
Add Julia runtime files.
This commit is contained in:
Christian Clason 2021-08-08 23:50:28 +02:00
parent 0dc4bec69e
commit 65f32f0f19
3 changed files with 1133 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
" Vim filetype plugin file
" Language: Julia
" Maintainer: Carlo Baldassi <>
" Homepage:
" Last Change: 2014 may 29
" adapted from upstream 2021 Aug 4
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo-=C
setlocal include=^\\s*\\%(reload\\\|include\\)\\>
setlocal suffixesadd=.jl
setlocal comments=:#
setlocal commentstring=#\ %s
setlocal cinoptions+=#1
setlocal define=^\\s*macro\\>
setlocal fo-=t fo+=croql
let b:julia_vim_loaded = 1
let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal include< suffixesadd< comments< commentstring<"
\ . " define< fo< shiftwidth< expandtab< indentexpr< indentkeys< cinoptions< completefunc<"
\ . " | unlet! b:julia_vim_loaded"
" MatchIt plugin support
if exists("loaded_matchit")
let b:match_ignorecase = 0
" note: begin_keywords must contain all blocks, in order
" for nested-structures-skipping to work properly
" note: 'mutable struct' and 'struct' are defined separately because
" using \? puts the cursor on 'struct' instead of 'mutable' for some reason
let b:julia_begin_keywords = '\%(\.\s*\|@\)\@<!\<\%(function\|macro\|begin\|mutable\s\+struct\|\%(mutable\s\+\)\@<!struct\|\%(abstract\|primitive\)\s\+type\|let\|do\|\%(bare\)\?module\|quote\|if\|for\|while\|try\)\>'
" note: the following regex not only recognizes macros, but also local/global keywords.
" the purpose is recognizing things like `@inline myfunction()`
" or `global myfunction(...)` etc, for matchit and block movement functionality
let s:macro_regex = '\%(@\%([#(]\@!\S\)\+\|\<\%(local\|global\)\)\s\+'
let s:nomacro = '\%(' . s:macro_regex . '\)\@<!'
let s:yesmacro = s:nomacro . '\%('. s:macro_regex . '\)\+'
let b:julia_begin_keywordsm = '\%(' . s:yesmacro . b:julia_begin_keywords . '\)\|'
\ . '\%(' . s:nomacro . b:julia_begin_keywords . '\)'
let b:julia_end_keywords = '\<end\>'
" note: this function relies heavily on the syntax file
function! JuliaGetMatchWords()
let [l,c] = [line('.'),col('.')]
let attr = synIDattr(synID(l, c, 1),"name")
let c1 = c
while attr == 'juliaMacro' || expand('<cword>') =~# '\<\%(global\|local\)\>'
normal! W
if line('.') > l || col('.') == c1
call cursor(l, c)
return ''
let attr = synIDattr(synID(l, col('.'), 1),"name")
let c1 = col('.')
call cursor(l, c)
if attr == 'juliaConditional'
return b:julia_begin_keywordsm . ':\<\%(elseif\|else\)\>:' . b:julia_end_keywords
elseif attr =~# '\<\%(juliaRepeat\|juliaRepKeyword\)\>'
return b:julia_begin_keywordsm . ':\<\%(break\|continue\)\>:' . b:julia_end_keywords
elseif attr == 'juliaBlKeyword'
return b:julia_begin_keywordsm . ':' . b:julia_end_keywords
elseif attr == 'juliaException'
return b:julia_begin_keywordsm . ':\<\%(catch\|finally\)\>:' . b:julia_end_keywords
return '\<\>:\<\>'
let b:match_words = 'JuliaGetMatchWords()'
" we need to skip everything within comments, strings and
" the 'begin' and 'end' keywords when they are used as a range rather than as
" the delimiter of a block
let b:match_skip = 'synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),0),"name") =~# '
\ . '"\\<julia\\%(Comprehension\\%(For\\|If\\)\\|RangeKeyword\\|Comment\\%([LM]\\|Delim\\)\\|\\%([bs]\\|Shell\\|Printf\\|Doc\\)\\?String\\|StringPrefixed\\|DocStringM\\(Raw\\)\\?\\|RegEx\\|SymbolS\\?\\|Dotted\\)\\>"'
let b:undo_ftplugin = b:undo_ftplugin
\ . " | unlet! b:match_words b:match_skip b:match_ignorecase"
\ . " | unlet! b:julia_begin_keywords b:julia_end_keywords"
\ . " | delfunction JuliaGetMatchWords"
let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo

runtime/indent/julia.vim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
" Vim indent file
" Language: Julia
" Maintainer: Carlo Baldassi <>
" Homepage:
" Last Change: 2016 jun 16
" Notes: originally based on Bram Molenaar's indent file for vim
setlocal autoindent
setlocal indentexpr=GetJuliaIndent()
setlocal indentkeys+==end,=else,=catch,=finally,),],}
setlocal indentkeys-=0#
setlocal indentkeys-=:
setlocal indentkeys-=0{
setlocal indentkeys-=0}
setlocal nosmartindent
" Only define the function once.
if exists("*GetJuliaIndent")
let s:skipPatternsBasic = '\<julia\%(Comment\%([LM]\|Delim\)\)\>'
let s:skipPatterns = '\<julia\%(Comprehension\%(For\|If\)\|RangeKeyword\|Comment\%([LM]\|Delim\)\|\%([bs]\|Shell\|Printf\|Doc\)\?String\|StringPrefixed\|DocStringM\(Raw\)\?\|RegEx\|SymbolS\?\|Macro\|Dotted\)\>'
function JuliaMatch(lnum, str, regex, st, ...)
let s = a:st
let e = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : -1
let basic_skip = a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : 'all'
let skip = basic_skip ==# 'basic' ? s:skipPatternsBasic : s:skipPatterns
while 1
let f = match(a:str, '\C' . a:regex, s)
if e >= 0 && f >= e
return -1
if f >= 0
let attr = synIDattr(synID(a:lnum,f+1,1),"name")
let attrT = synIDattr(synID(a:lnum,f+1,0),"name")
if attr =~# skip || attrT =~# skip
let s = f+1
return f
function GetJuliaNestingStruct(lnum, ...)
