return function() local has_catppuccin = vim.g.colors_name:find("catppuccin") ~= nil local colors = require("modules.utils").get_palette() local icons = { diagnostics = require("modules.utils.icons").get("diagnostics", true), git = require("modules.utils.icons").get("git", true), git_nosep = require("modules.utils.icons").get("git"), misc = require("modules.utils.icons").get("misc", true), ui = require("modules.utils.icons").get("ui", true), } local function custom_theme() vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("ColorScheme", { group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("LualineColorScheme", { clear = true }), pattern = "*", callback = function() has_catppuccin = vim.g.colors_name:find("catppuccin") ~= nil require("lualine").setup({ options = { theme = custom_theme() } }) end, }) if has_catppuccin then colors = require("modules.utils").get_palette() local universal_bg = require("core.settings").transparent_background and "NONE" or colors.mantle return { normal = { a = { fg = colors.lavender, bg = colors.surface0, gui = "bold" }, b = { fg = colors.text, bg = universal_bg }, c = { fg = colors.text, bg = universal_bg }, }, command = { a = { fg = colors.peach, bg = colors.surface0, gui = "bold" }, }, insert = { a = { fg =, bg = colors.surface0, gui = "bold" }, }, visual = { a = { fg = colors.flamingo, bg = colors.surface0, gui = "bold" }, }, terminal = { a = { fg = colors.teal, bg = colors.surface0, gui = "bold" }, }, replace = { a = { fg =, bg = colors.surface0, gui = "bold" }, }, inactive = { a = { fg = colors.subtext0, bg = universal_bg, gui = "bold" }, b = { fg = colors.subtext0, bg = universal_bg }, c = { fg = colors.subtext0, bg = universal_bg }, }, } else return "auto" end end local conditionals = { has_enough_room = function() return vim.o.columns > 100 end, has_comp_before = function() return ~= "" end, has_git = function() local gitdir = vim.fs.find(".git", { limit = 1, upward = true, type = "directory", path = vim.fn.expand("%:p:h"), }) return #gitdir > 0 end, } ---@class lualine_hlgrp ---@field fg string ---@field bg string ---@field gui string? local utils = { force_centering = function() return "%=" end, abbreviate_path = function(path) local home = require("").home if path:find(home, 1, true) == 1 then path = "~" .. path:sub(#home + 1) end return path end, ---Generate `color` for any component ---@param fg string @Foreground hl group ---@param gen_bg boolean @Generate guibg from hl group |StatusLine|? ---@param special_nobg boolean @Disable guibg for transparent backgrounds? ---@param bg string? @Background hl group ---@param gui string? @GUI highlight arguments ---@return nil|fun():lualine_hlgrp gen_hl = function(fg, gen_bg, special_nobg, bg, gui) if has_catppuccin then return function() local guifg = colors[fg] local guibg = gen_bg and require("modules.utils").hl_to_rgb("StatusLine", true, colors.mantle) or colors[bg] local nobg = special_nobg and require("core.settings").transparent_background return { fg = guifg and guifg or colors.none, bg = (guibg and not nobg) and guibg or colors.none, gui = gui and gui or nil, } end else -- Return `nil` if the theme is user-defined return nil end end, } local function diff_source() local gitsigns = vim.b.gitsigns_status_dict if gitsigns then return { added = gitsigns.added, modified = gitsigns.changed, removed = gitsigns.removed, } end end local components = { separator = { -- use as section separators function() return "│" end, padding = 0, color = utils.gen_hl("surface1", true, true), separator = { left = "", right = "" }, }, file_status = { function() local function is_new_file() local filename = vim.fn.expand("%") return filename ~= "" and == "" and vim.fn.filereadable(filename) == 0 end local symbols = {} if then table.insert(symbols, "[+]") end if == false then table.insert(symbols, "[-]") end if == true then table.insert(symbols, "[RO]") end if is_new_file() then table.insert(symbols, "[New]") end return #symbols > 0 and