feat(lsp): more annotations

This commit is contained in:
Lewis Russell 2023-12-13 12:00:11 +00:00 committed by Lewis Russell
parent 320e9c1c21
commit 97bea3163a
16 changed files with 364 additions and 228 deletions

View File

@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ with({handler}, {override_config}) *vim.lsp.with()*
Function to manage overriding defaults for LSP handlers.
Parameters: ~
• {handler} (function) See |lsp-handler|
• {handler} (lsp.Handler) See |lsp-handler|
• {override_config} (table) Table containing the keys to override
behavior of the {handler}
@ -1378,6 +1378,7 @@ on_diagnostic({_}, {result}, {ctx}, {config})
Parameters: ~
• {ctx} lsp.HandlerContext
• {config} (table) Configuration table (see |vim.diagnostic.config()|).
@ -1406,6 +1407,7 @@ on_publish_diagnostics({_}, {result}, {ctx}, {config})
Parameters: ~
• {ctx} lsp.HandlerContext
• {config} (table) Configuration table (see |vim.diagnostic.config()|).
@ -1441,6 +1443,9 @@ get({bufnr}) *vim.lsp.codelens.get()*
on_codelens({err}, {result}, {ctx}, {_})
|lsp-handler| for the method `textDocument/codeLens`
Parameters: ~
• {ctx} lsp.HandlerContext
refresh() *vim.lsp.codelens.refresh()*
Refresh the codelens for the current buffer
@ -1549,6 +1554,7 @@ get_at_pos({bufnr}, {row}, {col})
• type (string) token type as string, e.g. "variable"
• modifiers (table) token modifiers as a set. E.g., { static = true,
readonly = true }
• client_id (integer)
highlight_token({token}, {bufnr}, {client_id}, {hl_group}, {opts})
@ -1620,6 +1626,7 @@ hover({_}, {result}, {ctx}, {config}) *vim.lsp.handlers.hover()*
Parameters: ~
• {ctx} lsp.HandlerContext
• {config} (table) Configuration table.
• border: (default=nil)
• Add borders to the floating window
@ -1641,7 +1648,7 @@ signature_help({_}, {result}, {ctx}, {config})
Parameters: ~
• {result} (table) Response from the language server
• {ctx} (table) Client context
• {ctx} lsp.HandlerContext Client context
• {config} (table) Configuration table.
• border: (default=nil)
• Add borders to the floating window
@ -1849,7 +1856,7 @@ make_formatting_params({options})
• {options} (table|nil) with valid `FormattingOptions` entries
Return: ~
`DocumentFormattingParams` object
lsp.DocumentFormattingParams object
See also: ~
• https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#textDocument_formatting
@ -2152,7 +2159,7 @@ start({cmd}, {cmd_args}, {dispatchers}, {extra_spawn_params})
for LSP server process
Return: ~
(table|nil) Client RPC object, with these methods:
RpcClientPublic|nil Client RPC object, with these methods:
• `notify()` |vim.lsp.rpc.notify()|
• `request()` |vim.lsp.rpc.request()|
• `is_closing()` returns a boolean indicating if the RPC is closing.
@ -2185,6 +2192,6 @@ resolve_capabilities({server_capabilities})
Return: ~
(table|nil) Normalized table of capabilities
lsp.ServerCapabilities|nil Normalized table of capabilities

View File

@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ do
vim.g = make_dict_accessor('g', false)
vim.v = make_dict_accessor('v', false)
vim.v = make_dict_accessor('v', false) --[[@as vim.v]]
vim.b = make_dict_accessor('b')
vim.w = make_dict_accessor('w')
vim.t = make_dict_accessor('t')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
--- @meta _
-- TODO(lewis6991): generate this and `:help vim-variable`
--- @class vim.v
--- The count given for the last Normal mode command. Can be used
--- to get the count before a mapping. Read-only. Example:
--- ```vim
--- :map _x :<C-U>echo "the count is " .. v:count<CR>
--- ```
--- Note: The <C-U> is required to remove the line range that you
--- get when typing ':' after a count.
--- When there are two counts, as in "3d2w", they are multiplied,
--- just like what happens in the command, "d6w" for the example.
--- Also used for evaluating the 'formatexpr' option.
--- @field count integer
--- Line number for the 'foldexpr' |fold-expr|, 'formatexpr',
--- 'indentexpr' and 'statuscolumn' expressions, tab page number
--- for 'guitablabel' and 'guitabtooltip'. Only valid while one of
--- these expressions is being evaluated. Read-only when in the |sandbox|.
--- @field lnum integer
vim.v = ...