" Auxiliary function to inspect the block structure of a line
let line = getline(a:lnum)
let s = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 0
let e = a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : -1
let blocks_stack = []
let num_closed_blocks = 0
while 1
let fb = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '\<\%(if\|else\%(if\)\?\|while\|for\|try\|catch\|finally\|\%(staged\)\?function\|macro\|begin\|mutable\s\+struct\|\%(mutable\s\+\)\@<!struct\|\%(abstract\|primitive\)\s\+type\|let\|\%(bare\)\?module\|quote\|do\)\>', s, e)
let fe = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '\<end\>', s, e)
if fb < 0 && fe < 0
" No blocks found
if fb >= 0 && (fb < fe || fe < 0)
" The first occurrence is an opening block keyword
" Note: some keywords (elseif,else,catch,finally) are both
" closing blocks and opening new ones
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '\<if\>', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fb
let s = i+1
call add(blocks_stack, 'if')
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '\<elseif\>', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fb
let s = i+1
if len(blocks_stack) > 0 && blocks_stack[-1] == 'if'
let blocks_stack[-1] = 'elseif'
elseif (len(blocks_stack) > 0 && blocks_stack[-1] != 'elseif') || len(blocks_stack) == 0
call add(blocks_stack, 'elseif')
let num_closed_blocks += 1
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '\<else\>', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fb
let s = i+1
if len(blocks_stack) > 0 && blocks_stack[-1] =~# '\<\%(else\)\=if\>'
let blocks_stack[-1] = 'else'
call add(blocks_stack, 'else')
let num_closed_blocks += 1
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '\<try\>', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fb
let s = i+1
call add(blocks_stack, 'try')
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '\<catch\>', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fb
let s = i+1
if len(blocks_stack) > 0 && blocks_stack[-1] == 'try'
let blocks_stack[-1] = 'catch'
call add(blocks_stack, 'catch')
let num_closed_blocks += 1
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '\<finally\>', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fb
let s = i+1
if len(blocks_stack) > 0 && (blocks_stack[-1] == 'try' || blocks_stack[-1] == 'catch')
let blocks_stack[-1] = 'finally'
call add(blocks_stack, 'finally')
let num_closed_blocks += 1
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '\<\%(bare\)\?module\>', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fb
let s = i+1
if i == 0
call add(blocks_stack, 'col1module')
call add(blocks_stack, 'other')
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '\<\%(while\|for\|function\|macro\|begin\|\%(mutable\s\+\)\?struct\|\%(abstract\|primitive\)\s\+type\|let\|quote\|do\)\>', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fb
if match(line, '\C\<\%(mutable\|abstract\|primitive\)', i) != -1
let s = i+11
let s = i+1
call add(blocks_stack, 'other')
" Note: it should be impossible to get here
" The first occurrence is an 'end'
let s = fe+1
if len(blocks_stack) == 0
let num_closed_blocks += 1
call remove(blocks_stack, -1)
" Note: it should be impossible to get here
let num_open_blocks = len(blocks_stack) - count(blocks_stack, 'col1module')
return [num_open_blocks, num_closed_blocks]
function GetJuliaNestingBrackets(lnum, c)
" Auxiliary function to inspect the brackets structure of a line
let line = getline(a:lnum)[0 : (a:c - 1)]
let s = 0
let brackets_stack = []
let last_closed_bracket = -1
while 1
let fb = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '[([{]', s)
let fe = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '[])}]', s)
if fb < 0 && fe < 0
" No brackets found
if fb >= 0 && (fb < fe || fe < 0)
" The first occurrence is an opening bracket
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '(', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fb
let s = i+1
call add(brackets_stack, ['par',i])
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '\[', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fb
let s = i+1
call add(brackets_stack, ['sqbra',i])
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '{', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fb
let s = i+1
call add(brackets_stack, ['curbra',i])
" Note: it should be impossible to get here
" The first occurrence is a closing bracket
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, ')', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fe
let s = i+1
if len(brackets_stack) > 0 && brackets_stack[-1][0] == 'par'
call remove(brackets_stack, -1)
let last_closed_bracket = i + 1
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, ']', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fe
let s = i+1
if len(brackets_stack) > 0 && brackets_stack[-1][0] == 'sqbra'
call remove(brackets_stack, -1)
let last_closed_bracket = i + 1
let i = JuliaMatch(a:lnum, line, '}', s)
if i >= 0 && i == fe
let s = i+1
if len(brackets_stack) > 0 && brackets_stack[-1][0] == 'curbra'
call remove(brackets_stack, -1)
let last_closed_bracket = i + 1
" Note: it should be impossible to get here
" Note: it should be impossible to get here
let first_open_bracket = -1
let last_open_bracket = -1
let infuncargs = 0
if len(brackets_stack) > 0
let first_open_bracket = brackets_stack[0][1]
let last_open_bracket = brackets_stack[-1][1]
if brackets_stack[-1][0] == 'par' && IsFunctionArgPar(a:lnum, last_open_bracket+1)
let infuncargs = 1
return [first_open_bracket, last_open_bracket, last_closed_bracket, infuncargs]
let s:bracketBlocks = '\<julia\%(\%(\%(Printf\)\?Par\|SqBra\%(Idx\)\?\|CurBra\)Block\|ParBlockInRange\|StringVars\%(Par\|SqBra\|CurBra\)\|Dollar\%(Par\|SqBra\)\|QuotedParBlockS\?\)\>'
function IsInBrackets(lnum, c)
let stack = map(synstack(a:lnum, a:c), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")')
call filter(stack, 'v:val =~# s:bracketBlocks')
return len(stack) > 0
function IsInDocString(lnum)
let stack = map(synstack(a:lnum, 1), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")')
call filter(stack, 'v:val =~# "\\<juliaDocString\\(Delim\\|M\\\(Raw\\)\\?\\)\\?\\>"')
return len(stack) > 0
function IsInContinuationImportLine(lnum)
let stack = map(synstack(a:lnum, 1), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")')
call filter(stack, 'v:val =~# "\\<juliaImportLine\\>"')
if len(stack) == 0
return 0
return JuliaMatch(a:lnum, getline(a:lnum), '\<\%(import\|using\|export\)\>', indent(a:lnum)) == -1
function IsFunctionArgPar(lnum, c)
if a:c == 0
return 0
let stack = map(synstack(a:lnum, a:c-1), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")')
return len(stack) >= 2 && stack[-2] ==# 'juliaFunctionDef'
function JumpToMatch(lnum, last_closed_bracket)
" we use the % command to skip back (tries to ues matchit if possible,
" otherwise resorts to vim's default, which is buggy but better than
" nothing)
call cursor(a:lnum, a:last_closed_bracket)
let percmap = maparg("%", "n")
if exists("g:loaded_matchit") && percmap =~# 'Match\%(it\|_wrapper\)'
normal %
normal! %
" Auxiliary function to find a line which does not start in the middle of a
" multiline bracketed expression, to be used as reference for block
" indentation.
function LastBlockIndent(lnum)
let lnum = a:lnum
let ind = 0
while lnum > 0
let ind = indent(lnum)
if ind == 0
return [lnum, 0]
if !IsInBrackets(lnum, 1)
let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
return [max([lnum,1]), ind]
function GetJuliaIndent()
" Do not alter doctrings indentation
if IsInDocString(v:lnum)
return -1
" Find a non-blank line above the current line.
let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
" At the start of the file use zero indent.
if lnum == 0
return 0
let ind = -1
let st = -1
let lim = -1
" Multiline bracketed expressions take precedence
let align_brackets = get(g:, "julia_indent_align_brackets", 1)
let align_funcargs = get(g:, "julia_indent_align_funcargs", 0)
let c = len(getline(lnum)) + 1
while IsInBrackets(lnum, c)
let [first_open_bracket, last_open_bracket, last_closed_bracket, infuncargs] = GetJuliaNestingBrackets(lnum, c)
" First scenario: the previous line has a hanging open bracket:
" set the indentation to match the opening bracket (plus an extra space)
" unless we're in a function arguments list or alignment is disabled, in
" which case we just add an extra indent
if last_open_bracket != -1
if (!infuncargs && align_brackets) || (infuncargs && align_funcargs)
let st = last_open_bracket
let ind = virtcol([lnum, st + 1])
let ind = indent(lnum) + shiftwidth()
" Second scenario: some multiline bracketed expression was closed in the
" previous line. But since we know we are still in a bracketed expression,
" we need to find the line where the bracket was opened
elseif last_closed_bracket != -1
call JumpToMatch(lnum, last_closed_bracket)
if line(".") == lnum
" something wrong here, give up
let ind = indent(lnum)
let lnum = line(".")
let c = col(".") - 1
if c == 0
" uhm, give up
let ind = 0
" we skipped a bracket set, keep searching for an opening bracket
let lim = c
" Third scenario: nothing special: keep the indentation
let ind = indent(lnum)
" Does the current line start with a closing bracket? Then depending on
" the situation we align it with the opening one, or we let the rest of
" the code figure it out (the case in which we're closing a function
" argument list is special-cased)
if JuliaMatch(v:lnum, getline(v:lnum), '[])}]', indent(v:lnum)) == indent(v:lnum) && ind > 0
if !align_brackets && !align_funcargs
call JumpToMatch(v:lnum, indent(v:lnum))
return indent(line("."))
elseif (align_brackets && getline(v:lnum)[indent(v:lnum)] != ')') || align_funcargs
return ind - 1
else " must be a ')' and align_brackets==1 and align_funcargs==0
call JumpToMatch(v:lnum, indent(v:lnum))
if IsFunctionArgPar(line("."), col("."))
let ind = -1
return ind - 1
if ind == -1
" We are not in a multiline bracketed expression. Thus we look for a
" previous line to use as a reference
let [lnum,ind] = LastBlockIndent(lnum)
let c = len(getline(lnum)) + 1
if IsInBrackets(lnum, c)
let [first_open_bracket, last_open_bracket, last_closed_bracket, infuncargs] = GetJuliaNestingBrackets(lnum, c)
let lim = first_open_bracket
" Analyse the reference line
let [num_open_blocks, num_closed_blocks] = GetJuliaNestingStruct(lnum, st, lim)
" Increase indentation for each newly opened block in the reference line
let ind += shiftwidth() * num_open_blocks
" Analyse the current line
let [num_open_blocks, num_closed_blocks] = GetJuliaNestingStruct(v:lnum)
" Decrease indentation for each closed block in the current line
let ind -= shiftwidth() * num_closed_blocks
" Additional special case: multiline import/using/export statements
let prevline = getline(lnum)
" Are we in a multiline import/using/export statement, right below the
" opening line?
