return function() local notify = require("notify") local icons = { diagnostics = require("modules.utils.icons").get("diagnostics"), ui = require("modules.utils.icons").get("ui"), } require("modules.utils").load_plugin("notify", { ---@usage Animation style one of { "fade", "slide", "fade_in_slide_out", "static" } stages = "fade", ---@usage Function called when a new window is opened, use for changing win settings/config on_open = function(win) vim.api.nvim_set_option_value("winblend", 0, { scope = "local", win = win }) vim.api.nvim_win_set_config(win, { zindex = 90 }) end, ---@usage Function called when a window is closed on_close = nil, ---@usage timeout for notifications in ms, default 5000 timeout = 2000, -- @usage User render fps value fps = 20, -- Render function for notifications. See notify-render() render = "default", ---@usage highlight behind the window for stages that change opacity background_colour = "NotifyBackground", ---@usage minimum width for notification windows minimum_width = 50, ---@usage notifications with level lower than this would be ignored. [ERROR > WARN > INFO > DEBUG > TRACE] level = "INFO", ---@usage Icons for the different levels icons = { ERROR = icons.diagnostics.Error, WARN = icons.diagnostics.Warning, INFO = icons.diagnostics.Information, DEBUG = icons.ui.Bug, TRACE = icons.ui.Pencil, }, }) vim.notify = notify end