View File

@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ end
--- Validates a client configuration as given to |vim.lsp.start_client()|.
---@param config (lsp.ClientConfig)
---@return (string|fun(dispatchers:table):table) Command
---@return (string|fun(dispatchers:vim.rpc.Dispatchers):RpcClientPublic?) Command
---@return string[] Arguments
---@return string Encoding.
local function validate_client_config(config)
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ local function validate_client_config(config)
'flags.debounce_text_changes must be a number with the debounce time in milliseconds'
local cmd, cmd_args --- @type (string|fun(dispatchers:table):table), string[]
local cmd, cmd_args --- @type (string|fun(dispatchers:vim.rpc.Dispatchers):RpcClientPublic), string[]
local config_cmd = config.cmd
if type(config_cmd) == 'function' then
cmd = config_cmd
@ -397,13 +397,14 @@ do
---@param client lsp.Client
---@return CTGroup
local function get_group(client)
local allow_inc_sync = if_nil(client.config.flags.allow_incremental_sync, true)
local change_capability = vim.tbl_get(client.server_capabilities, 'textDocumentSync', 'change')
local sync_kind = change_capability or protocol.TextDocumentSyncKind.None
if not allow_inc_sync and change_capability == protocol.TextDocumentSyncKind.Incremental then
sync_kind = protocol.TextDocumentSyncKind.Full
sync_kind = protocol.TextDocumentSyncKind.Full --[[@as integer]]
return {
sync_kind = sync_kind,
@ -572,7 +573,7 @@ do
local changes
local changes --- @type lsp.TextDocumentContentChangeEvent[]
if sync_kind == protocol.TextDocumentSyncKind.None then
elseif sync_kind == protocol.TextDocumentSyncKind.Incremental then
@ -650,6 +651,7 @@ do
---@param buf_state CTBufferState
function changetracking._reset_timer(buf_state)
local timer = buf_state.timer
if timer then
@ -663,6 +665,8 @@ do
--- Flushes any outstanding change notification.
---@param client lsp.Client
---@param bufnr? integer
function changetracking.flush(client, bufnr)
local group = get_group(client)
local state = state_by_group[group]
@ -685,7 +689,7 @@ end
--- Default handler for the 'textDocument/didOpen' LSP notification.
---@param bufnr integer Number of the buffer, or 0 for current
---@param client table Client object
---@param client lsp.Client Client object
local function text_document_did_open_handler(bufnr, client)
changetracking.init(client, bufnr)
if not vim.tbl_get(client.server_capabilities, 'textDocumentSync', 'openClose') then
@ -890,7 +894,7 @@ end
---@return string
function lsp.status()
local percentage = nil
local messages = {}
local messages = {} --- @type string[]
for _, client in ipairs(vim.lsp.get_clients()) do
for progress in client.progress do
local value = progress.value
@ -913,12 +917,15 @@ function lsp.status()
-- Determines whether the given option can be set by `set_defaults`.
---@param bufnr integer
---@param option string
---@return boolean
local function is_empty_or_default(bufnr, option)
if vim.bo[bufnr][option] == '' then
return true
local info = vim.api.nvim_get_option_info2(option, { buf = bufnr })
local info = api.nvim_get_option_info2(option, { buf = bufnr })
local scriptinfo = vim.tbl_filter(function(e)
return e.sid == info.last_set_sid
end, vim.fn.getscriptinfo())
@ -932,6 +939,7 @@ end
---@param client lsp.Client
---@param bufnr integer
function lsp._set_defaults(client, bufnr)
client.supports_method(ms.textDocument_definition) and is_empty_or_default(bufnr, 'tagfunc')
@ -1131,7 +1139,7 @@ function lsp.start_client(config)
--- Returns the default handler if the user hasn't set a custom one.
---@param method (string) LSP method name
---@return lsp-handler|nil The handler for the given method, if defined, or the default from |vim.lsp.handlers|
---@return lsp.Handler|nil handler for the given method, if defined, or the default from |vim.lsp.handlers|
local function resolve_handler(method)
return handlers[method] or default_handlers[method]
@ -1189,7 +1197,7 @@ function lsp.start_client(config)
--- Invoked when the client operation throws an error.
---@param code (integer) Error code
---@param err (...) Other arguments may be passed depending on the error kind
---@param err any Other arguments may be passed depending on the error kind
---@see vim.lsp.rpc.client_errors for possible errors. Use
---`vim.lsp.rpc.client_errors[code]` to get a human-friendly name.
function dispatch.on_error(code, err)
@ -1197,7 +1205,9 @@ function lsp.start_client(config)
if config.on_error then
local status, usererr = pcall(config.on_error, code, err)
if not status then
local _ = log.error() and log.error(log_prefix, 'user on_error failed', { err = usererr })
if log.error() then
log.error(log_prefix, 'user on_error failed', { err = usererr })
err_message(log_prefix, ' user on_error failed: ', tostring(usererr))
@ -1283,7 +1293,7 @@ function lsp.start_client(config)
-- Start the RPC client.
local rpc
local rpc --- @type RpcClientPublic?
if type(cmd) == 'function' then
rpc = cmd(dispatch)
@ -1306,9 +1316,10 @@ function lsp.start_client(config)
rpc = rpc,
offset_encoding = offset_encoding,
config = config,
attached_buffers = {},
attached_buffers = {}, --- @type table<integer,true>
handlers = handlers,
--- @type table<string,function>
commands = config.commands or {},
--- @type table<integer,{ type: string, bufnr: integer, method: string}>
@ -1346,7 +1357,7 @@ function lsp.start_client(config)
verbose = 'verbose',
local workspace_folders --- @type table[]?
local workspace_folders --- @type lsp.WorkspaceFolder[]?
local root_uri --- @type string?
local root_path --- @type string?
if config.workspace_folders or config.root_dir then
@ -1426,7 +1437,9 @@ function lsp.start_client(config)
local _ = log.trace() and log.trace(log_prefix, 'initialize_params', initialize_params)
if log.trace() then
log.trace(log_prefix, 'initialize_params', initialize_params)
rpc.request('initialize', initialize_params, function(init_err, result)
assert(not init_err, tostring(init_err))
assert(result, 'server sent empty result')
@ -1439,7 +1452,7 @@ function lsp.start_client(config)
-- when to send certain events to clients.
client.server_capabilities =
assert(result.capabilities, "initialize result doesn't contain capabilities")
client.server_capabilities = protocol.resolve_capabilities(client.server_capabilities)
client.server_capabilities = assert(protocol.resolve_capabilities(client.server_capabilities))
if client.server_capabilities.positionEncoding then
client.offset_encoding = client.server_capabilities.positionEncoding
@ -1455,12 +1468,13 @@ function lsp.start_client(config)
write_error(lsp.client_errors.ON_INIT_CALLBACK_ERROR, err)
local _ = log.info()
and log.info(
if log.info() then
{ server_capabilities = client.server_capabilities }
-- Only assign after initialized.
active_clients[client_id] = client
@ -1483,7 +1497,7 @@ function lsp.start_client(config)
---@param method string LSP method name.
---@param params table|nil LSP request params.
---@param handler lsp-handler|nil Response |lsp-handler| for this method.
---@param handler lsp.Handler|nil Response |lsp-handler| for this method.
---@param bufnr integer Buffer handle (0 for current).
---@return boolean status, integer|nil request_id {status} is a bool indicating
---whether the request was successful. If it is `false`, then it will
@ -1677,9 +1691,9 @@ function lsp.start_client(config)
---@param command lsp.Command
---@param context? {bufnr: integer}
---@param handler? lsp-handler only called if a server command
---@param handler? lsp.Handler only called if a server command
function client._exec_cmd(command, context, handler)
context = vim.deepcopy(context or {})
context = vim.deepcopy(context or {}) --[[@as lsp.HandlerContext]]
context.bufnr = context.bufnr or api.nvim_get_current_buf()
context.client_id = client.id
local cmdname = command.command
@ -1749,29 +1763,32 @@ function lsp.start_client(config)
return client_id
---@fn text_document_did_change_handler(_, bufnr, changedtick, firstline, lastline, new_lastline, old_byte_size, old_utf32_size, old_utf16_size)
--- Notify all attached clients that a buffer has changed.
local text_document_did_change_handler
text_document_did_change_handler = function(
-- Detach (nvim_buf_attach) via returning True to on_lines if no clients are attached
if tbl_isempty(all_buffer_active_clients[bufnr] or {}) then
return true
util.buf_versions[bufnr] = changedtick
changetracking.send_changes(bufnr, firstline, lastline, new_lastline)
---@param _ integer
---@param bufnr integer
---@param changedtick integer
---@param firstline integer
---@param lastline integer
---@param new_lastline integer
---@return true?
local function text_document_did_change_handler(
-- Detach (nvim_buf_attach) via returning True to on_lines if no clients are attached
if tbl_isempty(all_buffer_active_clients[bufnr] or {}) then
return true
util.buf_versions[bufnr] = changedtick
changetracking.send_changes(bufnr, firstline, lastline, new_lastline)
---Buffer lifecycle handler for textDocument/didSave
--- @param bufnr integer
local function text_document_did_save_handler(bufnr)
bufnr = resolve_bufnr(bufnr)
local uri = vim.uri_from_bufnr(bufnr)
@ -1797,7 +1814,7 @@ local function text_document_did_save_handler(bufnr)
local save_capability = vim.tbl_get(client.server_capabilities, 'textDocumentSync', 'save')
if save_capability then
local included_text
local included_text --- @type string?
if type(save_capability) == 'table' and save_capability.includeText then
included_text = text(bufnr)
@ -1826,8 +1843,9 @@ function lsp.buf_attach_client(bufnr, client_id)
bufnr = resolve_bufnr(bufnr)
if not api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(bufnr) then
local _ = log.warn()
and log.warn(string.format('buf_attach_client called on unloaded buffer (id: %d): ', bufnr))
if log.warn() then
log.warn(string.format('buf_attach_client called on unloaded buffer (id: %d): ', bufnr))
return false
local buffer_client_ids = all_buffer_active_clients[bufnr]
@ -2087,7 +2105,7 @@ api.nvim_create_autocmd('VimLeavePre', {
local timeouts = {}
local timeouts = {} --- @type table<integer,integer>
local max_timeout = 0
local send_kill = false
@ -2134,7 +2152,7 @@ api.nvim_create_autocmd('VimLeavePre', {
---@param bufnr (integer) Buffer handle, or 0 for current.
---@param method (string) LSP method name
---@param params table|nil Parameters to send to the server
---@param handler? lsp-handler See |lsp-handler|
---@param handler? lsp.Handler See |lsp-handler|
--- If nil, follows resolution strategy defined in |lsp-handler-configuration|
---@return table<integer, integer> client_request_ids Map of client-id:request-id pairs
@ -2152,7 +2170,7 @@ function lsp.buf_request(bufnr, method, params, handler)
bufnr = resolve_bufnr(bufnr)
local method_supported = false
local clients = lsp.get_clients({ bufnr = bufnr })
local client_request_ids = {}
local client_request_ids = {} --- @type table<integer,integer>
for _, client in ipairs(clients) do
if client.supports_method(method, { bufnr = bufnr }) then
method_supported = true
@ -2194,7 +2212,7 @@ end
--- a `client_id:result` map.
---@return function cancel Function that cancels all requests.
function lsp.buf_request_all(bufnr, method, params, handler)
local results = {}
local results = {} --- @type table<integer,{error:string, result:any}>
local result_count = 0
local expected_result_count = 0
@ -2324,6 +2342,7 @@ function lsp.formatexpr(opts)
local params = util.make_formatting_params()
local end_line = vim.fn.getline(end_lnum) --[[@as string]]
local end_col = util._str_utfindex_enc(end_line, nil, client.offset_encoding)
--- @cast params +lsp.DocumentRangeFormattingParams
params.range = {
start = {
line = start_lnum - 1,
@ -2378,7 +2397,7 @@ end
---@return table result is table of (client_id, client) pairs
---@deprecated Use |vim.lsp.get_clients()| instead.
function lsp.buf_get_clients(bufnr)
local result = {}
local result = {} --- @type table<integer,lsp.Client>
for _, client in ipairs(lsp.get_clients({ bufnr = resolve_bufnr(bufnr) })) do
result[client.id] = client
@ -2432,7 +2451,7 @@ function lsp.for_each_buffer_client(bufnr, fn)
--- Function to manage overriding defaults for LSP handlers.
---@param handler (function) See |lsp-handler|
---@param handler (lsp.Handler) See |lsp-handler|
---@param override_config (table) Table containing the keys to override behavior of the {handler}
function lsp.with(handler, override_config)
return function(err, result, ctx, config)
@ -2497,6 +2516,7 @@ end
--- arguments?: any[]
--- The second argument is the `ctx` of |lsp-handler|
--- @type table<string,function>
lsp.commands = setmetatable({}, {
__newindex = function(tbl, key, value)
assert(type(key) == 'string', 'The key for commands in `vim.lsp.commands` must be a string')