if IsInContinuationImportLine(v:lnum) && !IsInContinuationImportLine(lnum)
if get(g:, 'julia_indent_align_import', 1)
" if the opening line has a colon followed by non-comments, use it as
" reference point
let cind = JuliaMatch(lnum, prevline, ':', indent(lnum), lim)
if cind >= 0
let nonwhiteind = JuliaMatch(lnum, prevline, '\S', cind+1, -1, 'basic')
if nonwhiteind >= 0
" return match(prevline, '\S', cind+1) " a bit overkill...
return cind + 2
" if the opening line is not a naked import/using/export statement, use
" it as reference
let iind = JuliaMatch(lnum, prevline, '\<import\|using\|export\>', indent(lnum), lim)
if iind >= 0
" assuming whitespace after using... so no `using(XYZ)` please!
let nonwhiteind = JuliaMatch(lnum, prevline, '\S', iind+6, -1, 'basic')
if nonwhiteind >= 0
return match(prevline, '\S', iind+6)
let ind += shiftwidth()
" Or did we just close a multiline import/using/export statement?
elseif !IsInContinuationImportLine(v:lnum) && IsInContinuationImportLine(lnum)
" find the starting line of the statement
let ilnum = 0
for iln in range(lnum-1, 1, -1)
if !IsInContinuationImportLine(iln)
let ilnum = iln
if ilnum == 0
" something went horribly wrong, give up
let ind = indent(lnum)
let ind = indent(ilnum)
return ind

runtime/syntax/julia.vim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: julia
" Maintainer: Carlo Baldassi <>
" Homepage:
" Last Change: 2013 feb 11
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
if version < 704
" this is used to disable regex syntax like `\@3<='
" on older vim versions
function! s:d(x)
return ''
function! s:d(x)
return string(a:x)
scriptencoding utf-8
let s:julia_spellcheck_strings = get(g:, "julia_spellcheck_strings", 0)
let s:julia_spellcheck_docstrings = get(g:, "julia_spellcheck_docstrings", 1)
let s:julia_spellcheck_comments = get(g:, "julia_spellcheck_comments", 1)
let s:julia_highlight_operators = get(g:, "julia_highlight_operators", 1)
" List of characters, up to \UFF, which cannot be used in identifiers.
" (It includes operator characters; we don't consider them identifiers.)
" This is used mostly in lookbehinds with `\@<=`, e.g. when we need to check
" that that we're not in the middle of an identifier.
" It doesn't include a few characters (spaces and all closing parentheses)
" because those may or may not be valid in the lookbehind on a case-by-case
" basis.
let s:nonid_chars = '\U00-\U08' . '\U0A-\U1F'
\ . '\U21-\U28' . '\U2A-\U2F' . '\U3A-\U40' . '\U5B-\U5E' . '\U60' . '\U7B\U7C'
\ . '\U7E-\UA1' . '\UA7\UA8' . '\UAB-\UAD' . '\UAF\UB1\UB4' . '\UB6-\UB8' . '\UBB\UBF' . '\UD7\UF7'
" The complete list
let s:nonidS_chars = '[:space:])\U5D}' . s:nonid_chars
" List of all valid operator chars up to \UFF (NOTE: they must all be included
" in s:nonidS_chars, so that if we include that, then this is redundant)
" It does not include '!' since it can be used in an identifier.
" The list contains the following characters: '%&*+-/<=>\\^|~¬±×÷'
let s:op_chars = '\U25\U26\U2A\U2B\U2D\U2F\U3C-\U3E\U5C\U5E\U7C\U7E\UAC\UB1\UD7\UF7'
" List of all valid operator chars above \UFF
" Written with ranges for performance reasons
" The list contains the following characters: '…⁝⅋←↑→↓↔↚↛↜↝↞↠↢↣↤↦↩↪↫↬↮↶↷↺↻↼↽⇀⇁⇄⇆⇇⇉⇋⇌⇍⇎⇏⇐⇒⇔⇚⇛⇜⇝⇠⇢⇴⇵⇶⇷⇸⇹⇺⇻⇼⇽⇾⇿∈∉∊∋∌∍∓∔∗∘∙√∛∜∝∤∥∦∧∨∩∪∷∸∺∻∽∾≀≁≂≃≄≅≆≇≈≉≊≋≌≍≎≏≐≑≒≓≔≕≖≗≘≙≚≛≜≝≞≟≠≡≢≣≤≥≦≧≨≩≪≫≬≭≮≯≰≱≲≳≴≵≶≷≸≹≺≻≼≽≾≿⊀⊁⊂⊃⊄⊅⊆⊇⊈⊉⊊⊋⊍⊎⊏⊐⊑⊒⊓⊔⊕⊖⊗⊘⊙⊚⊛⊜⊞⊟⊠⊡⊢⊣⊩⊬⊮⊰⊱⊲⊳⊴⊵⊶⊷⊻⊼⊽⋄⋅⋆⋇⋉⋊⋋⋌⋍⋎⋏⋐⋑⋒⋓⋕⋖⋗⋘⋙⋚⋛⋜⋝⋞⋟⋠⋡⋢⋣⋤⋥⋦⋧⋨⋩⋪⋫⋬⋭⋮⋯⋰⋱⋲⋳⋴⋵⋶⋷⋸⋹⋺⋻⋼⋽⋾⋿⌿▷⟂⟈⟉⟑⟒⟕⟖⟗⟰⟱⟵⟶⟷⟹⟺⟻⟼⟽⟾⟿⤀⤁⤂⤃⤄⤅⤆⤇⤈⤉⤊⤋⤌⤍⤎⤏⤐⤑⤒⤓⤔⤕⤖⤗⤘⤝⤞⤟⤠⥄⥅⥆⥇⥈⥉⥊⥋⥌⥍⥎⥏⥐⥑⥒⥓⥔⥕⥖⥗⥘⥙⥚⥛⥜⥝⥞⥟⥠⥡⥢⥣⥤⥥⥦⥧⥨⥩⥪⥫⥬⥭⥮⥯⥰⦷⦸⦼⦾⦿⧀⧁⧡⧣⧤⧥⧴⧶⧷⧺⧻⨇⨈⨝⨟⨢⨣⨤⨥⨦⨧⨨⨩⨪⨫⨬⨭⨮⨰⨱⨲⨳⨴⨵⨶⨷⨸⨹⨺⨻⨼⨽⩀⩁⩂⩃⩄⩅⩊⩋⩌⩍⩎⩏⩐⩑⩒⩓⩔⩕⩖⩗⩘⩚⩛⩜⩝⩞⩟⩠⩡⩢⩣⩦⩧⩪⩫⩬⩭⩮⩯⩰⩱⩲⩳⩴⩵⩶⩷⩸⩹⩺⩻⩼⩽⩾⩿⪀⪁⪂⪃⪄⪅⪆⪇⪈⪉⪊⪋⪌⪍⪎⪏⪐⪑⪒⪓⪔⪕⪖⪗⪘⪙⪚⪛⪜⪝⪞⪟⪠⪡⪢⪣⪤⪥⪦⪧⪨⪩⪪⪫⪬⪭⪮⪯⪰⪱⪲⪳⪴⪵⪶⪷⪸⪹⪺⪻⪼⪽⪾⪿⫀⫁⫂⫃⫄⫅⫆⫇⫈⫉⫊⫋⫌⫍⫎⫏⫐⫑⫒⫓⫔⫕⫖⫗⫘⫙⫛⫷⫸⫹⫺⬰⬱⬲⬳⬴⬵⬶⬷⬸⬹⬺⬻⬼⬽⬾⬿⭀⭁⭂⭃⭄⭇⭈⭉⭊⭋⭌←↑→↓'
let s:op_chars_wc = '\U2026\U205D\U214B\U2190-\U2194\U219A-\U219E\U21A0\U21A2-\U21A4\U21A6\U21A9-\U21AC\U21AE\U21B6\U21B7\U21BA-\U21BD\U21C0\U21C1\U21C4\U21C6\U21C7\U21C9\U21CB-\U21D0\U21D2\U21D4\U21DA-\U21DD\U21E0\U21E2\U21F4-\U21FF\U2208-\U220D\U2213\U2214\U2217-\U221D\U2224-\U222A\U2237\U2238\U223A\U223B\U223D\U223E\U2240-\U228B\U228D-\U229C\U229E-\U22A3\U22A9\U22AC\U22AE\U22B0-\U22B7\U22BB-\U22BD\U22C4-\U22C7\U22C9-\U22D3\U22D5-\U22FF\U233F\U25B7\U27C2\U27C8\U27C9\U27D1\U27D2\U27D5-\U27D7\U27F0\U27F1\U27F5-\U27F7\U27F9-\U27FF\U2900-\U2918\U291D-\U2920\U2944-\U2970\U29B7\U29B8\U29BC\U29BE-\U29C1\U29E1\U29E3-\U29E5\U29F4\U29F6\U29F7\U29FA\U29FB\U2A07\U2A08\U2A1D\U2A1F\U2A22-\U2A2E\U2A30-\U2A3D\U2A40-\U2A45\U2A4A-\U2A58\U2A5A-\U2A63\U2A66\U2A67\U2A6A-\U2AD9\U2ADB\U2AF7-\U2AFA\U2B30-\U2B44\U2B47-\U2B4C\UFFE9-\UFFEC'
" Full operators regex
let s:operators = '\%(' . '\.\%([-+*/^÷%|&⊻]\|//\|\\\|>>\|>>>\?\)\?=' .
