Yingjie Wang 319b2bc299 update
2024-02-12 18:15:26 -05:00

190 lines
5.6 KiB

This script is used to get a analytical formula of \psi_4,
and save to a file.
Usage: Please set the fowllowing variables from outside as
command line arguments, like this:
wolframscript -file Teuk_psi4.wl m a L n in|out [filename]
for example:
wolframscript -file Teuk_psi4.wl 0 1e-8 1 1 out
if filename is not given, it's "./psi4_analytical.txt" by default.
(* variable name : description *)
(* Begin of variables *)
(* m : the Teukolsky multiple order *)
(* a : wave amplitude *)
(* L : wave width *)
(* n : the order N in F formula *)
(* End of variables *)
(* Parsing arguments *)
argv = Rest@$ScriptCommandLine;
{m, a, L, n} = Interpreter["Number"]/@argv[[;;4]];
type = argv[[5]];
If[Length@argv >= 6,
filename = argv[[6]],
filename = "./psi4_analytical.txt"
Print["Error: Check your command line arguments!"];Abort[]
(* Set Assumptions *)
$Assumptions = aa > 0 && r > 0 && Pi >= theta >= 0 &&
2 Pi >= phi >= 0 && t ~Element~ Reals &&
x ~Element~ Reals && y ~Element~ Reals && z ~Element~ Reals;
(* Global Simplify time limit *)
tc = 30
(* Help functions *)
pSimplify[list_] :=
Simplify[#, TimeConstraint->tc]&, Flatten@list, Method->"FinestGrained"
psi4analytical[g_, coordinates_, vecn_, vecmb_] :=
{dim = Length[coordinates], t1, t2,
t3, t4, ig, dg, gamma, dgamma, RiemR, psi4},
dg = D[g, {coordinates}];
ig = Inverse[g] // pSimplify;
t1 =
gamma = pSimplify[
1/2 Plus @@ ((ig[[i, #]] (dg[[#, j, k]] + dg[[#, k, j]] -
dg[[k, j, #]])) &) /@ Range[dim],
{i, 1, dim}, {j,1, dim}, {k, 1, dim}
Print["Finish computing gamma, time cost:", t1, "s"];
t2 =
dgamma = pSimplify[
D[gamma, {coordinates}]
Print["Finish computing dgamma, time cost:", t2, "s"];
t3 =
RiemR = ParallelTable[
dgamma[[l, i, k, j]] - dgamma[[l, j, k, i]] +
Plus @@ ((gamma[[#, k, i]] gamma[[l, j, #]] -\
gamma[[#, k, j]] gamma[[l, i, #]]) &) /@ Range[dim],
{i, 1, dim}, {j, 1, dim}, {k, 1, dim}, {l, 1, dim}
Print["Finish computing RiemR, time cost:" , t3, "s"];
t4 =
psi4 = ((((RiemR . g) . vecmb) . vecn) . vecmb) . vecn;
Print["Finish computing psi4, time cost:" , t4, "s"];
(* set metric *)
frr = 2 - 3 Sin[theta]^2;
frtheta = -3 Cos[theta] Sin[theta];
frphi = 0;
fthetatheta1 = 3 Sin[theta]^2;
fthetatheta2 = -1; fthetaphi = 0;
fphiphi1 = -fthetatheta1;
fphiphi2 = 3 Sin[theta]^2 - 1;,
frr = Sin[2 theta] Cos[phi];
frtheta = Cos[2 theta] Cos[phi];
frphi = -Cos[theta] Sin[phi];
fthetatheta1 = -frr;