View File

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
error('Cannot require a meta file')
---@alias lsp-handler fun(err: lsp.ResponseError|nil, result: any, context: lsp.HandlerContext, config: table|nil): any?
---@alias lsp.Handler fun(err: lsp.ResponseError?, result: any, context: lsp.HandlerContext, config?: table): ...any
---@class lsp.HandlerContext
---@field method string
---@field client_id integer
---@field bufnr? integer
---@field params? any
---@field version? integer
---@class lsp.ResponseError
---@field code integer

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ local function request_with_options(name, params, options)
local req_handler
if options then
req_handler = function(err, result, ctx, config)
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id)
local client = assert(vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id))
local handler = client.handlers[name] or vim.lsp.handlers[name]
handler(err, result, ctx, vim.tbl_extend('force', config or {}, options))
@ -299,12 +299,12 @@ function M.rename(new_name, options)
local try_use_client
try_use_client = function(idx, client)
local function try_use_client(idx, client)
if not client then
--- @param name string
local function rename(name)
local params = util.make_position_params(win, client.offset_encoding)
params.newName = name

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ local M = {}
--- bufnr → true|nil
--- to throttle refreshes to at most one at a time
local active_refreshes = {}
local active_refreshes = {} --- @type table<integer,true>
---@type table<integer, table<integer, lsp.CodeLens[]>>
--- bufnr -> client_id -> lenses
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ end
function M.run()
local line = api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[1]
local bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf()
local options = {}
local options = {} --- @type {client: integer, lens: lsp.CodeLens}[]
local lenses_by_client = lens_cache_by_buf[bufnr] or {}
for client, lenses in pairs(lenses_by_client) do
for _, lens in pairs(lenses) do
@ -230,6 +230,7 @@ local function resolve_lenses(lenses, bufnr, client_id, callback)
if lens.command then
client.request('codeLens/resolve', lens, function(_, result)
if api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(bufnr) and result and result.command then
lens.command = result.command
@ -257,10 +258,13 @@ end
--- |lsp-handler| for the method `textDocument/codeLens`
---@param ctx lsp.HandlerContext
function M.on_codelens(err, result, ctx, _)
if err then
active_refreshes[ctx.bufnr] = nil
local _ = log.error() and log.error('codelens', err)
active_refreshes[assert(ctx.bufnr)] = nil
if log.error() then
log.error('codelens', err)
@ -270,7 +274,7 @@ function M.on_codelens(err, result, ctx, _)
-- once resolved.
M.display(result, ctx.bufnr, ctx.client_id)
resolve_lenses(result, ctx.bufnr, ctx.client_id, function()
active_refreshes[ctx.bufnr] = nil
active_refreshes[assert(ctx.bufnr)] = nil
M.display(result, ctx.bufnr, ctx.client_id)