\ '\|' . '[:<>]=\|||\|&&\||>\|<|\|[<>:]:\|<<\|>>>\?\|//\|[-=]>\|\.\.\.\?' .
\ '\|' . '\.\?[!' . s:op_chars . s:op_chars_wc . ']' .
\ '\)'
" Characters that can be used to start an identifier. Above \UBF we don't
" bother checking. (If a UTF8 operator is used, it will take precedence anyway.)
let s:id_charsH = '\%([A-Za-z_\UA2-\UA6\UA9\UAA\UAE\UB0\UB5\UBA]\|[^\U00-\UBF]\)'
" Characters that can appear in an identifier, starting in 2nd position. Above
" \UBF we check for operators since we need to stop the identifier if one
" appears. We don't check for invalid characters though.
let s:id_charsW = '\%([0-9A-Za-z_!\UA2-\UA6\UA9\UAA\UAE-\UB0\UB2-\UB5\UB8-\UBA\UBC-\UBE]\|[^\U00-\UBF]\@=[^' . s:op_chars_wc . ']\)'
" A valid julia identifier, more or less
let s:idregex = '\%(' . s:id_charsH . s:id_charsW . '*\)'
syn case match
syntax cluster juliaExpressions contains=@juliaParItems,@juliaStringItems,@juliaKeywordItems,@juliaBlocksItems,@juliaTypesItems,@juliaConstItems,@juliaMacroItems,@juliaSymbolItems,@juliaOperatorItems,@juliaNumberItems,@juliaCommentItems,@juliaErrorItems,@juliaSyntaxRegions
syntax cluster juliaExprsPrintf contains=@juliaExpressions,@juliaPrintfItems
syntax cluster juliaExprsNodot contains=@juliaParItems,@juliaStringItems,@juliaMacroItems,@juliaSymbolItems,@juliaOperatorItems,@juliaCommentItems,juliaIdSymbol
syntax cluster juliaParItems contains=juliaParBlock,juliaSqBraIdxBlock,juliaSqBraBlock,juliaCurBraBlock,juliaQuotedParBlock,juliaQuotedQMarkPar
syntax cluster juliaKeywordItems contains=juliaKeyword,juliaWhereKeyword,juliaImportLine,juliaInfixKeyword,juliaRepKeyword
syntax cluster juliaBlocksItems contains=juliaConditionalBlock,juliaWhileBlock,juliaForBlock,juliaBeginBlock,juliaFunctionBlock,juliaMacroBlock,juliaQuoteBlock,juliaTypeBlock,juliaImmutableBlock,juliaExceptionBlock,juliaLetBlock,juliaDoBlock,juliaModuleBlock,juliaStructBlock,juliaMutableStructBlock,juliaAbstractBlock,juliaPrimitiveBlock
syntax cluster juliaTypesItems contains=juliaBaseTypeBasic,juliaBaseTypeNum,juliaBaseTypeC,juliaBaseTypeError,juliaBaseTypeIter,juliaBaseTypeString,juliaBaseTypeArray,juliaBaseTypeDict,juliaBaseTypeSet,juliaBaseTypeIO,juliaBaseTypeProcess,juliaBaseTypeRange,juliaBaseTypeRegex,juliaBaseTypeFact,juliaBaseTypeFact,juliaBaseTypeSort,juliaBaseTypeRound,juliaBaseTypeSpecial,juliaBaseTypeRandom,juliaBaseTypeDisplay,juliaBaseTypeTime,juliaBaseTypeOther
syntax cluster juliaConstItems contains=juliaConstNum,juliaConstBool,juliaConstEnv,juliaConstMMap,juliaConstC,juliaConstGeneric,juliaConstIO,juliaPossibleEuler
syntax cluster juliaMacroItems contains=juliaPossibleMacro,juliaDollarVar,juliaDollarPar,juliaDollarSqBra
syntax cluster juliaSymbolItems contains=juliaPossibleSymbol
syntax cluster juliaNumberItems contains=juliaNumbers
syntax cluster juliaStringItems contains=juliaChar,juliaString,juliabString,juliasString,juliaShellString,juliaDocString,juliaRegEx
syntax cluster juliaPrintfItems contains=juliaPrintfParBlock,juliaPrintfString
syntax cluster juliaOperatorItems contains=juliaOperator,juliaRangeOperator,juliaCTransOperator,juliaTernaryRegion,juliaColon,juliaSemicolon,juliaComma
syntax cluster juliaCommentItems contains=juliaCommentL,juliaCommentM
syntax cluster juliaErrorItems contains=juliaErrorPar,juliaErrorEnd,juliaErrorElse,juliaErrorCatch,juliaErrorFinally
syntax cluster juliaSyntaxRegions contains=juliaIdSymbol,juliaTypeOperatorR2,juliaTypeOperatorR3,juliaWhereR,juliaDotted
syntax cluster juliaSpellcheckStrings contains=@spell
syntax cluster juliaSpellcheckDocStrings contains=@spell
syntax cluster juliaSpellcheckComments contains=@spell
if !s:julia_spellcheck_docstrings
syntax cluster juliaSpellcheckDocStrings remove=@spell
if !s:julia_spellcheck_strings
syntax cluster juliaSpellcheckStrings remove=@spell
if !s:julia_spellcheck_comments
syntax cluster juliaSpellcheckComments remove=@spell
syntax match juliaSemicolon display ";"
syntax match juliaComma display ","
syntax match juliaColon display ":"
" A dot can introduce a sort of 'environment' such that words after it are not
" recognized as keywords. This has low precedence so that it can be overridden
" by operators
syntax match juliaDotted transparent "\.\s*[^])}.]" contains=@juliaExprsNodot
syntax match juliaDottedT contained transparent "\.\s*[^])}.]" contains=@juliaExprsNodot,juliaType
syntax match juliaErrorPar display "[])}]"
syntax match juliaErrorEnd display "\<end\>"
syntax match juliaErrorElse display "\<\%(else\|elseif\)\>"
syntax match juliaErrorCatch display "\<catch\>"
syntax match juliaErrorFinally display "\<finally\>"
syntax match juliaErrorSemicol display contained ";"
syntax region juliaParBlock matchgroup=juliaParDelim start="(" end=")" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaComprehensionFor
syntax region juliaParBlockInRange matchgroup=juliaParDelim contained start="(" end=")" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaParBlockInRange,juliaRangeKeyword,juliaComprehensionFor
syntax region juliaSqBraIdxBlock matchgroup=juliaParDelim start="\[" end="\]" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaParBlockInRange,juliaRangeKeyword,juliaComprehensionFor,juliaSymbolS,juliaQuotedParBlockS,juliaQuotedQMarkParS
exec 'syntax region juliaSqBraBlock matchgroup=juliaParDelim start="\%(^\|\s\|' . s:operators . '\)\@'.s:d(3).'<=\[" end="\]" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaComprehensionFor,juliaSymbolS,juliaQuotedParBlockS,juliaQuotedQMarkParS'
syntax region juliaCurBraBlock matchgroup=juliaParDelim start="{" end="}" contains=juliaType,juliaDottedT,@juliaExpressions
exec 'syntax match juliaType contained "\%(' . s:idregex . '\.\)*\zs' . s:idregex . '"'
" This is a generic identifier followed by some symbol, either a type
" operator (<: or >:), or an open parenthesis, or an open curly bracket.