table.concat(symbols, "") or "" end, padding = { left = -1, right = 1 }, cond = conditionals.has_comp_before, }, lsp = { function() local buf_ft = local clients = vim.lsp.get_clients({ buffer = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() }) local lsp_lists = {} local available_servers = {} if next(clients) == nil then return icons.misc.NoActiveLsp -- No server available end for _, client in ipairs(clients) do local filetypes = client.config.filetypes local client_name = if filetypes and vim.fn.index(filetypes, buf_ft) ~= -1 then -- Avoid adding servers that already exists. if not lsp_lists[client_name] then lsp_lists[client_name] = true table.insert(available_servers, client_name) end end end return next(available_servers) == nil and icons.misc.NoActiveLsp or string.format("%s[%s]", icons.misc.LspAvailable, table.concat(available_servers, ", ")) end, color = utils.gen_hl("blue", true, true, nil, "bold"), cond = conditionals.has_enough_room, }, python_venv = { function() local function env_cleanup(venv) if string.find(venv, "/") then local final_venv = venv for w in venv:gmatch("([^/]+)") do final_venv = w end venv = final_venv end return venv end if == "python" then local venv = os.getenv("CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV") if venv then return icons.misc.PyEnv .. env_cleanup(venv) end venv = os.getenv("VIRTUAL_ENV") if venv then return icons.misc.PyEnv .. env_cleanup(venv) end end return "" end, color = utils.gen_hl("green", true, true), cond = conditionals.has_enough_room, }, tabwidth = { function() return icons.ui.Tab .. end, padding = 1, }, cwd = { function() return icons.ui.FolderWithHeart .. utils.abbreviate_path(vim.fs.normalize(vim.fn.getcwd())) end, color = utils.gen_hl("subtext0", true, true, nil, "bold"), }, file_location = { function() local cursorline = vim.fn.line(".") local cursorcol = vim.fn.virtcol(".") local filelines = vim.fn.line("$") local position if cursorline == 1 then position = "Top" elseif cursorline == filelines then position = "Bot" else position = string.format("%2d%%%%", math.floor(cursorline / filelines * 100)) end return string.format("%s · %3d:%-2d", position, cursorline, cursorcol) end, }, } require("modules.utils").load_plugin("lualine", { options = { icons_enabled = true, theme = custom_theme(), disabled_filetypes = { statusline = { "alpha" } }, component_separators = "", section_separators = { left = "", right = "" }, }, sections = { lualine_a = { "mode" }, lualine_b = { { "filetype", colored = true, icon_only = false, icon = { align = "left" }, }, components.file_status, vim.tbl_extend("force", components.separator, { cond = function() return conditionals.has_git() and conditionals.has_comp_before() end, }), }, lualine_c = { { "branch", icon = icons.git_nosep.Branch, color = utils.gen_hl("subtext0", true, true, nil, "bold"), cond = conditionals.has_git, }, { "diff", symbols = { added = icons.git.Add, modified = icons.git.Mod_alt, removed = icons.git.Remove, }, source = diff_source, colored = false, color = utils.gen_hl("subtext0", true, true), cond = conditionals.has_git, padding = { right = 1 }, }, { utils.force_centering }, { "diagnostics", sources = { "nvim_diagnostic" }, sections = { "error", "warn", "info", "hint" }, symbols = { error = icons.diagnostics.Error, warn = icons.diagnostics.Warning, info = icons.diagnostics.Information, hint = icons.diagnostics.Hint_alt, }, }, components.lsp, }, lualine_x = { { "encoding", fmt = string.upper, padding = { left = 1 }, cond = conditionals.has_enough_room, }, { "fileformat", symbols = { unix = "LF", dos = "CRLF", mac = "CR", -- Legacy macOS }, padding = { left = 1 }, }, components.tabwidth, }, lualine_y = { components.separator, components.python_venv, components.cwd, }, lualine_z = { components.file_location }, }, inactive_sections = { lualine_a = {}, lualine_b = {}, lualine_c = { "filename" }, lualine_x = { "location" }, lualine_y = {}, lualine_z = {}, }, tabline = {}, extensions = {}, }) end