View File

@ -37,6 +37,10 @@ local function severity_vim_to_lsp(severity)
return severity
---@param lines string[]
---@param lnum integer
---@param col integer
---@param offset_encoding string
---@return integer
local function line_byte_from_position(lines, lnum, col, offset_encoding)
if not lines or offset_encoding == 'utf-8' then
@ -52,6 +56,8 @@ local function line_byte_from_position(lines, lnum, col, offset_encoding)
return col
---@param bufnr integer
---@return string[]
local function get_buf_lines(bufnr)
if vim.api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(bufnr) then
return vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false)
@ -223,6 +229,7 @@ end
--- )
--- ```
---@param ctx lsp.HandlerContext
---@param config table Configuration table (see |vim.diagnostic.config()|).
function M.on_publish_diagnostics(_, result, ctx, config)
local client_id = ctx.client_id
@ -284,6 +291,7 @@ end
--- )
--- ```
---@param ctx lsp.HandlerContext
---@param config table Configuration table (see |vim.diagnostic.config()|).
function M.on_diagnostic(_, result, ctx, config)
local client_id = ctx.client_id
@ -400,6 +408,7 @@ end
local bufstates = {}
--- Disable pull diagnostics for a buffer
--- @param bufnr integer
--- @private
local function disable(bufnr)
local bufstate = bufstates[bufnr]

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ local ms = protocol.Methods
local util = require('vim.lsp.util')
local api = vim.api
--- @type table<string,lsp.Handler>
local M = {}
-- FIXME: DOC: Expose in vimdocs
@ -108,8 +109,7 @@ end
--see: https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#client_registerCapability
M[ms.client_registerCapability] = function(_, result, ctx)
local client_id = ctx.client_id
---@type lsp.Client
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id)
local client = assert(vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id))
for bufnr, _ in pairs(client.attached_buffers) do
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ end
--see: https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#client_unregisterCapability
M[ms.client_unregisterCapability] = function(_, result, ctx)
local client_id = ctx.client_id
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id)
local client = assert(vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id))
for _, unreg in ipairs(result.unregisterations) do
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ M[ms.workspace_applyEdit] = function(_, workspace_edit, ctx)
-- TODO(ashkan) Do something more with label?
local client_id = ctx.client_id
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id)
local client = assert(vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id))
if workspace_edit.label then
print('Workspace edit', workspace_edit.label)
@ -231,22 +231,23 @@ end
M[ms.textDocument_references] = function(_, result, ctx, config)
if not result or vim.tbl_isempty(result) then
vim.notify('No references found')
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id)
config = config or {}
local title = 'References'
local items = util.locations_to_items(result, client.offset_encoding)
if config.loclist then
vim.fn.setloclist(0, {}, ' ', { title = title, items = items, context = ctx })
elseif config.on_list then
assert(type(config.on_list) == 'function', 'on_list is not a function')
config.on_list({ title = title, items = items, context = ctx })
vim.fn.setqflist({}, ' ', { title = title, items = items, context = ctx })
api.nvim_command('botright copen')
local client = assert(vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id))
config = config or {}
local title = 'References'
local items = util.locations_to_items(result, client.offset_encoding)
if config.loclist then
vim.fn.setloclist(0, {}, ' ', { title = title, items = items, context = ctx })
elseif config.on_list then
assert(type(config.on_list) == 'function', 'on_list is not a function')
config.on_list({ title = title, items = items, context = ctx })
vim.fn.setqflist({}, ' ', { title = title, items = items, context = ctx })
api.nvim_command('botright copen')
@ -259,26 +260,27 @@ end
---@param map_result function `((resp, bufnr) -> list)` to convert the response
---@param entity string name of the resource used in a `not found` error message
---@param title_fn function Function to call to generate list title
---@param title_fn fun(ctx: lsp.HandlerContext): string Function to call to generate list title
---@return lsp.Handler
local function response_to_list(map_result, entity, title_fn)
return function(_, result, ctx, config)
if not result or vim.tbl_isempty(result) then
vim.notify('No ' .. entity .. ' found')
config = config or {}
local title = title_fn(ctx)
local items = map_result(result, ctx.bufnr)
config = config or {}
local title = title_fn(ctx)
local items = map_result(result, ctx.bufnr)
if config.loclist then
vim.fn.setloclist(0, {}, ' ', { title = title, items = items, context = ctx })
elseif config.on_list then
assert(type(config.on_list) == 'function', 'on_list is not a function')
config.on_list({ title = title, items = items, context = ctx })
vim.fn.setqflist({}, ' ', { title = title, items = items, context = ctx })
api.nvim_command('botright copen')
if config.loclist then
vim.fn.setloclist(0, {}, ' ', { title = title, items = items, context = ctx })
elseif config.on_list then
assert(type(config.on_list) == 'function', 'on_list is not a function')
config.on_list({ title = title, items = items, context = ctx })
vim.fn.setqflist({}, ' ', { title = title, items = items, context = ctx })
api.nvim_command('botright copen')
@ -304,7 +306,7 @@ M[ms.textDocument_rename] = function(_, result, ctx, _)
vim.notify("Language server couldn't provide rename result", vim.log.levels.INFO)
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id)
local client = assert(vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id))
util.apply_workspace_edit(result, client.offset_encoding)
@ -313,7 +315,7 @@ M[ms.textDocument_rangeFormatting] = function(_, result, ctx, _)
if not result then
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id)
local client = assert(vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id))
util.apply_text_edits(result, ctx.bufnr, client.offset_encoding)
@ -322,7 +324,7 @@ M[ms.textDocument_formatting] = function(_, result, ctx, _)
if not result then
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id)
local client = assert(vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id))
util.apply_text_edits(result, ctx.bufnr, client.offset_encoding)
@ -331,7 +333,8 @@ M[ms.textDocument_completion] = function(_, result, _, _)
if vim.tbl_isempty(result or {}) then
local row, col = unpack(api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0))
local cursor = api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)
local row, col = cursor[1], cursor[2]
local line = assert(api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, row - 1, row, false)[1])
local line_to_cursor = line:sub(col + 1)
local textMatch = vim.fn.match(line_to_cursor, '\\k*$')
@ -354,6 +357,7 @@ end
--- )
--- ```
---@param ctx lsp.HandlerContext
---@param config table Configuration table.
--- - border: (default=nil)
--- - Add borders to the floating window
@ -394,14 +398,16 @@ M[ms.textDocument_hover] = M.hover
--- Jumps to a location. Used as a handler for multiple LSP methods.
---@param _ nil not used
---@param result (table) result of LSP method; a location or a list of locations.
---@param ctx (table) table containing the context of the request, including the method
---@param ctx (lsp.HandlerContext) table containing the context of the request, including the method
---(`textDocument/definition` can return `Location` or `Location[]`
local function location_handler(_, result, ctx, config)
if result == nil or vim.tbl_isempty(result) then
local _ = log.info() and log.info(ctx.method, 'No location found')
if log.info() then
log.info(ctx.method, 'No location found')
return nil
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id)
local client = assert(vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id))
config = config or {}
@ -450,7 +456,7 @@ M[ms.textDocument_implementation] = location_handler
--- ```
---@param result table Response from the language server
---@param ctx table Client context
---@param ctx lsp.HandlerContext Client context
---@param config table Configuration table.
--- - border: (default=nil)
--- - Add borders to the floating window
@ -470,7 +476,7 @@ function M.signature_help(_, result, ctx, config)
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id)
local client = assert(vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id))
local triggers =
vim.tbl_get(client.server_capabilities, 'signatureHelpProvider', 'triggerCharacters')
local ft = vim.bo[ctx.bufnr].filetype