" It's used to recognize one of the contained regions looking for identifiers
" only once. Once recognized, those regions no longer need to use the
" expensive s:idregex.
exec 'syntax match juliaIdSymbol transparent "' . s:idregex . '\%(\s*[<>]:\|\.\?(\|{\|\"\)\@=" contains=juliaFunctionCall,juliaParamType,juliaStringPrefixed,juliaTypeOperatorR1'
syntax match juliaFunctionCall contained "[^{([:space:]<>\"]\+(\@=" nextgroup=juliaParBlock
exec 'syntax match juliaFunctionDef contained transparent "\%(\<\%(function\|macro\)\)\@'.s:d(8).'<=\s\+\zs' . s:idregex . '\%(\.' . s:idregex . '\)*\ze\s*\%((\|\send\>\|$\)" contains=juliaFunctionName'
exec 'syntax match juliaFunctionName contained "\%(\<\%(function\|macro\)\s\+\)\@'.s:d(20).'<=\%(' . s:idregex . '\.\)*\zs' . s:idregex . '"'
exec 'syntax match juliaStructR contained transparent "\%(\<\%(\%(mutable\s\+\)\?struct\|\%(abstract\|primitive\)\s\+type\)\s\+\)\@'.s:d(20).'<=\%(' . s:idregex . '\.\)*' . s:idregex . '\>\(\s*(\)\@!" contains=juliaType'
syntax match juliaKeyword display "\<\%(return\|local\|global\|const\)\>"
syntax match juliaInfixKeyword display "\%(=\s*\)\@<!\<\%(in\|isa\)\>\S\@!\%(\s*=\)\@!"
" The import/export/using keywords introduce a sort of special parsing
" environment with its own rules
exec 'syntax region juliaImportLine matchgroup=juliaKeyword excludenl start="\<\%(import\|using\|export\)\>" skip="\%(\%(\<\%(import\|using\|export\)\>\)\|^\)\@'.s:d(6).'<=$" end="$" end="\%([])}]\)\@=" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaAsKeyword,@juliaContinuationItems,juliaMacroName'
syntax match juliaAsKeyword display contained "\<as\>"
syntax match juliaRepKeyword display "\<\%(break\|continue\)\>"
syntax region juliaConditionalBlock matchgroup=juliaConditional start="\<if\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaConditionalEIBlock,juliaConditionalEBlock fold
syntax region juliaConditionalEIBlock matchgroup=juliaConditional transparent contained start="\<elseif\>" end="\<\%(end\|else\|elseif\)\>"me=s-1 contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaConditionalEIBlock,juliaConditionalEBlock
syntax region juliaConditionalEBlock matchgroup=juliaConditional transparent contained start="\<else\>" end="\<end\>"me=s-1 contains=@juliaExpressions
syntax region juliaWhileBlock matchgroup=juliaRepeat start="\<while\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions fold
syntax region juliaForBlock matchgroup=juliaRepeat start="\<for\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaOuter fold
syntax region juliaBeginBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\<begin\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions fold
syntax region juliaFunctionBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\<function\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaFunctionDef fold
syntax region juliaMacroBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\<macro\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaFunctionDef fold
syntax region juliaQuoteBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\<quote\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions fold
syntax region juliaStructBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\<struct\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaStructR fold
syntax region juliaMutableStructBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\<mutable\s\+struct\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaStructR fold
syntax region juliaLetBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\<let\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions fold
syntax region juliaDoBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\<do\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions fold
syntax region juliaModuleBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\<\%(bare\)\?module\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions fold
syntax region juliaExceptionBlock matchgroup=juliaException start="\<try\>" end="\<end\>" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaCatchBlock,juliaFinallyBlock fold
syntax region juliaCatchBlock matchgroup=juliaException transparent contained start="\<catch\>" end="\<end\>"me=s-1 contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaFinallyBlock
syntax region juliaFinallyBlock matchgroup=juliaException transparent contained start="\<finally\>" end="\<end\>"me=s-1 contains=@juliaExpressions
syntax region juliaAbstractBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\<abstract\s\+type\>" end="\<end\>" fold contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaStructR
syntax region juliaPrimitiveBlock matchgroup=juliaBlKeyword start="\<primitive\s\+type\>" end="\<end\>" fold contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaStructR
exec 'syntax region juliaComprehensionFor matchgroup=juliaComprehensionFor transparent contained start="\%([^[:space:],;:({[]\_s*\)\@'.s:d(80).'<=\<for\>" end="\ze[]);]" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaComprehensionIf,juliaComprehensionFor'
syntax match juliaComprehensionIf contained "\<if\>"
exec 'syntax match juliaOuter contained "\<outer\ze\s\+' . s:idregex . '\>"'
syntax match juliaRangeKeyword contained "\<\%(begin\|end\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeBasic display "\<\%(\%(N\|Named\)\?Tuple\|Symbol\|Function\|Union\%(All\)\?\|Type\%(Name\|Var\)\?\|Any\|ANY\|Vararg\|Ptr\|Exception\|Module\|Expr\|DataType\|\%(LineNumber\|Quote\)Node\|\%(Weak\|Global\)\?Ref\|Method\|Pair\|Val\|Nothing\|Some\|Missing\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeNum display "\<\%(U\?Int\%(8\|16\|32\|64\|128\)\?\|Float\%(16\|32\|64\)\|Complex\|Bool\|Char\|Number\|Signed\|Unsigned\|Integer\|AbstractFloat\|Real\|Rational\|\%(Abstract\)\?Irrational\|Enum\|BigInt\|BigFloat\|MathConst\|ComplexF\%(16\|32\|64\)\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeC display "\<\%(FileOffset\|C\%(u\?\%(char\|short\|int\|long\(long\)\?