fthetatheta2 = 0;
fthetaphi = -Sin[theta] Sin[phi];
fphiphi1 = -fthetatheta1;
fphiphi2 = -frr;,
frr = Sin[2 theta] Sin[phi];
frtheta = Cos[2 theta] Sin[phi];
frphi = Cos[theta] Cos[phi];
fthetatheta1 = -frr;
fthetatheta2 = 0;
fthetaphi = Sin[theta] Cos[phi];
fphiphi1 = -fthetatheta1;
fphiphi2 = -frr;,
frr = Sin[theta]^2 Cos[2 phi];
frtheta = Sin[theta] Cos[theta] Cos[2 phi];
frphi = -Sin[theta] Sin[2 phi];
fthetatheta1 = (1 + Cos[theta]^2) Cos[2 phi];
fthetatheta2 = -Cos[2 phi];
fthetaphi = Cos[theta] Sin[2 phi];
fphiphi1 = -fthetatheta1;
fphiphi2 = Cos[theta]^2 Cos[2 phi];,
frr = Sin[theta]^2 Sin[2 phi];
frtheta = Sin[theta] Cos[theta] Sin[2 phi];
frphi = Sin[theta] Cos[2 phi];
fthetatheta1 = (1 + Cos[theta]^2) Sin[2 phi];
fthetatheta2 = -Sin[2 phi];
fthetaphi = -Cos[theta] Cos[2 phi];
fphiphi1 = -fthetatheta1; fphiphi2 = Cos[theta]^2 Sin[2 phi];,
Print["Error: m must be one of {0,1,2,-1,-2}."];Abort[]
h = aa {
{0, 0, 0, 0},
{0, AA[t, r] frr, BB[t, r] frtheta r, BB[t, r] frphi r Sin[theta]},
{0, BB[t, r] frtheta r,
(CC[t, r] fthetatheta1 + AA[t, r] fthetatheta2) r^2,
(AA[t, r] - 2 CC[t, r]) fthetaphi r^2 Sin[theta]},
{0, BB[t, r] frphi r Sin[theta],
(AA[t, r] - 2 CC[t, r]) fthetaphi r^2 Sin[theta],
(CC[t, r] fphiphi1 + AA [t, r] fphiphi2) r^2 Sin[theta]^2}
} // Simplify;
g = DiagonalMatrix[{-1, 1, r^2, r^2 Sin[theta]^2}] + h // Simplify;
rule1 = Switch[type,
AA -> Function[{t, r},3 (F''[t + r]/r^3 - (3 F'[t + r])/r^4 + (3 F[t + r])/r^5)],
BB -> Function[{t, r}, -(-(F'''[t + r]/r^2) + (3 F''[t + r])/r^3 - (6 F'[t + r])/r^4 + (6 F[t + r])/r^5)],
CC -> Function[{t, r}, 1/4 (F''''[t + r]/r - (2 F'''[t + r])/r^2 + (9 F''[t + r])/r^3 - (21 F'[t + r])/r^4 + (21 F[t + r])/r^5)]
AA -> Function[{t, r}, 3 (F''[t - r]/r^3 + (3 F'[t - r])/r^4 + (3 F[t - r])/r^5)],
BB -> Function[{t, r}, -(F'''[t - r]/r^2 + (3 F''[t - r])/r^3 + (6 F'[t - r])/r^4 + (6 F[t - r])/r^5)],
CC -> Function[{t, r}, 1/4 (F''''[t - r]/r + (2 F'''[t - r])/r^2 + (9 F''[t - r])/r^3 + (21 F'[t - r])/r^4 + (21 F[t - r])/r^5)]
Print["Error: check wave type, can only be in or out"];Abort[]
rule2 = F -> Function[L^5 (#/L)^n E^(-(#^2/L^2))]
(* set tetrad *)
vecn = 1/2 {1, -1, 0, 0};
vecmb = 1/(Sqrt[2] r) {0, 0, 1, -(I/Sin[theta])};
(* Calculate psi4 *)
psi4 = psi4analytical[g, {t, r, theta, phi}, vecn, vecmb];
psi4 = psi4 /. {aa->a};
psi4 = psi4 /. rule1;
psi4 = psi4 /. rule2;
psi4 = psi4 /. {t->0};
(* psi4 = Simplify[psi4, TimeConstraint->tc]; *)
Put[psi4, filename]