View File

@ -17,13 +17,17 @@ local augroup = api.nvim_create_augroup('vim_lsp_inlayhint', {})
--- |lsp-handler| for the method `textDocument/inlayHint`
--- Store hints for a specific buffer and client
---@param result lsp.InlayHint[]?
---@param ctx lsp.HandlerContext
function M.on_inlayhint(err, result, ctx, _)
if err then
local _ = log.error() and log.error('inlayhint', err)
if log.error() then
log.error('inlayhint', err)
local bufnr = ctx.bufnr
local bufnr = assert(ctx.bufnr)
if util.buf_versions[bufnr] ~= ctx.version then
@ -40,7 +44,7 @@ function M.on_inlayhint(err, result, ctx, _)
bufstate.version = ctx.version
local hints_by_client = bufstate.client_hint
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id)
local client = assert(vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id))
local new_hints_by_lnum = vim.defaulttable()
local num_unprocessed = #result
@ -52,6 +56,8 @@ function M.on_inlayhint(err, result, ctx, _)
local lines = api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false)
---@param position lsp.Position
---@return integer
local function pos_to_byte(position)
local col = position.character
if col > 0 then
@ -78,6 +84,7 @@ function M.on_inlayhint(err, result, ctx, _)
--- |lsp-handler| for the method `textDocument/inlayHint/refresh`
---@param ctx lsp.HandlerContext
function M.on_refresh(err, _, ctx, _)
if err then
@ -212,7 +219,7 @@ local function clear(bufnr)
local bufstate = bufstates[bufnr]
local client_lens = (bufstate or {}).client_hint or {}
local client_ids = vim.tbl_keys(client_lens)
local client_ids = vim.tbl_keys(client_lens) --- @type integer[]
for _, iter_client_id in ipairs(client_ids) do
if bufstate then
bufstate.client_hint[iter_client_id] = {}
@ -236,7 +243,7 @@ end
--- Refresh inlay hints, only if we have attached clients that support it
---@param bufnr (integer) Buffer handle, or 0 for current
---@param opts? table Additional options to pass to util._refresh
---@param opts? lsp.util.RefreshOptions Additional options to pass to util._refresh
local function _refresh(bufnr, opts)
opts = opts or {}
@ -312,7 +319,7 @@ api.nvim_set_decoration_provider(namespace, {
if bufstate.version ~= util.buf_versions[bufnr] then
local hints_by_client = bufstate.client_hint
local hints_by_client = assert(bufstate.client_hint)
for lnum = topline, botline do
if bufstate.applied[lnum] ~= bufstate.version then
@ -321,14 +328,15 @@ api.nvim_set_decoration_provider(namespace, {
local line_hints = hints_by_lnum[lnum] or {}
for _, hint in pairs(line_hints) do
local text = ''
if type(hint.label) == 'string' then
text = hint.label
local label = hint.label
if type(label) == 'string' then
text = label
for _, part in ipairs(hint.label) do
for _, part in ipairs(label) do
text = text .. part.value
local vt = {}
local vt = {} --- @type {[1]: string, [2]: string?}[]
if hint.paddingLeft then
vt[#vt + 1] = { ' ' }

View File

@ -91,7 +91,9 @@ do
-- Recommended usage:
-- ```
-- local _ = log.warn() and log.warn("123")
-- if log.warn() then
-- log.warn("123")
-- end
-- ```
-- This way you can avoid string allocations if the log level isn't high enough.

View File

@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ end
--- Creates a normalized object describing LSP server capabilities.
---@param server_capabilities table Table of capabilities supported by the server
---@return table|nil Normalized table of capabilities
---@return lsp.ServerCapabilities|nil Normalized table of capabilities
function protocol.resolve_capabilities(server_capabilities)
local TextDocumentSyncKind = protocol.TextDocumentSyncKind
local textDocumentSync = server_capabilities.textDocumentSync

