2024-07-21 02:51:17 -04:00

129 lines
3.7 KiB

local global = require("core.global")
local function load_options()
local global_local = {
-- backupdir = global.cache_dir .. "/backup/",
-- directory = global.cache_dir .. "/swap/",
-- spellfile = global.cache_dir .. "/spell/en.uft-8.add",
-- viewdir = global.cache_dir .. "/view/",
autoindent = true,
autoread = true,
autowrite = true,
backspace = "indent,eol,start",
backup = false,
backupskip = "/tmp/*,$TMPDIR/*,$TMP/*,$TEMP/*,*/shm/*,/private/var/*,.vault.vim",
breakat = [[\ \ ;:,!?]],
breakindentopt = "shift:2,min:20",
clipboard = "unnamedplus",
cmdheight = 1, -- 0, 1, 2
cmdwinheight = 5,
complete = ".,w,b,k,kspell",
completeopt = "menuone,noselect,popup",
concealcursor = "niv",
conceallevel = 0,
cursorcolumn = true,
cursorline = true,
diffopt = "filler,iwhite,internal,linematch:60,algorithm:patience",
display = "lastline",
encoding = "utf-8",
equalalways = false,
errorbells = true,
fileformats = "unix,mac,dos",
foldenable = true,
foldlevelstart = 99,
formatoptions = "1jcroql",
grepformat = "%f:%l:%c:%m",
grepprg = "rg --hidden --vimgrep --smart-case --",
helpheight = 12,
hidden = true,
history = 2000,
ignorecase = true,
inccommand = "nosplit",
incsearch = true,
infercase = true,
jumpoptions = "stack",
laststatus = 3,
linebreak = true,
list = true,
listchars = "tab:»·,nbsp:+,trail:·,extends:→,precedes:←",
magic = true,
mousescroll = "ver:3,hor:6",
number = true,
previewheight = 12,
-- Do NOT adjust the following option (pumblend) if you're using transparent background
pumblend = 0,
pumheight = 15,
redrawtime = 1500,
relativenumber = true,
ruler = true,
scrolloff = 2,
sessionoptions = "buffers,curdir,folds,help,tabpages,winpos,winsize",
shada = "!,'500,<50,@100,s10,h",
shiftround = true,
shiftwidth = 4,
shortmess = "aoOTIcF",
showbreak = "",
showcmd = false,
showmode = false,
showtabline = 2,
sidescrolloff = 5,
signcolumn = "yes",
smartcase = true,
smarttab = true,
smoothscroll = true,
splitbelow = true,
splitkeep = "screen",
splitright = true,
startofline = false,
swapfile = false,
switchbuf = "usetab,uselast",
synmaxcol = 2500,
tabstop = 4,
termguicolors = true,
timeout = true,
timeoutlen = 300,
ttimeout = true,
ttimeoutlen = 0,
undodir = global.cache_dir .. "/undo/",
undofile = true,
-- Please do NOT set `updatetime` to above 500, otherwise most plugins may not function correctly
updatetime = 200,
viewoptions = "folds,cursor,curdir,slash,unix",
virtualedit = "block",
visualbell = true,
whichwrap = "h,l,<,>,[,],~",
wildignore = ".git,.hg,.svn,*.pyc,*.o,*.out,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.png,*.gif,*.zip,**/tmp/**,*.DS_Store,**/node_modules/**,**/bower_modules/**",
wildignorecase = true,
-- Do NOT adjust the following option (winblend) if you're using transparent background
winblend = 0,
winminwidth = 10,
winwidth = 30,
wrap = false,
wrapscan = true,
writebackup = false,
local function isempty(s)
return s == nil or s == ""
local function use_if_defined(val, fallback)
return val ~= nil and val or fallback
-- custom python provider
local conda_prefix = os.getenv("CONDA_PREFIX")
if not isempty(conda_prefix) then
vim.g.python_host_prog = use_if_defined(vim.g.python_host_prog, conda_prefix .. "/bin/python")
vim.g.python3_host_prog = use_if_defined(vim.g.python3_host_prog, conda_prefix .. "/bin/python")
vim.g.python_host_prog = use_if_defined(vim.g.python_host_prog, "python")
vim.g.python3_host_prog = use_if_defined(vim.g.python3_host_prog, "python3")
for name, value in pairs(require("modules.utils").extend_config(global_local, "user.options")) do
vim.api.nvim_set_option_value(name, value, {})