2024-07-21 02:51:17 -04:00

26 lines
892 B

return function()
local icons = {
ui = require("modules.utils.icons").get("ui"),
require("modules.utils").load_plugin("fidget", {
progress = {
suppress_on_insert = false, -- Suppress new messages while in insert mode
ignore_done_already = false, -- Ignore new tasks that are already complete
ignore = { "null-ls" }, -- List of LSP servers to ignore
display = {
render_limit = 5, -- How many LSP messages to show at once
done_ttl = 2, -- How long a message should persist after completion
done_icon = icons.ui.Accepted, -- Icon shown when all LSP progress tasks are complete
notification = {
override_vim_notify = false, -- Automatically override vim.notify() with Fidget
window = {
winblend = 0, -- Background color opacity in the notification window
zindex = 75, -- Stacking priority of the notification window