View File

@ -26,23 +26,42 @@ local function format_message_with_content_length(encoded_message)
local function log_error(...)
if log.error() then
local function log_info(...)
if log.info() then
local function log_debug(...)
if log.debug() then
--- Parses an LSP Message's header
---@param header string: The header to parse.
---@return table # parsed headers
local function parse_headers(header)
assert(type(header) == 'string', 'header must be a string')
local headers = {}
local headers = {} --- @type table<string,string>
for line in vim.gsplit(header, '\r\n', { plain = true }) do
if line == '' then
--- @type string?, string?
local key, value = line:match('^%s*(%S+)%s*:%s*(.+)%s*$')
if key then
key = key:lower():gsub('%-', '_')
key = key:lower():gsub('%-', '_') --- @type string
headers[key] = value
local _ = log.error() and log.error('invalid header line %q', line)
log_error('invalid header line %q', line)
error(string.format('invalid header line %q', line))
@ -96,17 +115,17 @@ local function request_parser_loop()
local body = table.concat(body_chunks)
-- Yield our data.
buffer = rest
.. (
coroutine.yield(headers, body)
or error('Expected more data for the body. The server may have died.')
) -- TODO hmm.
--- @type string
local data = coroutine.yield(headers, body)
or error('Expected more data for the body. The server may have died.')
buffer = rest .. data
-- Get more data since we don't have enough.
buffer = buffer
.. (
coroutine.yield() or error('Expected more data for the header. The server may have died.')
) -- TODO hmm.
--- @type string
local data = coroutine.yield()
or error('Expected more data for the header. The server may have died.')
buffer = buffer .. data
@ -138,7 +157,7 @@ function M.format_rpc_error(err)
-- There is ErrorCodes in the LSP specification,
-- but in ResponseError.code it is not used and the actual type is number.
local code
local code --- @type string
if protocol.ErrorCodes[err.code] then
code = string.format('code_name = %s,', protocol.ErrorCodes[err.code])
@ -174,48 +193,51 @@ function M.rpc_response_error(code, message, data)
local default_dispatchers = {}
--- @class vim.rpc.Dispatchers
--- @field notification fun(method: string, params: table)
--- @field server_request fun(method: string, params: table): any?, string?
--- @field on_exit fun(code: integer, signal: integer)
--- @field on_error fun(code: integer, err: any)
--- Default dispatcher for notifications sent to an LSP server.
---@param method (string) The invoked LSP method
---@param params (table): Parameters for the invoked LSP method
function default_dispatchers.notification(method, params)
local _ = log.debug() and log.debug('notification', method, params)
--- @type vim.rpc.Dispatchers
local default_dispatchers = {
--- Default dispatcher for notifications sent to an LSP server.
---@param method (string) The invoked LSP method
---@param params (table): Parameters for the invoked LSP method
notification = function(method, params)
log_debug('notification', method, params)
--- Default dispatcher for requests sent to an LSP server.
---@param method (string) The invoked LSP method
---@param params (table): Parameters for the invoked LSP method
---@return nil
---@return table `vim.lsp.protocol.ErrorCodes.MethodNotFound`
function default_dispatchers.server_request(method, params)
local _ = log.debug() and log.debug('server_request', method, params)
return nil, M.rpc_response_error(protocol.ErrorCodes.MethodNotFound)
--- Default dispatcher for requests sent to an LSP server.
---@param method (string) The invoked LSP method
---@param params (table): Parameters for the invoked LSP method
---@return nil
---@return table, `vim.lsp.protocol.ErrorCodes.MethodNotFound`
server_request = function(method, params)
log_debug('server_request', method, params)
return nil, M.rpc_response_error(protocol.ErrorCodes.MethodNotFound)
--- Default dispatcher for when a client exits.
---@param code (integer): Exit code
---@param signal (integer): Number describing the signal used to terminate (if
function default_dispatchers.on_exit(code, signal)
local _ = log.info() and log.info('client_exit', { code = code, signal = signal })
--- Default dispatcher for when a client exits.
---@param code (integer): Exit code
---@param signal (integer): Number describing the signal used to terminate (if
on_exit = function(code, signal)
log_info('client_exit', { code = code, signal = signal })
--- Default dispatcher for client errors.
---@param code (integer): Error code
---@param err (any): Details about the error
function default_dispatchers.on_error(code, err)
local _ = log.error() and log.error('client_error:', M.client_errors[code], err)
--- Default dispatcher for client errors.
---@param code (integer): Error code
---@param err (any): Details about the error
on_error = function(code, err)
log_error('client_error:', M.client_errors[code], err)
function M.create_read_loop(handle_body, on_no_chunk, on_error)
@ -248,8 +270,8 @@ end
---@class RpcClient
---@field message_index integer
---@field message_callbacks table
---@field notify_reply_callbacks table
---@field message_callbacks table<integer,function>
---@field notify_reply_callbacks table<integer,function>
---@field transport table
---@field dispatchers table
@ -258,7 +280,7 @@ local Client = {}
function Client:encode_and_send(payload)
local _ = log.debug() and log.debug('rpc.send', payload)
log_debug('rpc.send', payload)
if self.transport.is_closing() then
return false
@ -267,7 +289,7 @@ function Client:encode_and_send(payload)
return true
--- Sends a notification to the LSP server.
---@param method (string) The invoked LSP method
---@param params (any): Parameters for the invoked LSP method
@ -291,7 +313,7 @@ function Client:send_response(request_id, err, result)
--- Sends a request to the LSP server and runs {callback} upon response.
---@param method (string) The invoked LSP method
@ -329,7 +351,7 @@ function Client:request(method, params, callback, notify_reply_callback)
function Client:on_error(errkind, ...)
-- TODO what to do if this fails?
@ -354,17 +376,17 @@ end
-- time and log them. This would require storing the timestamp. I could call
-- them with an error then, perhaps.
function Client:handle_body(body)
local ok, decoded = pcall(vim.json.decode, body, { luanil = { object = true } })
if not ok then
self:on_error(M.client_errors.INVALID_SERVER_JSON, decoded)
local _ = log.debug() and log.debug('rpc.receive', decoded)
log_debug('rpc.receive', decoded)
if type(decoded.method) == 'string' and decoded.id then
local err
local err --- @type table?
-- Schedule here so that the users functions don't trigger an error and
-- we can still use the result.
@ -376,11 +398,10 @@ function Client:handle_body(body)
local _ = log.debug()
and log.debug(
'server_request: callback result',
{ status = status, result = result, err = err }
'server_request: callback result',
{ status = status, result = result, err = err }
if status then
if result == nil and err == nil then
@ -431,7 +452,7 @@ function Client:handle_body(body)
if decoded.error then
local mute_error = false
if decoded.error.code == protocol.ErrorCodes.RequestCancelled then
local _ = log.debug() and log.debug('Received cancellation ack', decoded)
log_debug('Received cancellation ack', decoded)
mute_error = true
@ -467,7 +488,7 @@ function Client:handle_body(body)
self:on_error(M.client_errors.NO_RESULT_CALLBACK_FOUND, decoded)
local _ = log.error() and log.error('No callback found for server response id ' .. result_id)
log_error('No callback found for server response id ' .. result_id)
elseif type(decoded.method) == 'string' then
-- Notification
@ -495,7 +516,14 @@ local function new_client(dispatchers, transport)
return setmetatable(state, { __index = Client })
--- @class RpcClientPublic
--- @field is_closing fun(): boolean
--- @field terminate fun()
--- @field request fun(method: string, params: table?, callback: function, notify_reply_callbacks?: function)
--- @field notify fun(methid: string, params: table?): boolean
---@param client RpcClient
---@return RpcClientPublic
local function public_client(client)
local result = {}
@ -531,12 +559,14 @@ local function public_client(client)
return result
--- @param dispatchers vim.rpc.Dispatchers?
--- @return vim.rpc.Dispatchers
local function merge_dispatchers(dispatchers)
if dispatchers then
local user_dispatchers = dispatchers
dispatchers = {}
for dispatch_name, default_dispatch in pairs(default_dispatchers) do
local user_dispatcher = user_dispatchers[dispatch_name]
local user_dispatcher = user_dispatchers[dispatch_name] --- @type function
if user_dispatcher then
if type(user_dispatcher) ~= 'function' then
error(string.format('dispatcher.%s must be a function', dispatch_name))
@ -547,8 +577,10 @@ local function merge_dispatchers(dispatchers)
user_dispatcher = schedule_wrap(user_dispatcher)
--- @diagnostic disable-next-line:no-unknown
dispatchers[dispatch_name] = user_dispatcher
--- @diagnostic disable-next-line:no-unknown
dispatchers[dispatch_name] = default_dispatch
@ -567,7 +599,7 @@ end
function M.connect(host, port)
return function(dispatchers)
dispatchers = merge_dispatchers(dispatchers)
local tcp = uv.new_tcp()
local tcp = assert(uv.new_tcp())
local closing = false
local transport = {
write = function(msg)
@ -624,15 +656,13 @@ end
--- server process. May contain:
--- - {cwd} (string) Working directory for the LSP server process
--- - {env} (table) Additional environment variables for LSP server process
---@return table|nil Client RPC object, with these methods:
---@return RpcClientPublic|nil Client RPC object, with these methods:
--- - `notify()` |vim.lsp.rpc.notify()|
--- - `request()` |vim.lsp.rpc.request()|
--- - `is_closing()` returns a boolean indicating if the RPC is closing.
--- - `terminate()` terminates the RPC client.
function M.start(cmd, cmd_args, dispatchers, extra_spawn_params)
if log.info() then
log.info('Starting RPC client', { cmd = cmd, args = cmd_args, extra = extra_spawn_params })
log_info('Starting RPC client', { cmd = cmd, args = cmd_args, extra = extra_spawn_params })
cmd = { cmd, 's' },
@ -671,8 +701,8 @@ function M.start(cmd, cmd_args, dispatchers, extra_spawn_params)
local stderr_handler = function(_, chunk)
if chunk and log.error() then
log.error('rpc', cmd, 'stderr', chunk)
if chunk then
log_error('rpc', cmd, 'stderr', chunk)
@ -697,13 +727,13 @@ function M.start(cmd, cmd_args, dispatchers, extra_spawn_params)
if not ok then
local err = sysobj_or_err --[[@as string]]
local msg = string.format('Spawning language server with cmd: `%s` failed', cmd)
local sfx --- @type string
if string.match(err, 'ENOENT') then
msg = msg
.. '. The language server is either not installed, missing from PATH, or not executable.'
sfx = '. The language server is either not installed, missing from PATH, or not executable.'
msg = msg .. string.format(' with error message: %s', err)
sfx = string.format(' with error message: %s', err)
local msg = string.format('Spawning language server with cmd: `%s` failed%s', cmd, sfx)
vim.notify(msg, vim.log.levels.WARN)

