feat(lsp): support connect via named pipes/unix domain sockets (#26032)

Closes https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/26031

Co-authored-by: Mathias Fussenegger <f.mathias@zignar.net>
This commit is contained in:
TheLeoP 2024-01-02 04:08:36 -05:00 committed by GitHub
parent 4ee656e4f3
commit 3f788e73b3
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 255 additions and 81 deletions

View File

@ -2082,11 +2082,26 @@ connect({host}, {port}) *vim.lsp.rpc.connect()*
and port
Parameters: ~
• {host} (string)
• {port} (integer)
• {host} (string) host to connect to
• {port} (integer) port to connect to
Return: ~
fun(dispatchers: vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatchers ): vim.lsp.rpc.PublicClient function intended to be passed to |vim.lsp.start_client()| or
|vim.lsp.start()| on the field cmd
Create a LSP RPC client factory that connects via named pipes (Windows) or
unix domain sockets (Unix) to the given pipe_path (file path on Unix and
name on Windows)
Parameters: ~
• {pipe_path} (string) file path of the domain socket (Unix) or name of
the named pipe (Windows) to connect to
Return: ~
fun(dispatchers: vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatchers ): vim.lsp.rpc.PublicClient::function intended to be passed to
|vim.lsp.start_client()| or |vim.lsp.start()| on the field cmd
format_rpc_error({err}) *vim.lsp.rpc.format_rpc_error()*
Constructs an error message from an LSP error object.
@ -2095,14 +2110,14 @@ format_rpc_error({err}) *vim.lsp.rpc.format_rpc_error()*
• {err} (table) The error object
Return: ~
(string) The formatted error message
string::The formatted error message
notify({method}, {params}) *vim.lsp.rpc.notify()*
Sends a notification to the LSP server.
Parameters: ~
• {method} (string) The invoked LSP method
• {params} (table|nil) Parameters for the invoked LSP method
• {params} (table?) Parameters for the invoked LSP method
Return: ~
(boolean) `true` if notification could be sent, `false` if not
@ -2113,12 +2128,12 @@ request({method}, {params}, {callback}, {notify_reply_callback})
Parameters: ~
• {method} (string) The invoked LSP method
• {params} (table|nil) Parameters for the invoked LSP
• {params} (table?) Parameters for the invoked LSP
• {callback} fun(err: lsp.ResponseError | nil, result:
any) Callback to invoke
• {notify_reply_callback} (function|nil) Callback to invoke as soon as
a request is no longer pending
• {notify_reply_callback} (function?) Callback to invoke as soon as a
request is no longer pending
Return: ~
(boolean) success, integer|nil request_id true, message_id if request
@ -2129,11 +2144,13 @@ rpc_response_error({code}, {message}, {data})
Creates an RPC response object/table.
Parameters: ~
• {code} (integer) RPC error code defined in
• {code} (integer) RPC error code defined by JSON RPC
• {message} (string|nil) arbitrary message to send to server
• {data} any|nil arbitrary data to send to server
Return: ~
start({cmd}, {cmd_args}, {dispatchers}, {extra_spawn_params})
Starts an LSP server process and create an LSP RPC client object to
@ -2143,7 +2160,7 @@ start({cmd}, {cmd_args}, {dispatchers}, {extra_spawn_params})
Parameters: ~
• {cmd} (string) Command to start the LSP server.
• {cmd_args} (table) List of additional string arguments to
• {cmd_args} string[] List of additional string arguments to
pass to {cmd}.
• {dispatchers} (table|nil) Dispatchers for LSP message types.
Valid dispatcher names are:
@ -2155,11 +2172,14 @@ start({cmd}, {cmd_args}, {dispatchers}, {extra_spawn_params})
server process. May contain:
• {cwd} (string) Working directory for the LSP
server process
• {env} (table) Additional environment variables
for LSP server process
• {detached?} (boolean) Detach the LSP server
process from the current process. Defaults to
false on Windows and true otherwise.
• {env?} (table) Additional environment
variables for LSP server process
Return: ~
RpcClientPublic|nil Client RPC object, with these methods:
(table|nil) client RPC object, with these methods:
• `notify()` |vim.lsp.rpc.notify()|
• `request()` |vim.lsp.rpc.request()|
• `is_closing()` returns a boolean indicating if the RPC is closing.