\|w\?string\)\|float\|double\|\%(ptrdiff\|s\?size\|wchar\|off\|u\?intmax\)_t\|void\)\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeError display "\<\%(\%(Bounds\|Divide\|Domain\|\%(Stack\)\?Overflow\|EOF\|Undef\%(Ref\|Var\)\|System\|Type\|Parse\|Argument\|Key\|Load\|Method\|Inexact\|OutOfMemory\|Init\|Assertion\|ReadOnlyMemory\|StringIndex\)Error\|\%(Interrupt\|Error\|ProcessExited\|Captured\|Composite\|InvalidState\|Missing\|\%(Process\|Task\)Failed\)Exception\|DimensionMismatch\|SegmentationFault\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeIter display "\<\%(EachLine\|Enumerate\|Cartesian\%(Index\|Range\)\|LinSpace\|CartesianIndices\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeString display "\<\%(DirectIndex\|Sub\|Rep\|Rev\|Abstract\|Substitution\)\?String\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeArray display "\<\%(\%(Sub\)\?Array\|\%(Abstract\|Dense\|Strided\)\?\%(Array\|Matrix\|Vec\%(tor\|OrMat\)\)\|SparseMatrixCSC\|\%(AbstractSparse\|Bit\|Shared\)\%(Array\|Vector\|Matrix\)\|\%\(D\|Bid\|\%(Sym\)\?Trid\)iagonal\|Hermitian\|Symmetric\|UniformScaling\|\%(Lower\|Upper\)Triangular\|\%(Sparse\|Row\)Vector\|VecElement\|Conj\%(Array\|Matrix\|Vector\)\|Index\%(Cartesian\|Linear\|Style\)\|PermutedDimsArray\|Broadcasted\|Adjoint\|Transpose\|LinearIndices\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeDict display "\<\%(WeakKey\|Id\|Abstract\)\?Dict\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeSet display "\<\%(\%(Abstract\|Bit\)\?Set\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeIO display "\<\%(IO\%(Stream\|Buffer\|Context\)\?\|RawFD\|StatStruct\|FileMonitor\|PollingFileWatcher\|Timer\|Base64\%(Decode\|Encode\)Pipe\|\%(UDP\|TCP\)Socket\|\%(Abstract\)\?Channel\|BufferStream\|ReentrantLock\|GenericIOBuffer\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeProcess display "\<\%(Pipe\|Cmd\|PipeBuffer\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeRange display "\<\%(Dims\|RangeIndex\|\%(Abstract\|Lin\|Ordinal\|Step\|\%(Abstract\)\?Unit\)Range\|Colon\|ExponentialBackOff\|StepRangeLen\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeRegex display "\<Regex\%(Match\)\?\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeFact display "\<\%(Factorization\|BunchKaufman\|\%(Cholesky\|QR\)\%(Pivoted\)\?\|\%(Generalized\)\?\%(Eigen\|SVD\|Schur\)\|Hessenberg\|LDLt\|LQ\|LU\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeSort display "\<\%(Insertion\|\(Partial\)\?Quick\|Merge\)Sort\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeRound display "\<Round\%(ingMode\|FromZero\|Down\|Nearest\%(Ties\%(Away\|Up\)\)\?\|ToZero\|Up\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeSpecial display "\<\%(LocalProcess\|ClusterManager\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeRandom display "\<\%(AbstractRNG\|MersenneTwister\|RandomDevice\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeDisplay display "\<\%(Text\(Display\)\?\|\%(Abstract\)\?Display\|MIME\|HTML\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeTime display "\<\%(Date\%(Time\)\?\|DateFormat\)\>"
syntax match juliaBaseTypeOther display "\<\%(RemoteRef\|Task\|Condition\|VersionNumber\|IPv[46]\|SerializationState\|WorkerConfig\|Future\|RemoteChannel\|IPAddr\|Stack\%(Trace\|Frame\)\|\(Caching\|Worker\)Pool\|AbstractSerializer\)\>"
syntax match juliaConstNum display "\%(\<\%(\%(NaN\|Inf\)\%(16\|32\|64\)\?\|pi\|π\)\>\)"
" Note: recognition of , which Vim does not consider a valid identifier, is
" complicated. We detect possible uses by just looking for the character (for
" performance) and then check that it's actually used by its own.
" (This also tries to detect preceding number constants; it does so in a crude
" way.)
syntax match juliaPossibleEuler "" contains=juliaEuler
exec 'syntax match juliaEuler contained "\%(\%(^\|[' . s:nonidS_chars . s:op_chars_wc . ']\)\%(.\?[0-9][.0-9eEf_]*\d\)\?\)\@'.s:d(80).'<=\ze[' . s:nonidS_chars . s:op_chars_wc . ']"'
syntax match juliaConstBool display "\<\%(true\|false\)\>"
syntax match juliaConstEnv display "\<\%(ARGS\|ENV\|ENDIAN_BOM\|LOAD_PATH\|VERSION\|PROGRAM_FILE\|DEPOT_PATH\)\>"
syntax match juliaConstIO display "\<\%(std\%(out\|in\|err\)\|devnull\)\>"
syntax match juliaConstC display "\<\%(C_NULL\)\>"
syntax match juliaConstGeneric display "\<\%(nothing\|Main\|undef\|missing\)\>"
syntax match juliaParamType contained "[^{([:space:]<>\"]\+\ze{" nextgroup=juliaCurBraBlock
syntax match juliaPossibleMacro transparent "@" contains=juliaMacroCall,juliaMacroCallP,juliaPrintfMacro,juliaDocMacro,juliaDocMacroPre
exec 'syntax match juliaMacro contained "@' . s:idregex . '\%(\.' . s:idregex . '\)*"'
syntax match juliaMacro contained "@[!.~$%^*/\\|<>+-]\ze[^0-9]"
exec 'syntax region juliaMacroCall contained transparent start="\(@' . s:idregex . '\%(\.' . s:idregex . '\)*\)\@=\1\%([^(]\|$\)" end="\ze\%([])};#]\|$\|\<for\>\|\<end\>\)" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaMacro,juliaSymbolS,juliaQuotedParBlockS'
exec 'syntax region juliaMacroCall contained transparent start="\(@.\)\@=\1\%([^(]\|$\)" end="\ze\%([])};#]\|$\|\<for\>\|\<end\>\)" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaMacro,juliaSymbolS,juliaQuotedParBlockS'
exec 'syntax region juliaMacroCallP contained transparent start="@' . s:idregex . '\%(\.' . s:idregex . '\)*(" end=")\@'.s:d(1).'<=" contains=juliaMacro,juliaParBlock'
exec 'syntax region juliaMacroCallP contained transparent start="@.(" end=")\@'.s:d(1).'<=" contains=juliaMacro,juliaParBlock'
exec 'syntax match juliaNumbers transparent "\%(^\|[' . s:nonidS_chars . s:op_chars_wc . ']\)\@'.s:d(1).'<=\d\|\.\d\|im\>" contains=juliaNumber,juliaFloat,juliaComplexUnit'
"integer regexes
let s:dec_regex = '\d\%(_\?\d\)*\%(\>\|im\>\|\ze\D\)'
let s:hex_regex = '0x\x\%(_\?\x\)*\%(\>\|im\>\|\ze\X\)'
let s:bin_regex = '0b[01]\%(_\?[01]\)*\%(\>\|im\>\|\ze[^01]\)'
let s:oct_regex = '0o\o\%(_\?\o\)*\%(\>\|im\>\|\ze\O\)'
let s:int_regex = '\%(' . s:hex_regex .
\ '\|' . s:bin_regex .
\ '\|' . s:oct_regex .
\ '\|' . s:dec_regex .
\ '\)'
"floating point regexes
" starting with a dot, optional exponent
let s:float_regex1 = '\.\d\%(_\?\d\)*\%([eEf][-+]\?\d\+\)\?\%(\>\|im\>\|\ze\D\)'
" with dot, optional exponent
let s:float_regex2 = '\d\%(_\?\d\)*\.\%(\d\%(_\?\d\)*\)\?\%([eEf][-+]\?\d\+\)\?\%(\>\|im\>\|\ze\D\)'
" without dot, with exponent
let s:float_regex3 = '\d\%(_\?\d\)*[eEf][-+]\?\d\+\%(\>\|im\>\|\ze\D\)'
"hex floating point numbers
" starting with a dot
let s:hexfloat_regex1 = '0x\.\%\(\x\%(_\?\x\)*\)\?[pP][-+]\?\d\+\%(\>\|im\>\|\ze\X\)'
" starting with a digit
let s:hexfloat_regex2 = '0x\x\%(_\?\x\)*\%\(\.\%\(\x\%(_\?\x\)*\)\?\)\?[pP][-+]\?\d\+\%(\>\|im\>\|\ze\X\)'
let s:float_regex = '\%(' . s:float_regex3 .
\ '\|' . s:float_regex2 .
\ '\|' . s:float_regex1 .
\ '\|' . s:hexfloat_regex2 .
\ '\|' . s:hexfloat_regex1 .