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ local uv = vim.uv
--- @field start_col integer start column 0-based
--- @field end_col integer end column 0-based
--- @field type string token type as string
--- @field modifiers table token modifiers as a set. E.g., { static = true, readonly = true }
--- @field modifiers table<string,boolean> token modifiers as a set. E.g., { static = true, readonly = true }
--- @field marked boolean whether this token has had extmarks applied
--- @class STCurrentResult
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ local uv = vim.uv
--- @field namespace_cleared? boolean whether the namespace was cleared for this result yet
--- @class STActiveRequest
--- @field request_id integer the LSP request ID of the most recent request sent to the server
--- @field version integer the document version associated with the most recent request
--- @field request_id? integer the LSP request ID of the most recent request sent to the server
--- @field version? integer the document version associated with the most recent request
--- @class STClientState
--- @field namespace integer
@ -72,9 +72,11 @@ end
--- Extracts modifier strings from the encoded number in the token array
---@param x integer
---@param modifiers_table table<integer,string>
---@return table<string, boolean>
local function modifiers_from_number(x, modifiers_table)
local modifiers = {}
local modifiers = {} ---@type table<string,boolean>
local idx = 1
while x > 0 do
if bit.band(x, 1) == 1 then
@ -89,20 +91,24 @@ end
--- Converts a raw token list to a list of highlight ranges used by the on_win callback
---@param data integer[]
---@param bufnr integer
---@param client lsp.Client
---@param request STActiveRequest
---@return STTokenRange[]
local function tokens_to_ranges(data, bufnr, client, request)
local legend = client.server_capabilities.semanticTokensProvider.legend
local token_types = legend.tokenTypes
local token_modifiers = legend.tokenModifiers
local lines = api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false)
local ranges = {}
local ranges = {} ---@type STTokenRange[]
local start = uv.hrtime()
local ms_to_ns = 1000 * 1000
local yield_interval_ns = 5 * ms_to_ns
local co, is_main = coroutine.running()
local line
local line ---@type integer?
local start_char = 0
for i = 1, #data, 5 do
-- if this function is called from the main coroutine, let it run to completion with no yield
@ -167,6 +173,7 @@ end
---@param bufnr integer
---@return STHighlighter
function STHighlighter.new(bufnr)
local self = setmetatable({}, { __index = STHighlighter })
@ -221,7 +228,7 @@ function STHighlighter.new(bufnr)
return self
function STHighlighter:destroy()
for client_id, _ in pairs(self.client_state) do
@ -231,7 +238,7 @@ function STHighlighter:destroy()
STHighlighter.active[self.bufnr] = nil
function STHighlighter:attach(client_id)
local state = self.client_state[client_id]
if not state then
@ -244,7 +251,7 @@ function STHighlighter:attach(client_id)
function STHighlighter:detach(client_id)
local state = self.client_state[client_id]
if state then
@ -267,7 +274,7 @@ end
--- Finally, if the request was successful, the requestId and document version
--- are saved to facilitate document synchronization in the response.
function STHighlighter:send_request()
local version = util.buf_versions[self.bufnr]
@ -303,7 +310,8 @@ function STHighlighter:send_request()
-- look client up again using ctx.client_id instead of using a captured
-- client object
local c = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(ctx.client_id)
local highlighter = STHighlighter.active[ctx.bufnr]
local bufnr = assert(ctx.bufnr)
local highlighter = STHighlighter.active[bufnr]
if not err and c and highlighter then
coroutine.wrap(STHighlighter.process_response)(highlighter, response, c, version)
@ -328,6 +336,7 @@ end
--- Finally, a redraw command is issued to force nvim to redraw the screen to
--- pick up changed highlight tokens.
---@param response lsp.SemanticTokens|lsp.SemanticTokensDelta
function STHighlighter:process_response(response, client, version)
local state = self.client_state[client.id]
@ -348,15 +357,15 @@ function STHighlighter:process_response(response, client, version)
-- if we have a response to a delta request, update the state of our tokens
-- appropriately. if it's a full response, just use that
local tokens
local tokens ---@type integer[]
local token_edits = response.edits
if token_edits then
table.sort(token_edits, function(a, b)
return a.start < b.start
tokens = {}
local old_tokens = state.current_result.tokens
tokens = {} --- @type integer[]
local old_tokens = assert(state.current_result.tokens)
local idx = 1
for _, token_edit in ipairs(token_edits) do
vim.list_extend(tokens, old_tokens, idx, token_edit.start)
@ -404,7 +413,9 @@ end
--- handler to avoid the "blink" that occurs due to the timing between the
--- response handler and the actual redraw.
---@param topline integer
---@param botline integer
function STHighlighter:on_win(topline, botline)
for client_id, state in pairs(self.client_state) do
local current_result = state.current_result
@ -450,7 +461,7 @@ function STHighlighter:on_win(topline, botline)
local ft = vim.bo[self.bufnr].filetype
local highlights = current_result.highlights
local highlights = assert(current_result.highlights)
local first = lower_bound(highlights, topline, 1, #highlights + 1)
local last = upper_bound(highlights, botline, first, #highlights + 1) - 1
@ -480,7 +491,7 @@ end
--- Reset the buffer's highlighting state and clears the extmark highlights.
function STHighlighter:reset()
for client_id, state in pairs(self.client_state) do
api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(self.bufnr, state.namespace, 0, -1)
@ -499,7 +510,7 @@ end
--- in the on_win callback. The rest of the current results are saved
--- in case the server supports delta requests.
---@param client_id integer
function STHighlighter:mark_dirty(client_id)
local state = self.client_state[client_id]
@ -521,7 +532,7 @@ function STHighlighter:mark_dirty(client_id)
function STHighlighter:on_change()
if self.debounce > 0 then
@ -636,6 +647,9 @@ function M.stop(bufnr, client_id)
--- @class STTokenRangeInspect : STTokenRange
--- @field client_id integer
--- Return the semantic token(s) at the given position.
--- If called without arguments, returns the token under the cursor.
@ -643,13 +657,14 @@ end
---@param row integer|nil Position row (default cursor position)
---@param col integer|nil Position column (default cursor position)
---@return table|nil (table|nil) List of tokens at position. Each token has
---@return STTokenRangeInspect[]|nil (table|nil) List of tokens at position. Each token has
--- the following fields:
--- - line (integer) line number, 0-based
--- - start_col (integer) start column, 0-based
--- - end_col (integer) end column, 0-based
--- - type (string) token type as string, e.g. "variable"
--- - modifiers (table) token modifiers as a set. E.g., { static = true, readonly = true }
--- - client_id (integer)
function M.get_at_pos(bufnr, row, col)
if bufnr == nil or bufnr == 0 then
bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf()
@ -665,13 +680,14 @@ function M.get_at_pos(bufnr, row, col)
row, col = cursor[1] - 1, cursor[2]
local tokens = {}
local tokens = {} --- @type STTokenRangeInspect[]
for client_id, client in pairs(highlighter.client_state) do
local highlights = client.current_result.highlights
if highlights then
local idx = lower_bound(highlights, row, 1, #highlights + 1)
for i = idx, #highlights do
local token = highlights[i]
--- @cast token STTokenRangeInspect
if token.line > row then