View File

@ -193,6 +193,8 @@ The following new APIs and features were added.
• |vim.lsp.util.locations_to_items()| sets the `user_data` of each item to
the original LSP `Location` or `LocationLink`.
• Added support for connecting to servers using named pipes (Windows) or
unix domain sockets (Unix) via |vim.lsp.rpc.domain_socket_connect()|.
• Treesitter
• Bundled parsers and queries (highlight, folds) for Markdown, Python, and

View File

@ -5,8 +5,31 @@ local validate, schedule, schedule_wrap = vim.validate, vim.schedule, vim.schedu
local is_win = uv.os_uname().version:find('Windows')
---@alias vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatcher fun(method: string, params: table<string, any>):nil, vim.lsp.rpc.Error?
---@alias vim.lsp.rpc.on_error fun(code: integer, ...: any)
---@alias vim.lsp.rpc.on_exit fun(code: integer, signal: integer)
---@class vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatchers
---@field notification vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatcher
---@field server_request vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatcher
---@field on_exit vim.lsp.rpc.on_error
---@field on_error vim.lsp.rpc.on_exit
---@class vim.lsp.rpc.PublicClient
---@field request fun(method: string, params?: table, callback: fun(err: lsp.ResponseError | nil, result: any), notify_reply_callback:function?)
---@field notify fun(method: string, params: any)
---@field is_closing fun(): boolean
---@field terminate fun(): nil
---@class vim.lsp.rpc.Client
---@field message_index integer
---@field message_callbacks table<integer, function> dict of message_id to callback
---@field notify_reply_callbacks table<integer, function> dict of message_id to callback
---@field transport vim.lsp.rpc.Transport
---@field dispatchers vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatchers
--- Checks whether a given path exists and is a directory.
---@param filename (string) path to check
---@param filename string path to check
---@return boolean
local function is_dir(filename)
local stat = uv.fs_stat(filename)
@ -15,14 +38,14 @@ end
--- Embeds the given string into a table and correctly computes `Content-Length`.
---@param encoded_message (string)
---@return string containing encoded message and `Content-Length` attribute
local function format_message_with_content_length(encoded_message)
---@param message string
---@return string message with `Content-Length` attribute
local function format_message_with_content_length(message)
return table.concat({
'Content-Length: ',
@ -44,13 +67,17 @@ local function log_debug(...)
---@class vim.lsp.rpc.Headers: {string: any}
---@field content_length integer
--- Parses an LSP Message's header
---@param header string: The header to parse.
---@return table # parsed headers
---@param header string The header to parse.
---@return vim.lsp.rpc.Headers#parsed headers
local function parse_headers(header)
assert(type(header) == 'string', 'header must be a string')
local headers = {} --- @type table<string,string>
--- @type vim.lsp.rpc.Headers
local headers = {}
for line in vim.gsplit(header, '\r\n', { plain = true }) do
if line == '' then
@ -92,15 +119,25 @@ local function request_parser_loop()
-- be searching for.
-- TODO(ashkan) I'd like to remove this, but it seems permanent :(
local buffer_start = buffer:find(header_start_pattern)
if not buffer_start then
"Headers were expected, a different response was received. The server response was '%s'.",
local headers = parse_headers(buffer:sub(buffer_start, start - 1))
local content_length = headers.content_length
-- Use table instead of just string to buffer the message. It prevents
-- a ton of strings allocating.
-- ref. http://www.lua.org/pil/11.6.html
---@type string[]
local body_chunks = { buffer:sub(finish + 1) }
local body_length = #body_chunks[1]
-- Keep waiting for data until we have enough.
while body_length < content_length do
---@type string
local chunk = coroutine.yield()
or error('Expected more data for the body. The server may have died.') -- TODO hmm.
table.insert(body_chunks, chunk)
@ -148,8 +185,8 @@ M.client_errors = vim.tbl_add_reverse_lookup(M.client_errors)
--- Constructs an error message from an LSP error object.
---@param err (table) The error object
---@returns (string) The formatted error message
---@param err table The error object
---@return string#The formatted error message
function M.format_rpc_error(err)
err = { err, 't' },
@ -176,11 +213,17 @@ function M.format_rpc_error(err)
return table.concat(message_parts, ' ')
---@class vim.lsp.rpc.Error
---@field code integer RPC error code defined by JSON RPC, see `vim.lsp.protocol.ErrorCodes`