\ '\)'
exec 'syntax match juliaNumber contained "' . s:int_regex . '" contains=juliaComplexUnit'
exec 'syntax match juliaFloat contained "' . s:float_regex . '" contains=juliaComplexUnit'
syntax match juliaComplexUnit display contained "\<im\>"
syntax match juliaRangeOperator display ":"
exec 'syntax match juliaOperator "' . s:operators . '"'
exec 'syntax region juliaTernaryRegion matchgroup=juliaTernaryOperator start="\s\zs?\ze\s" skip="\%(:\(:\|[^:[:space:]'."'".'"({[]\+\s*\ze:\)\|\%(?\s*\)\@'.s:d(6).'<=:(\)" end=":" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaErrorSemicol'
let s:interp_dollar = '\([' . s:nonidS_chars . s:op_chars_wc . '!]\|^\)\@'.s:d(1).'<=\$'
exec 'syntax match juliaDollarVar display contained "' . s:interp_dollar . s:idregex . '"'
exec 'syntax region juliaDollarPar matchgroup=juliaDollarVar contained start="' .s:interp_dollar . '(" end=")" contains=@juliaExpressions'
exec 'syntax region juliaDollarSqBra matchgroup=juliaDollarVar contained start="' .s:interp_dollar . '\[" end="\]" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaComprehensionFor,juliaSymbolS,juliaQuotedParBlockS'
syntax match juliaChar "'\\\?.'" contains=juliaSpecialChar
syntax match juliaChar display "'\\\o\{3\}'" contains=juliaOctalEscapeChar
syntax match juliaChar display "'\\x\x\{2\}'" contains=juliaHexEscapeChar
syntax match juliaChar display "'\\u\x\{1,4\}'" contains=juliaUniCharSmall
syntax match juliaChar display "'\\U\x\{1,8\}'" contains=juliaUniCharLarge
exec 'syntax match juliaCTransOperator "[[:space:]}' . s:nonid_chars . s:op_chars_wc . '!]\@'.s:d(1).'<!\.\?' . "'" . 'ᵀ\?"'
" TODO: some of these might be specialized; the rest could be just left to the
" generic juliaStringPrefixed fallback
syntax region juliaString matchgroup=juliaStringDelim start=+\z("\(""\)\?\)+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+\z1+ contains=@juliaStringVars,@juliaSpecialChars,@juliaSpellcheckStrings
syntax region juliaStringPrefixed contained matchgroup=juliaStringDelim start=+[^{([:space:]<>"]\+\z("\(""\)\?\)+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+\z1+ contains=@juliaSpecialCharsRaw
syntax region juliabString matchgroup=juliaStringDelim start=+\<b\z("\(""\)\?\)+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+\z1+ contains=@juliaSpecialChars
syntax region juliasString matchgroup=juliaStringDelim start=+\<s\z("\(""\)\?\)+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+\z1+ contains=@juliaSpecialChars
syntax region juliaDocString matchgroup=juliaDocStringDelim fold start=+^"""+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+"""+ contains=@juliaStringVars,@juliaSpecialChars,@juliaSpellcheckDocStrings
exec 'syntax region juliaPrintfMacro contained transparent start="@s\?printf(" end=")\@'.s:d(1).'<=" contains=juliaMacro,juliaPrintfParBlock'
syntax region juliaPrintfMacro contained transparent start="@s\?printf\s\+" end="\ze\%([])};#]\|$\|\<for\>\)" contains=@juliaExprsPrintf,juliaMacro,juliaSymbolS,juliaQuotedParBlockS
syntax region juliaPrintfParBlock contained matchgroup=juliaParDelim start="(" end=")" contains=@juliaExprsPrintf
syntax region juliaPrintfString contained matchgroup=juliaStringDelim start=+"+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+"+ contains=@juliaSpecialChars,@juliaPrintfChars
exec 'syntax region juliaDocMacroPre contained transparent start=+@doc\s\+\%(' . s:idregex . '\%(\.' . s:idregex . '\)*\)\z("\%(""\)\?\)+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+\(\z1\)\@'.s:d(3).'<=+ contains=juliaMacro,juliaDocStringMRaw'
exec 'syntax region juliaDocMacro contained transparent start=+@doc\s\+\z("\%(""\)\?\)+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+\(\z1\)\@'.s:d(3).'<=+ contains=juliaMacro,juliaDocStringM'
syntax region juliaDocStringMRaw contained fold matchgroup=juliaDocStringDelim fold start=+\z\("\(""\)\?\)+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+\z1+ contains=@juliaSpellcheckDocStrings
syntax region juliaDocStringM contained fold matchgroup=juliaDocStringDelim fold start=+\z\("\(""\)\?\)+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+\z1+ contains=@juliaStringVars,@juliaSpecialChars,@juliaSpellcheckDocStrings
syntax region juliaShellString matchgroup=juliaStringDelim start=+`+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\`+ end=+`+ contains=@juliaStringVars,juliaSpecialChar
syntax cluster juliaStringVars contains=juliaStringVarsPar,juliaStringVarsSqBra,juliaStringVarsCurBra,juliaStringVarsPla
syntax region juliaStringVarsPar contained matchgroup=juliaStringVarDelim start="$(" end=")" contains=@juliaExpressions
syntax region juliaStringVarsSqBra contained matchgroup=juliaStringVarDelim start="$\[" end="\]" contains=@juliaExpressions,juliaComprehensionFor,juliaSymbolS,juliaQuotedParBlockS
syntax region juliaStringVarsCurBra contained matchgroup=juliaStringVarDelim start="${" end="}" contains=@juliaExpressions
exec 'syntax match juliaStringVarsPla contained "\$' . s:idregex . '"'
" TODO improve RegEx
syntax region juliaRegEx matchgroup=juliaStringDelim start=+\<r\z("\(""\)\?\)+ skip=+\%(\\\\\)*\\"+ end=+\z1[imsx]*+
syntax cluster juliaSpecialChars contains=juliaSpecialChar,juliaDoubleBackslash,juliaEscapedQuote,juliaOctalEscapeChar,juliaHexEscapeChar,juliaUniCharSmall,juliaUniCharLarge
syntax match juliaSpecialChar display contained "\\."
syntax match juliaOctalEscapeChar display contained "\\\o\{3\}"
syntax match juliaHexEscapeChar display contained "\\x\x\{2\}"
syntax match juliaUniCharSmall display contained "\\u\x\{1,4\}"
syntax match juliaUniCharLarge display contained "\\U\x\{1,8\}"
syntax cluster juliaSpecialCharsRaw contains=juliaDoubleBackslash,juliaEscapedQuote
syntax match juliaDoubleBackslash contained "\\\\"
syntax match juliaEscapedQuote contained "\\\""
syntax cluster juliaPrintfChars contains=juliaErrorPrintfFmt,juliaPrintfFmt
syntax match juliaErrorPrintfFmt display contained "\\\?%."
syntax match juliaPrintfFmt display contained "%\%(\d\+\$\)\=[-+' #0]*\%(\d*\|\*\|\*\d\+\$\)\%(\.\%(\d*\|\*\|\*\d\+\$\)\)\=\%([hlLjqzt]\|ll\|hh\)\=[aAbdiuoxXDOUfFeEgGcCsSpn]"
syntax match juliaPrintfFmt display contained "%%"
syntax match juliaPrintfFmt display contained "\\%\%(\d\+\$\)\=[-+' #0]*\%(\d*\|\*\|\*\d\+\$\)\%(\.\%(\d*\|\*\|\*\d\+\$\)\)\=\%([hlLjqzt]\|ll\|hh\)\=[aAbdiuoxXDOUfFeEgGcCsSpn]"hs=s+1
syntax match juliaPrintfFmt display contained "\\%%"hs=s+1
" this is used to restrict the search for Symbols to when colons appear at all
" (for performance reasons)
syntax match juliaPossibleSymbol transparent ":\ze[^:]" contains=juliaSymbol,juliaQuotedParBlock,juliaQuotedQMarkPar,juliaColon
let s:quotable = '\%(' . s:idregex . '\|' . s:operators . '\|[?.]\|' . s:float_regex . '\|' . s:int_regex . '\)'
let s:quoting_colon = '\%(\%(^\s*\|\s\{6,\}\|[' . s:nonid_chars . s:op_chars_wc . ']\s*\)\@'.s:d(6).'<=\|\%(\<\%(return\|if\|else\%(if\)\?\|while\|try\|begin\)\s\+\)\@'.s:d(9).'<=\)\zs:'
let s:quoting_colonS = '\s\@'.s:d(1).'<=:'
" note: juliaSymbolS only works within whitespace-sensitive contexts,
" such as in macro calls without parentheses, or within square brackets.
" It is used to override the recognition of expressions like `a :b` as
" ranges rather than symbols in those contexts.
