{.{-}\}))*/ transparent
\ contains=@typstCode
" Code > Constants {{{2
syntax cluster typstCodeConstants
\ contains=typstCodeConstant
\ ,typstCodeNumberInteger
\ ,typstCodeNumberFloat
\ ,typstCodeNumberLength
\ ,typstCodeNumberAngle
\ ,typstCodeNumberRatio
\ ,typstCodeNumberFraction
\ ,typstCodeString
\ ,typstCodeLabel
syntax match typstCodeConstant
\ contained
\ /\v<%(none|auto|true|false)-@!>/
syntax match typstCodeNumberInteger
\ contained
\ /\v<\d+>/
syntax match typstCodeNumberFloat
\ contained
\ /\v<\d+\.\d*>/
syntax match typstCodeNumberLength
\ contained
\ /\v<\d+(\.\d*)?(pt|mm|cm|in|em)>/
syntax match typstCodeNumberAngle
\ contained
\ /\v<\d+(\.\d*)?(deg|rad)>/
syntax match typstCodeNumberRatio
\ contained
\ /\v<\d+(\.\d*)?\%/
syntax match typstCodeNumberFraction
\ contained
\ /\v<\d+(\.\d*)?fr>/
syntax region typstCodeString
\ contained
\ start=/"/ skip=/\v\\\\|\\"/ end=/"/
\ contains=@Spell
syntax match typstCodeLabel
\ contained
\ /\v\<\K%(\k*-*)*\>/
" Code > Parens {{{2
syntax cluster typstCodeParens
\ contains=typstCodeParen
\ ,typstCodeBrace
\ ,typstCodeBracket
\ ,typstCodeDollar
\ ,typstMarkupRawInline
\ ,typstMarkupRawBlock
syntax region typstCodeParen
\ contained
\ matchgroup=Noise start=/(/ end=/)/
\ contains=@typstCode
syntax region typstCodeBrace
\ contained
\ matchgroup=Noise start=/{/ end=/}/
\ contains=@typstCode
syntax region typstCodeBracket
\ contained
\ matchgroup=Noise start=/\[/ end=/\]/
\ contains=@typstMarkup
syntax region typstCodeDollar
\ contained
\ matchgroup=Number start=/\\\@<!\$/ end=/\\\@<!\$/
\ contains=@typstMath
" Hashtag {{{1
syntax cluster typstHashtag
\ contains=@typstHashtagKeywords
\ ,@typstHashtagConstants
\ ,@typstHashtagIdentifiers
\ ,@typstHashtagFunctions
\ ,@typstHashtagParens
" Hashtag > Keywords {{{2
syntax cluster typstHashtagKeywords
\ contains=typstHashtagConditional
\ ,typstHashtagRepeat
\ ,typstHashtagKeywords
\ ,typstHashtagStatement
" syntax match typstHashtagControlFlowError
" \ /\v#%(if|while|for)>-@!.{-}$\_.{-}%(\{|\[|\()/
syntax match typstHashtagControlFlow
\ /\v#%(if|while|for)>.{-}\ze%(\{|\[|\()/
\ contains=typstHashtagConditional,typstHashtagRepeat
\ nextgroup=@typstCode
syntax region typstHashtagConditional
\ contained
\ start=/\v#if>/ end=/\v\ze(\{|\[)/
\ contains=@typstCode
syntax region typstHashtagRepeat
\ contained
\ start=/\v#(while|for)>/ end=/\v\ze(\{|\[)/
\ contains=@typstCode
syntax match typstHashtagKeyword
\ /\v#(return)>/
\ skipwhite nextgroup=@typstCode
syntax region typstHashtagStatement
\ matchgroup=typstHashtagStatementWord start=/\v#(let|set|import|include)>/
\ matchgroup=Noise end=/\v%(;|$)/
\ contains=@typstCode
syntax region typstHashtagStatement
\ matchgroup=typstHashtagStatementWord start=/#show/
\ matchgroup=Noise end=/\v%(:|$)/ keepend
\ contains=@typstCode
\ skipwhite nextgroup=@typstCode,typstCodeShowRocket
" Hashtag > Constants {{{2
syntax cluster typstHashtagConstants
\ contains=typstHashtagConstant
syntax match typstHashtagConstant
\ /\v#(none|auto|true|false)>/
" Hashtag > Identifiers {{{2
syntax cluster typstHashtagIdentifiers
\ contains=typstHashtagIdentifier
\ ,typstHashtagFieldAccess
syntax match typstHashtagIdentifier
\ /\v#\w\k*>(<%(let|set|show|import|include))@<![\.\[\(]@!/
syntax match typstHashtagFieldAccess
\ /\v#\w\k*>(<%(let|set|show|import|include))@<!\.[\[\(]@!/
\ nextgroup=typstCodeFieldAccess,typstCodeFunction
" Hashtag > Functions {{{2
syntax cluster typstHashtagFunctions
\ contains=typstHashtagFunction
syntax match typstHashtagFunction
\ /\v#\w\k*>(<%(let|set|show|import|include))@<![\(\[]@=/
\ nextgroup=typstCodeFunctionArgument
" Hashtag > Parens {{{2
syntax cluster typstHashtagParens
\ contains=typstHashtagParen
\ ,typstHashtagBrace
\ ,typstHashtagBracket