---@field message? string arbitrary message to send to server
---@field data? any arbitrary data to send to server
--- Creates an RPC response object/table.
---@param code integer RPC error code defined in `vim.lsp.protocol.ErrorCodes`
---@param message string|nil arbitrary message to send to server
---@param data any|nil arbitrary data to send to server
---@param code integer RPC error code defined by JSON RPC
---@param message? string arbitrary message to send to server
---@param data? any arbitrary data to send to server
---@return vim.lsp.rpc.Error
function M.rpc_response_error(code, message, data)
-- TODO should this error or just pick a sane error (like InternalError)?
local code_name = assert(protocol.ErrorCodes[code], 'Invalid RPC error code')
@ -204,7 +247,7 @@ local default_dispatchers = {
--- Default dispatcher for notifications sent to an LSP server.
---@param method (string) The invoked LSP method
---@param params (table): Parameters for the invoked LSP method
---@param params (table) Parameters for the invoked LSP method
notification = function(method, params)
log_debug('notification', method, params)
@ -212,9 +255,9 @@ local default_dispatchers = {
--- Default dispatcher for requests sent to an LSP server.
---@param method (string) The invoked LSP method
---@param params (table): Parameters for the invoked LSP method
---@param params (table) Parameters for the invoked LSP method
---@return nil
---@return table, `vim.lsp.protocol.ErrorCodes.MethodNotFound`
---@return vim.lsp.rpc.Error#`vim.lsp.protocol.ErrorCodes.MethodNotFound`
server_request = function(method, params)
log_debug('server_request', method, params)
return nil, M.rpc_response_error(protocol.ErrorCodes.MethodNotFound)
@ -222,8 +265,8 @@ local default_dispatchers = {
--- Default dispatcher for when a client exits.
---@param code (integer): Exit code
---@param signal (integer): Number describing the signal used to terminate (if
---@param code (integer) Exit code
---@param signal (integer) Number describing the signal used to terminate (if
on_exit = function(code, signal)
log_info('client_exit', { code = code, signal = signal })
@ -231,17 +274,19 @@ local default_dispatchers = {
--- Default dispatcher for client errors.
---@param code (integer): Error code
---@param err (any): Details about the error
---@param code (integer) Error code
---@param err (any) Details about the error
on_error = function(code, err)
log_error('client_error:', M.client_errors[code], err)
---@cast default_dispatchers vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatchers
function M.create_read_loop(handle_body, on_no_chunk, on_error)
local parse_chunk = coroutine.wrap(request_parser_loop)
local parse_chunk = coroutine.wrap(request_parser_loop) --[[@as fun(chunk: string?): vim.lsp.rpc.Headers?, string?]]
return function(err, chunk)
if err then
@ -268,14 +313,7 @@ function M.create_read_loop(handle_body, on_no_chunk, on_error)
---@class RpcClient
---@field message_index integer
---@field message_callbacks table<integer,function>
---@field notify_reply_callbacks table<integer,function>
---@field transport table
---@field dispatchers table
---@class RpcClient
---@class vim.lsp.rpc.Client
local Client = {}
@ -284,15 +322,18 @@ function Client:encode_and_send(payload)
if self.transport.is_closing() then
return false
local encoded = vim.json.encode(payload)
local jsonstr = assert(
string.format("Couldn't encode payload '%s'", vim.inspect(payload))
return true
--- Sends a notification to the LSP server.
---@param method (string) The invoked LSP method
---@param params (any): Parameters for the invoked LSP method
---@param method string The invoked LSP method
---@param params any Parameters for the invoked LSP method
---@return boolean `true` if notification could be sent, `false` if not
function Client:notify(method, params)
return self:encode_and_send({
@ -316,10 +357,10 @@ end
--- Sends a request to the LSP server and runs {callback} upon response.
---@param method (string) The invoked LSP method
---@param params (table|nil) Parameters for the invoked LSP method
---@param callback fun(err: lsp.ResponseError|nil, result: any) Callback to invoke
---@param notify_reply_callback (function|nil) Callback to invoke as soon as a request is no longer pending
---@param method string The invoked LSP method
---@param params? table Parameters for the invoked LSP method
---@param callback fun(err?: lsp.ResponseError, result: any) Callback to invoke
---@param notify_reply_callback? function Callback to invoke as soon as a request is no longer pending
---@return boolean success, integer|nil request_id true, request_id if request could be sent, `false` if not