" (Note that such `a :b` expressions only allows at most 5 spaces between
" the identifier and the colon anyway.)
exec 'syntax match juliaSymbol contained "' . s:quoting_colon . s:quotable . '"'
exec 'syntax match juliaSymbolS contained "' . s:quoting_colonS . s:quotable . '"'
" same as above for quoted expressions such as :(expr)
exec 'syntax region juliaQuotedParBlock matchgroup=juliaQParDelim start="' . s:quoting_colon . '(" end=")" contains=@juliaExpressions'
exec 'syntax match juliaQuotedQMarkPar "' . s:quoting_colon . '(\s*?\s*)" contains=juliaQuotedQMark'
exec 'syntax region juliaQuotedParBlockS matchgroup=juliaQParDelim contained start="' . s:quoting_colonS . '(" end=")" contains=@juliaExpressions'
syntax match juliaTypeOperatorR1 contained "[^{([:space:]<>\"]\+\%(\s*[<>]:\)\@="
" force precedence over Symbols
syntax match juliaTypeOperator contained "[<>:]:"
exec 'syntax match juliaTypeOperatorR2 transparent "[<>:]:\s*\%(' . s:idregex . '\.\)*' . s:idregex . '" contains=juliaTypeOperator,juliaType,juliaDottedT,@juliaExpressions nextgroup=juliaTypeOperator'
syntax match juliaIsaKeyword contained "\<isa\>"
exec 'syntax match juliaTypeOperatorR3 transparent "\<isa\s\+\%(' . s:idregex . '\.\)*' . s:idregex . '" contains=juliaIsaKeyword,juliaType,juliaDottedT,@juliaExpressions nextgroup=juliaIsaKeyword'
syntax match juliaWhereKeyword "\<where\>"
exec 'syntax match juliaWhereR transparent "\<where\s\+' . s:idregex . '" contains=juliaWhereKeyword,juliaType,juliaDottedT,juliaIdSymbol'
syntax region juliaCommentL matchgroup=juliaCommentDelim excludenl start="#\ze\%([^=]\|$\)" end="$" contains=juliaTodo,@juliaSpellcheckComments
syntax region juliaCommentM matchgroup=juliaCommentDelim fold start="#=\ze\%([^#]\|$\)" end="=#" contains=juliaTodo,juliaCommentM,@juliaSpellcheckComments
syntax keyword juliaTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX
" detect an end-of-line with only whitespace or comments before it
let s:eol = '\s*\%(\%(\%(#=\%(=#\@!\|[^=]\|\n\)\{-}=#\)\s*\)\+\)\?\%(#=\@!.*\)\?\n'
" a trailing comma, or colon, or an empty line in an import/using/export
" multi-line command. Used to recognize the as keyword, and for indentation
" (this needs to take precedence over normal commas and colons, and comments)
syntax cluster juliaContinuationItems contains=juliaContinuationComma,juliaContinuationColon,juliaContinuationNone
exec 'syntax region juliaContinuationComma matchgroup=juliaComma contained start=",\ze'.s:eol.'" end="\n\+\ze." contains=@juliaCommentItems'
exec 'syntax region juliaContinuationColon matchgroup=juliaColon contained start=":\ze'.s:eol.'" end="\n\+\ze." contains=@juliaCommentItems'
exec 'syntax region juliaContinuationNone matchgroup=NONE contained start="\%(\<\%(import\|using\|export\)\>\|^\)\@'.s:d(6).'<=\ze'.s:eol.'" end="\n\+\ze." contains=@juliaCommentItems,juliaAsKeyword'
exec 'syntax match juliaMacroName contained "@' . s:idregex . '\%(\.' . s:idregex . '\)*"'
" the following are disabled by default, but
" can be enabled by entering e.g.
" :hi link juliaParDelim Delimiter
hi def link juliaParDelim juliaNone
hi def link juliaSemicolon juliaNone
hi def link juliaComma juliaNone
hi def link juliaFunctionCall juliaNone
hi def link juliaColon juliaOperator
hi def link juliaFunctionName juliaFunction
hi def link juliaFunctionName1 juliaFunction
hi def link juliaMacroName juliaMacro
hi def link juliaKeyword Keyword
hi def link juliaWhereKeyword Keyword
hi def link juliaInfixKeyword Keyword
hi def link juliaIsaKeyword Keyword
hi def link juliaAsKeyword Keyword
hi def link juliaRepKeyword Keyword
hi def link juliaBlKeyword Keyword
hi def link juliaConditional Conditional
hi def link juliaRepeat Repeat
hi def link juliaException Exception
hi def link juliaOuter Keyword
hi def link juliaBaseTypeBasic Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeNum Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeC Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeError Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeIter Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeString Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeArray Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeDict Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeSet Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeIO Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeProcess Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeRange Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeRegex Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeFact Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeSort Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeRound Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeSpecial Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeRandom Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeDisplay Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeTime Type
hi def link juliaBaseTypeOther Type
hi def link juliaType Type
hi def link juliaParamType Type
hi def link juliaTypeOperatorR1 Type
" NOTE: deprecated constants are not highlighted as such. For once,
" one can still legitimately use them by importing Base.MathConstants.
" Plus, one-letter variables like `e` and `γ` can be used with other
" meanings.
hi def link juliaConstNum Constant
hi def link juliaEuler Constant
hi def link juliaConstEnv Constant
hi def link juliaConstC Constant
hi def link juliaConstLimits Constant
hi def link juliaConstGeneric Constant
hi def link juliaRangeKeyword Constant
hi def link juliaConstBool Boolean
hi def link juliaConstIO Boolean
hi def link juliaComprehensionFor Keyword
hi def link juliaComprehensionIf Keyword
hi def link juliaDollarVar Identifier
hi def link juliaFunction Function
hi def link juliaMacro Macro
hi def link juliaSymbol Identifier
hi def link juliaSymbolS Identifier
hi def link juliaQParDelim Identifier
hi def link juliaQuotedQMarkPar Identifier
hi def link juliaQuotedQMark juliaOperatorHL
hi def link juliaNumber Number
hi def link juliaFloat Float
hi def link juliaComplexUnit Constant
hi def link juliaChar Character
hi def link juliaString String
hi def link juliaStringPrefixed juliaString
hi def link juliabString juliaString
hi def link juliasString juliaString
hi def link juliavString juliaString
hi def link juliarString juliaString
hi def link juliaipString juliaString
hi def link juliabigString juliaString
hi def link juliaMIMEString juliaString
hi def link juliarawString juliaString
hi def link juliatestString juliaString
hi def link juliahtmlString juliaString
hi def link juliaint128String juliaString
hi def link juliaPrintfString juliaString
hi def link juliaShellString juliaString
hi def link juliaDocString juliaString
hi def link juliaDocStringM juliaDocString
hi def link juliaDocStringMRaw juliaDocString
hi def link juliaStringDelim juliaString
hi def link juliaDocStringDelim juliaDocString
hi def link juliaStringVarsPla Identifier
hi def link juliaStringVarDelim Identifier
hi def link juliaRegEx String
hi def link juliaSpecialChar SpecialChar
hi def link juliaOctalEscapeChar SpecialChar
hi def link juliaHexEscapeChar SpecialChar
hi def link juliaUniCharSmall SpecialChar
hi def link juliaUniCharLarge SpecialChar
hi def link juliaDoubleBackslash SpecialChar
hi def link juliaEscapedQuote SpecialChar
hi def link juliaPrintfFmt SpecialChar
if s:julia_highlight_operators
hi! def link juliaOperatorHL Operator
hi! def link juliaOperatorHL juliaNone
hi def link juliaOperator juliaOperatorHL
hi def link juliaRangeOperator juliaOperatorHL
hi def link juliaCTransOperator juliaOperatorHL
hi def link juliaTernaryOperator juliaOperatorHL
hi def link juliaTypeOperator juliaOperatorHL
hi def link juliaCommentL Comment
hi def link juliaCommentM Comment
hi def link juliaCommentDelim Comment
hi def link juliaTodo Todo
hi def link juliaErrorPar juliaError
hi def link juliaErrorEnd juliaError
hi def link juliaErrorElse juliaError
hi def link juliaErrorCatch juliaError
hi def link juliaErrorFinally juliaError
hi def link juliaErrorSemicol juliaError
hi def link juliaErrorPrintfFmt juliaError
hi def link juliaError Error
syntax sync fromstart
let b:current_syntax = "julia"
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save