\ ,typstHashtagDollar
syntax region typstHashtagParen
\ matchgroup=Noise start=/#(/ end=/)/
\ contains=@typstCode
syntax region typstHashtagBrace
\ matchgroup=Noise start=/#{/ end=/}/
\ contains=@typstCode
syntax region typstHashtagBracket
\ matchgroup=Noise start=/#\[/ end=/\]/
\ contains=@typstMarkup
syntax region typstHashtagDollar
\ matchgroup=Noise start=/#\$/ end=/\\\@<!\$/
\ contains=@typstMath
" Markup {{{1
syntax cluster typstMarkup
\ contains=@typstCommon
\ ,@Spell
\ ,@typstHashtag
\ ,@typstMarkupText
\ ,@typstMarkupParens
" Markup > Text {{{2
syntax cluster typstMarkupText
\ contains=typstMarkupRawInline
\ ,typstMarkupRawBlock
\ ,typstMarkupLabel
\ ,typstMarkupReference
\ ,typstMarkupUrl
\ ,typstMarkupHeading
\ ,typstMarkupBulletList
\ ,typstMarkupEnumList
\ ,typstMarkupTermList
\ ,typstMarkupBold
\ ,typstMarkupItalic
\ ,typstMarkupLinebreak
\ ,typstMarkupNonbreakingSpace
\ ,typstMarkupShy
\ ,typstMarkupDash
\ ,typstMarkupEllipsis
" Raw Text
syntax match typstMarkupRawInline
\ /`.\{-}`/
syntax region typstMarkupRawBlock
\ matchgroup=Macro start=/```\w*/
\ matchgroup=Macro end=/```/ keepend
syntax region typstMarkupCodeBlockTypst
\ matchgroup=Macro start=/```typst/
\ matchgroup=Macro end=/```/ contains=@typstCode keepend
\ concealends
for s:name in get(g:, 'typst_embedded_languages', [])
let s:include = ['syntax include'
\ ,'@typstEmbedded_'..s:name
\ ,'syntax/'..s:name..'.vim']
let s:rule = ['syn region'
\,'start=/```'..s:name..'\>/ end=/```/'
execute 'silent! ' .. join(s:include, ' ')
unlet! b:current_syntax
execute join(s:rule, ' ')
" Label & Reference
syntax match typstMarkupLabel
\ /\v\<\K%(\k*-*)*\>/
syntax match typstMarkupReference
\ /\v\@\K%(\k*-*)*/
syntax match typstMarkupUrl
\ #\v\w+://\S*#
" Heading
syntax match typstMarkupHeading
\ /^\s*\zs=\{1,6}\s.*$/
\ contains=typstMarkupLabel,@Spell
" Lists
syntax match typstMarkupBulletList
\ /\v^\s*-\s+/
syntax match typstMarkupEnumList
\ /\v^\s*(\+|\d+\.)\s+/
syntax region typstMarkupTermList
\ oneline start=/\v^\s*\/\s/ end=/:/
\ contains=@typstMarkup
" Bold & Italic
syntax match typstMarkupBold
\ /\v(\w|\\)@1<!\*\S@=.{-}(\n.{-1,})*\S@1<=\\@1<!\*/
\ contains=typstMarkupBoldRegion
syntax match typstMarkupItalic
\ /\v(\w|\\)@1<!_\S@=.{-}(\n.{-1,})*\S@1<=\\@1<!_/
\ contains=typstMarkupItalicRegion
syntax match typstMarkupBoldItalic
\ contained
\ /\v(\w|\\)@1<![_\*]\S@=.{-}(\n.{-1,})*\S@1<=\\@1<!\2/
\ contains=typstMarkupBoldRegion,typstMarkupItalicRegion
syntax region typstMarkupBoldRegion
\ contained
\ transparent matchgroup=typstMarkupBold
\ start=/\(^\|[^0-9a-zA-Z]\)\@<=\*/ end=/\*\($\|[^0-9a-zA-Z]\)\@=/
\ concealends contains=typstMarkupBoldItalic,typstMarkupLabel,@Spell
syntax region typstMarkupItalicRegion
\ contained
\ transparent matchgroup=typstMarkupItalic
\ start=/\(^\|[^0-9a-zA-Z]\)\@<=_/ end=/_\($\|[^0-9a-zA-Z]\)\@=/
\ concealends contains=typstMarkupBoldItalic,typstMarkupLabel,@Spell
" Linebreak & Special Whitespace
syntax match typstMarkupLinebreak
\ /\\\\/
syntax match typstMarkupNonbreakingSpace
\ /\~/
syntax match typstMarkupShy
\ /-?/
" Special Symbols
syntax match typstMarkupDash
\ /-\{2,3}/
syntax match typstMarkupEllipsis
\ /\.\.\./
" Markup > Parens {{{2
syntax cluster typstMarkupParens
\ contains=typstMarkupBracket
\ ,typstMarkupDollar
syntax region typstMarkupBracket
\ matchgroup=Noise start=/\[/ end=/\]/
\ contains=@typstMarkup
syntax region typstMarkupDollar
\ matchgroup=Special start=/\\\@<!\$/ end=/\\\@<!\$/
\ contains=@typstMath
" Math {{{1
syntax cluster typstMath
\ contains=@typstCommon
\ ,@typstHashtag
\ ,typstMathIdentifier
\ ,typstMathFunction
\ ,typstMathNumber
\ ,typstMathSymbol
\ ,typstMathBold
\ ,typstMathScripts
\ ,typstMathQuote
syntax match typstMathIdentifier
\ /\a\a\+/
