
runtime(php): Update the php indent script to the 1.75 (from 1.70) (vim/vim#13025)


- Fix 2072/PHP-Indenting-for-VImvim/vim#87: The indent optimization was causing wrong indentation of lines
  preceded by a line ending with '}' when preceded by non white characters.
- Fix long standing non-reported regex escaping issue in cleaning end of line
  comments function. This should help fixing some other unreported issues when
  parts of codes are commented out at ends of lines...

- Fix 2072/PHP-Indenting-for-VImvim/vim#86: Add support for `match` expression.

- Fix 2072/PHP-Indenting-for-VImvim/vim#77 where multi line strings and true/false keywords at beginning of a
  line would cause indentation failures.

- Fix vim/vimvim/vim#5722 where it was reported that the option PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel
  had not been working for the last 6 years.

- Fix 2072/PHP-Indenting-for-VImvim/vim#75 where the indent script would hang on some multi-line quoted strings.


Co-authored-by: John Wellesz <>
This commit is contained in:
Christian Clason 2023-09-04 23:17:59 +02:00
parent 65d3378009
commit 109ff0a73f

View File

@ -3,9 +3,8 @@
" Author: John Wellesz <John.wellesz (AT) gmail (DOT) com>
" URL:
" Home:
" Last Change: 2020 Mar 05
" 2023 Aug 28 by Vim Project (undo_indent)
" Version: 1.70
" Last Change: 2023 August 18th
" Version: 1.75
" Type :help php-indent for available options
@ -143,10 +142,10 @@ if exists("*GetPhpIndent")
let s:endline = '\s*\%(//.*\|#.*\|/\*.*\*/\s*\)\=$'
let s:endline = '\s*\%(//.*\|#\[\@!.*\|/\*.*\*/\s*\)\=$'
let s:PHP_validVariable = '[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*'
let s:notPhpHereDoc = '\%(break\|return\|continue\|exit\|die\|else\|end\%(if\|while\|for\|foreach\|switch\)\)'
let s:blockstart = '\%(\%(\%(}\s*\)\=else\%(\s\+\)\=\)\=if\>\|\%(}\s*\)\?else\>\|do\>\|while\>\|switch\>\|case\>\|default\>\|for\%(each\)\=\>\|declare\>\|class\>\|trait\>\|\%()\s*\)\=use\>\|interface\>\|abstract\>\|final\>\|try\>\|\%(}\s*\)\=catch\>\|\%(}\s*\)\=finally\>\)'
let s:notPhpHereDoc = '\<\%(break\|return\|continue\|exit\|die\|true\|false\|elseif\|else\|end\%(if\|while\|for\|foreach\|match\|switch\)\)\>'
let s:blockstart = '\%(\%(\%(}\s*\)\=else\%(\s\+\)\=\)\=if\>\|\%(}\s*\)\?else\>\|do\>\|while\>\|match\>\|switch\>\|case\>\|default\>\|for\%(each\)\=\>\|declare\>\|class\>\|trait\>\|\%()\s*\)\=use\>\|interface\>\|abstract\>\|final\>\|try\>\|\%(}\s*\)\=catch\>\|\%(}\s*\)\=finally\>\)'
let s:functionDeclPrefix = '\<function\>\%(\s\+&\='.s:PHP_validVariable.'\)\=\s*('
let s:functionDecl = s:functionDeclPrefix.'.*'
let s:multilineFunctionDecl = s:functionDeclPrefix.s:endline
@ -157,7 +156,8 @@ let s:unstated = '\%(^\s*'.s:blockstart.'.*)\|\%(//.*\)\@<!\<e'.'lse\>\)'.s:endl
let s:terminated = '\%(\%(;\%(\s*\%(?>\|}\)\)\=\|<<<\s*[''"]\=\a\w*[''"]\=$\|^\s*}\|^\s*'.s:PHP_validVariable.':\)'.s:endline.'\)'
let s:PHP_startindenttag = '<?\%(.*?>\)\@!\|<script[^>]*>\%(.*<\/script>\)\@!'
let s:structureHead = '^\s*\%(' . s:blockstart . '\)\|'. s:functionDecl . s:endline . '\|\<new\s\+class\>'
let s:matchStart = 'match\s*(\s*\$\?'.s:PHP_validVariable.'\s*)\s*{'. s:endline
let s:structureHead = '^\s*\%(' . s:blockstart . '\)\|'. s:functionDecl . s:endline . '\|\<new\s\+class\>\|' . s:matchStart
let s:escapeDebugStops = 0
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ function! GetLastRealCodeLNum(startline) " {{{
while getline(lnum) !~? tofind && lnum > 1
let lnum = lnum - 1
elseif lastline =~ '^\s*[''"`][;,]' || (lastline =~ '^[^''"`]*[''"`][;,]'.s:endline && IslinePHP(lnum, "") == "SpecStringEntrails")
elseif lastline =~ '^\s*[''"`][;,]'.s:endline || (lastline =~ '^[^''"`]*[''"`][;,]'.s:endline && IslinePHP(lnum, "") == "SpecStringEntrails")
let tofind=substitute( lastline, '^.*\([''"`]\)[;,].*$', '^[^\1]\\+[\1]$\\|^[^\1]\\+[=([]\\s*[\1]', '')
let trylnum = lnum
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ function! Skippmatch2()