function Client:request(method, params, callback, notify_reply_callback)
@ -352,6 +393,8 @@ function Client:request(method, params, callback, notify_reply_callback)
---@param errkind integer
---@param ... any
function Client:on_error(errkind, ...)
-- TODO what to do if this fails?
@ -359,6 +402,13 @@ function Client:on_error(errkind, ...)
---@param errkind integer
---@param status boolean
---@param head any
---@param ... any
---@return boolean status
---@return any head
---@return any|nil ...
function Client:pcall_handler(errkind, status, head, ...)
if not status then
self:on_error(errkind, head, ...)
@ -368,6 +418,12 @@ function Client:pcall_handler(errkind, status, head, ...)
---@param errkind integer
---@param fn function
---@param ... any
---@return boolean status
---@return any head
---@return any|nil ...
function Client:try_call(errkind, fn, ...)
return self:pcall_handler(errkind, pcall(fn, ...))
@ -386,7 +442,7 @@ function Client:handle_body(body)
log_debug('rpc.receive', decoded)
if type(decoded.method) == 'string' and decoded.id then
local err --- @type table?
local err --- @type vim.lsp.rpc.Error?
-- Schedule here so that the users functions don't trigger an error and
-- we can still use the result.
@ -412,6 +468,7 @@ function Client:handle_body(body)
if err then
---@cast err vim.lsp.rpc.Error
type(err) == 'table',
'err must be a table. Use rpc_response_error to help format errors.'
@ -504,7 +561,14 @@ function Client:handle_body(body)
---@return RpcClient
---@class vim.lsp.rpc.Transport
---@field write fun(msg: string): nil
---@field is_closing fun(): boolean|nil
---@field terminate fun(): nil
---@param dispatchers vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatchers
---@param transport vim.lsp.rpc.Transport
---@return vim.lsp.rpc.Client
local function new_client(dispatchers, transport)
local state = {
message_index = 0,
@ -516,14 +580,8 @@ local function new_client(dispatchers, transport)
return setmetatable(state, { __index = Client })
--- @class RpcClientPublic
--- @field is_closing fun(): boolean
--- @field terminate fun()
--- @field request fun(method: string, params: table?, callback: function, notify_reply_callbacks?: function)
--- @field notify fun(methid: string, params: table?): boolean
---@param client RpcClient
---@return RpcClientPublic
---@param client vim.lsp.rpc.Client
---@return vim.lsp.rpc.PublicClient
local function public_client(client)
local result = {}
@ -540,9 +598,9 @@ local function public_client(client)
--- Sends a request to the LSP server and runs {callback} upon response.
---@param method (string) The invoked LSP method
---@param params (table|nil) Parameters for the invoked LSP method
---@param params (table?) Parameters for the invoked LSP method
---@param callback fun(err: lsp.ResponseError | nil, result: any) Callback to invoke
---@param notify_reply_callback (function|nil) Callback to invoke as soon as a request is no longer pending
---@param notify_reply_callback (function?) Callback to invoke as soon as a request is no longer pending
---@return boolean success, integer|nil request_id true, message_id if request could be sent, `false` if not
function result.request(method, params, callback, notify_reply_callback)
return client:request(method, params, callback, notify_reply_callback)
@ -550,7 +608,7 @@ local function public_client(client)
--- Sends a notification to the LSP server.
---@param method (string) The invoked LSP method
---@param params (table|nil): Parameters for the invoked LSP method
---@param params (table?) Parameters for the invoked LSP method
---@return boolean `true` if notification could be sent, `false` if not
function result.notify(method, params)
return client:notify(method, params)
@ -559,13 +617,15 @@ local function public_client(client)
return result
--- @param dispatchers vim.rpc.Dispatchers?
--- @return vim.rpc.Dispatchers
---@param dispatchers? vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatchers
---@return vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatchers
local function merge_dispatchers(dispatchers)
if dispatchers then
local user_dispatchers = dispatchers
dispatchers = {}
for dispatch_name, default_dispatch in pairs(default_dispatchers) do
---@cast dispatch_name string
---@cast default_dispatch function
local user_dispatcher = user_dispatchers[dispatch_name] --- @type function
if user_dispatcher then
if type(user_dispatcher) ~= 'function' then
@ -593,9 +653,9 @@ end
--- Create a LSP RPC client factory that connects via TCP to the given host
--- and port
---@param host string
---@param port integer
