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by Stephan Raabe (2023)
This is the configuration of my Arch linux based installation.
- Window Manager: qtile
- Compositor: picom
- Terminal: alacritty
- Editor: nvim
- Prompt: starship
- Bar: polybar
- Icons: Font Awesome
- Menus: Rofi
- Colorscheme: pywal (dynamic)
- Browser: brave
- Filemanager: ranger, Thunar
- Screenshots: scrot
- Cursor: Bibata Modern Classic
- Icons: breeze-dark
- Theme: Breeze-dark
- Virtual Machine: qemu (Windows 11 with looking glass and xrdp)
Please also see the script folder how I setup my system.
Included is a pywal configuration that changes the color scheme based on a randomly selected wallpaper. Just type w in a terminal (or SuperKey + Shift + w). SuperKey + Ctrl + w opens rofi with a list of installed wallpapers for individual selection. See also the .bashrc for more alias definitions.
Screenshots & Video
You can find more screenshots in the screenshots folder.
Getting started
To make it easy for you to get started with my dotfiles, here's a list of recommended next steps.
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Install or update all required packages and install dotfiles
# Install qtile window manager