let line = getline(".")
if line =~ "\\([\"']\\).*/\\*.*\\1" || line =~ '\%(//\|#\).*/\*'
if line =~ "\\([\"']\\).*/\\*.*\\1" || line =~ '\%(//\|#\[\@!\).*/\*'
return 1
return 0
@ -323,7 +323,11 @@ function! BalanceDirection (str)
function! StripEndlineComments (line)
return substitute(a:line,"\\(//\\|#\\)\\(\\(\\([^\"']*\\([\"']\\)[^\"']*\\5\\)\\+[^\"']*$\\)\\|\\([^\"']*$\\)\\)",'','')
let cleaned = substitute(a:line,'\v(//|#\[\@!)((([^"'']*(["''])[^"'']*\5)+[^"'']*$)|([^"'']*$))','','')
if cleaned != a:line
return cleaned
function! FindArrowIndent (lnum) " {{{
@ -491,7 +495,7 @@ function! ResetPhpOptions()
if ! b:optionsset && &filetype =~ "php"
if b:PHP_autoformatcomment
setlocal comments=s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,://,:#
setlocal comments=s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,://,f:#[,:#
setlocal formatoptions-=t
setlocal formatoptions+=q
@ -507,7 +511,7 @@ endfunc
call ResetPhpOptions()
function! GetPhpIndentVersion()
return "1.70-bundle"
return "1.75"
function! GetPhpIndent()
@ -651,7 +655,7 @@ function! GetPhpIndent()
let b:InPHPcode_and_script = 1
elseif last_line =~ '^[^''"`]\+[''"`]$' && last_line !~ '^\s*\%(//\|#\|/\*.*\*/\s*$\)' " a string identifier with nothing after it and no other string identifier before
elseif last_line =~ '^[^''"`]\+[''"`]$' && last_line !~ '^\s*\%(//\|#\[\@!\|/\*.*\*/\s*$\)' " a string identifier with nothing after it and no other string identifier before
let b:InPHPcode = -1
let b:InPHPcode_tofind = substitute( last_line, '^.*\([''"`]\).*$', '^[^\1]*\1[;,]$', '')
elseif last_line =~? '<<<\s*[''"]\=\a\w*[''"]\=$'
@ -675,7 +679,7 @@ function! GetPhpIndent()
" Indent successive // or # comment the same way the first is {{{
let addSpecial = 0
if cline =~ '^\s*\%(//\|#\|/\*.*\*/\s*$\)'
if cline =~ '^\s*\%(//\|#\[\@!\|/\*.*\*/\s*$\)'
let addSpecial = b:PHP_outdentSLComments
if b:PHP_LastIndentedWasComment == 1
return indent(real_PHP_lastindented)
@ -716,7 +720,7 @@ function! GetPhpIndent()
return 0
if cline =~? '^\s*\a\w*;$\|^\a\w*$\|^\s*[''"`][;,]' && cline !~? s:notPhpHereDoc
if (cline =~? '^\s*\a\w*;$\|^\a\w*$' || (cline =~? '^\s*[''"`][;,]' && IslinePHP(v:lnum, '[;,]') !~? '^\(phpString[SD]\|phpBacktick\)') ) && cline !~? s:notPhpHereDoc
return 0
endif " }}}
@ -739,6 +743,9 @@ function! GetPhpIndent()
if cline =~ '^\s*}\%(}}\)\@!'
let ind = indent(FindOpenBracket(v:lnum, 1))
let b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel = b:PHP_default_indenting
if b:PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel
let ind = ind + shiftwidth()
return ind
@ -762,7 +769,7 @@ function! GetPhpIndent()
if last_line =~ '[;}]'.endline && last_line !~ '^[)\]]' && last_line !~# s:defaultORcase && last_line !~ '^\s*[''"`][;,]'
if ind==b:PHP_default_indenting
return b:PHP_default_indenting + addSpecial
elseif b:PHP_indentinghuge && ind==b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel && cline !~# '^\s*\%(else\|\%(case\|default\).*:\|[})];\=\)' && last_line !~# '^\s*\%(\%(}\s*\)\=else\)' && getline(GetLastRealCodeLNum(lnum - 1))=~';'.endline
elseif b:PHP_indentinghuge && ind==b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel && cline !~# '^\s*\%(else\|\%(case\|default\).*:\|[})];\=\)' && last_line !~# '^\s*\%(\%(}\s*\)\=else\)\|^\(\s*\S\+\s*\)\+}'.endline && getline(GetLastRealCodeLNum(lnum - 1))=~';'.endline
return b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel + addSpecial
@ -930,7 +937,7 @@ function! GetPhpIndent()
let ind = ind + shiftwidth()
elseif AntepenultimateLine =~ '{'.endline && AntepenultimateLine !~? '^\s*use\>' || AntepenultimateLine =~ terminated || AntepenultimateLine =~# s:defaultORcase
elseif AntepenultimateLine =~ '{'.endline && AntepenultimateLine !~? '^\s*use\>' && AntepenultimateLine !~? s:matchStart || AntepenultimateLine =~ terminated || AntepenultimateLine =~# s:defaultORcase
let ind = ind + shiftwidth()