2024-07-21 02:51:17 -04:00

28 lines
1.4 KiB

return function()
require("modules.utils").load_plugin("sniprun", {
selected_interpreters = {}, -- " use those instead of the default for the current filetype
repl_enable = {}, -- " enable REPL-like behavior for the given interpreters
repl_disable = {}, -- " disable REPL-like behavior for the given interpreters
interpreter_options = {}, -- " intepreter-specific options, consult docs / :SnipInfo <name>
-- " you can combo different display modes as desired
display = {
"TempFloatingWindowOk", -- display ok results in the floating window
"NvimNotifyErr", -- display err results with the nvim-notify plugin
-- "Classic", -- display results in the command line"
-- "VirtualText", -- display results in virtual text"
-- "LongTempFloatingWindow", -- display results in the long floating window
-- "Terminal" -- display results in a vertical split
-- "TerminalWithCode" -- display results and code history in a vertical split
display_options = {
terminal_width = 45,
notification_timeout = 5000,
-- " miscellaneous compatibility/adjustement settings
inline_messages = 0, -- " inline_message (0/1) is a one-line way to display messages
-- " to workaround sniprun not being able to display anything
borders = "single", -- " display borders around floating windows
-- " possible values are 'none', 'single', 'double', or 'shadow'