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ local function byte_to_utf(line, byte, offset_encoding)
-- convert to 0 based indexing for str_utfindex
byte = byte - 1
local utf_idx
local utf_idx --- @type integer
local _
-- Convert the byte range to utf-{8,16,32} and convert 1-based (lua) indexing to 0-based
if offset_encoding == 'utf-16' then
@ -73,8 +73,11 @@ local function byte_to_utf(line, byte, offset_encoding)
return utf_idx + 1
---@param line string
---@param offset_encoding string
---@return integer
local function compute_line_length(line, offset_encoding)
local length
local length --- @type integer
local _
if offset_encoding == 'utf-16' then
_, length = str_utfindex(line)
@ -94,7 +97,7 @@ end
---@return integer byte_idx of first change position
---@return integer char_idx of first change position
local function align_end_position(line, byte, offset_encoding)
local char
local char --- @type integer
-- If on the first byte, or an empty string: the trivial case
if byte == 1 or #line == 0 then
char = byte
@ -120,8 +123,8 @@ local function align_end_position(line, byte, offset_encoding)
--- Finds the first line, byte, and char index of the difference between the previous and current lines buffer normalized to the previous codepoint.
---@param prev_lines table list of lines from previous buffer
---@param curr_lines table list of lines from current buffer
---@param prev_lines string[] list of lines from previous buffer
---@param curr_lines string[] list of lines from current buffer
---@param firstline integer firstline from on_lines, adjusted to 1-index
---@param lastline integer lastline from on_lines, adjusted to 1-index
---@param new_lastline integer new_lastline from on_lines, adjusted to 1-index
@ -135,14 +138,14 @@ local function compute_start_range(
local char_idx
local byte_idx
local char_idx --- @type integer?
local byte_idx --- @type integer?
-- If firstline == lastline, no existing text is changed. All edit operations
-- occur on a new line pointed to by lastline. This occurs during insertion of
-- new lines(O), the new newline is inserted at the line indicated by
-- new_lastline.
if firstline == lastline then
local line_idx
local line_idx --- @type integer
local line = prev_lines[firstline - 1]
if line then
line_idx = firstline - 1
@ -343,6 +346,12 @@ end
-- codeunits for utf-32
-- Line endings count here as 2 chars for \r\n (dos), 1 char for \n (unix), and 1 char for \r (mac)
-- These correspond to Windows, Linux/macOS (OSX and newer), and macOS (version 9 and prior)
---@param lines string[]
---@param start_range table
---@param end_range table
---@param offset_encoding string
---@param line_ending string
---@return integer
local function compute_range_length(lines, start_range, end_range, offset_encoding, line_ending)
local line_ending_length = #line_ending
-- Single line case
@ -351,7 +360,7 @@ local function compute_range_length(lines, start_range, end_range, offset_encodi
local start_line = lines[start_range.line_idx]
local range_length
local range_length --- @type integer
if start_line and #start_line > 0 then
range_length = compute_line_length(start_line, offset_encoding)
- start_range.char_idx
@ -387,6 +396,7 @@ end
---@param lastline integer line to begin search in old_lines for last difference
---@param new_lastline integer line to begin search in new_lines for last difference
---@param offset_encoding string encoding requested by language server
---@param line_ending string
---@return table TextDocumentContentChangeEvent see https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specification/#textDocumentContentChangeEvent
function M.compute_diff(

View File

@ -2089,7 +2089,7 @@ end
--- Creates a `DocumentFormattingParams` object for the current buffer and cursor position.
---@param options table|nil with valid `FormattingOptions` entries
---@return `DocumentFormattingParams` object
---@return lsp.DocumentFormattingParams object
---@see https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#textDocument_formatting
function M.make_formatting_params(options)
validate({ options = { options, 't', true } })
@ -2228,6 +2228,6 @@ end
M._get_line_byte_from_position = get_line_byte_from_position
M.buf_versions = {}
M.buf_versions = {} ---@type table<integer,integer>
return M