---@return function
---@param host string host to connect to
---@param port integer port to connect to
---@return fun(dispatchers: vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatchers): vim.lsp.rpc.PublicClient # function intended to be passed to |vim.lsp.start_client()| or |vim.lsp.start()| on the field cmd
function M.connect(host, port)
return function(dispatchers)
dispatchers = merge_dispatchers(dispatchers)
@ -640,23 +700,82 @@ function M.connect(host, port)
--- Create a LSP RPC client factory that connects via named pipes (Windows)
--- or unix domain sockets (Unix) to the given pipe_path (file path on
--- Unix and name on Windows)
---@param pipe_path string file path of the domain socket (Unix) or name of the named pipe (Windows) to connect to
---@return fun(dispatchers: vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatchers): vim.lsp.rpc.PublicClient#function intended to be passed to |vim.lsp.start_client()| or |vim.lsp.start()| on the field cmd
function M.domain_socket_connect(pipe_path)
return function(dispatchers)
dispatchers = merge_dispatchers(dispatchers)
local pipe =
assert(uv.new_pipe(false), string.format('pipe with name %s could not be opened.', pipe_path))
local closing = false
local transport = {
write = vim.schedule_wrap(function(msg)
is_closing = function()
return closing
terminate = function()
if not closing then
closing = true
dispatchers.on_exit(0, 0)
local client = new_client(dispatchers, transport)
pipe:connect(pipe_path, function(err)
if err then
string.format('Could not connect to :%s, reason: %s', pipe_path, vim.inspect(err)),
local handle_body = function(body)
pipe:read_start(M.create_read_loop(handle_body, transport.terminate, function(read_err)
client:on_error(M.client_errors.READ_ERROR, read_err)
return public_client(client)
---@class vim.lsp.rpc.ExtraSpawnParams
---@field cwd? string Working directory for the LSP server process
---@field detached? boolean Detach the LSP server process from the current process
---@field env? table<string,string> Additional environment variables for LSP server process. See |vim.system|
--- Starts an LSP server process and create an LSP RPC client object to
--- interact with it. Communication with the spawned process happens via stdio. For
--- communication via TCP, spawn a process manually and use |vim.lsp.rpc.connect()|
---@param cmd (string) Command to start the LSP server.
---@param cmd_args (table) List of additional string arguments to pass to {cmd}.
---@param dispatchers table|nil Dispatchers for LSP message types. Valid
---dispatcher names are:
--- - `"notification"`
--- - `"server_request"`
--- - `"on_error"`
--- - `"on_exit"`
---@param extra_spawn_params table|nil Additional context for the LSP
---@param cmd string Command to start the LSP server.
---@param cmd_args string[] List of additional string arguments to pass to {cmd}.
---@param dispatchers? vim.lsp.rpc.Dispatchers (table|nil) Dispatchers for LSP message types.
--- Valid dispatcher names are:
--- - `"notification"`
--- - `"server_request"`
--- - `"on_error"`
--- - `"on_exit"`
---@param extra_spawn_params? vim.lsp.rpc.ExtraSpawnParams (table|nil) Additional context for the LSP
--- server process. May contain:
--- - {cwd} (string) Working directory for the LSP server process
--- - {env} (table) Additional environment variables for LSP server process
---@return RpcClientPublic|nil Client RPC object, with these methods:
--- - {detached?} (boolean) Detach the LSP server process from the current process. Defaults to false on Windows and true otherwise.
--- - {env?} (table) Additional environment variables for LSP server process
---@return vim.lsp.rpc.PublicClient? (table|nil) client RPC object, with these methods:
--- - `notify()` |vim.lsp.rpc.notify()|
--- - `request()` |vim.lsp.rpc.request()|
--- - `is_closing()` returns a boolean indicating if the RPC is closing.

View File

@ -3861,6 +3861,39 @@ describe('LSP', function()
eq(result.method, "initialize")
it('can connect to lsp server via rpc.domain_socket_connect', function()
local tmpfile
if is_os("win") then
tmpfile = "\\\\.\\\\pipe\\pipe.test"
tmpfile = helpers.tmpname()
local result = exec_lua([[
local SOCK = ...
local uv = vim.uv
local server = uv.new_pipe(false)
local init = nil
server:listen(127, function(err)
assert(not err, err)
local client = uv.new_pipe()
init = body
vim.lsp.start({ name = "dummy", cmd = vim.lsp.rpc.domain_socket_connect(SOCK) })
vim.wait(1000, function() return init ~= nil end)
assert(init, "server must receive `initialize` request")
return vim.json.decode(init)
]], tmpfile)
eq(result.method, "initialize")
describe('handlers', function()