\ contained
syntax match typstMathFunction
\ /\a\a\+\ze(/
\ contained
syntax match typstMathNumber
\ /\<\d\+\>/
\ contained
syntax region typstMathQuote
\ matchgroup=String start=/"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/
\ contained
" Math > Linked groups {{{2
highlight default link typstMathIdentifier Identifier
highlight default link typstMathFunction Statement
highlight default link typstMathNumber Number
highlight default link typstMathSymbol Statement
" Highlighting {{{1
" Highlighting > Linked groups {{{2
highlight default link typstCommentBlock Comment
highlight default link typstCommentLine Comment
highlight default link typstCommentTodo Todo
highlight default link typstCodeConditional Conditional
highlight default link typstCodeRepeat Repeat
highlight default link typstCodeKeyword Keyword
highlight default link typstCodeConstant Constant
highlight default link typstCodeNumberInteger Number
highlight default link typstCodeNumberFloat Number
highlight default link typstCodeNumberLength Number
highlight default link typstCodeNumberAngle Number
highlight default link typstCodeNumberRatio Number
highlight default link typstCodeNumberFraction Number
highlight default link typstCodeString String
highlight default link typstCodeLabel Structure
highlight default link typstCodeStatementWord Statement
highlight default link typstCodeIdentifier Identifier
highlight default link typstCodeFieldAccess Identifier
highlight default link typstCodeFunction Function
highlight default link typstCodeParen Noise
highlight default link typstCodeBrace Noise
highlight default link typstCodeBracket Noise
highlight default link typstCodeDollar Noise
" highlight default link typstHashtagControlFlowError Error
highlight default link typstHashtagConditional Conditional
highlight default link typstHashtagRepeat Repeat
highlight default link typstHashtagKeyword Keyword
highlight default link typstHashtagConstant Constant
highlight default link typstHashtagStatementWord Statement
highlight default link typstHashtagIdentifier Identifier
highlight default link typstHashtagFieldAccess Identifier
highlight default link typstHashtagFunction Function
highlight default link typstHashtagParen Noise
highlight default link typstHashtagBrace Noise
highlight default link typstHashtagBracket Noise
highlight default link typstHashtagDollar Noise
highlight default link typstMarkupRawInline Macro
highlight default link typstMarkupRawBlock Macro
highlight default link typstMarkupLabel Structure
highlight default link typstMarkupReference Structure
highlight default link typstMarkupBulletList Structure
" highlight default link typstMarkupItalicError Error
" highlight default link typstMarkupBoldError Error
highlight default link typstMarkupEnumList Structure
highlight default link typstMarkupLinebreak Structure
highlight default link typstMarkupNonbreakingSpace Structure
highlight default link typstMarkupShy Structure
highlight default link typstMarkupDash Structure
highlight default link typstMarkupEllipsis Structure
highlight default link typstMarkupTermList Structure
highlight default link typstMarkupDollar Noise
" Highlighting > Custom Styling {{{2
highlight! Conceal ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE guifg=NONE guibg=NONE
highlight default typstMarkupHeading term=underline,bold cterm=underline,bold gui=underline,bold
highlight default typstMarkupUrl term=underline cterm=underline gui=underline
highlight default typstMarkupBold term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold
highlight default typstMarkupItalic term=italic cterm=italic gui=italic
highlight default typstMarkupBoldItalic term=bold,italic cterm=bold,italic gui=bold,italic
let b:current_syntax = 'typst'
" }}}1