#!/bin/bash # _ _ __ _ _ # __| | ___ | |_ / _(_) | ___ ___ # / _` |/ _ \| __| |_| | |/ _ \/ __| # | (_| | (_) | |_| _| | | __/\__ \ # \__,_|\___/ \__|_| |_|_|\___||___/ # # by Stephan Raabe (2023) # ------------------------------------------------------ # Install Script for dotfiles and configuration # yay must be installed # ------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------ # Load Library # ------------------------------------------------------ source $(dirname "$0")/scripts/library.sh clear echo " _ _ __ _ _ " echo " __| | ___ | |_ / _(_) | ___ ___ " echo " / _' |/ _ \| __| |_| | |/ _ \/ __| " echo "| (_| | (_) | |_| _| | | __/\__ \ " echo " \__,_|\___/ \__|_| |_|_|\___||___/ " echo " " echo "by Stephan Raabe (2023)" echo "-------------------------------------" echo "" echo "The script will ask for permission to remove the following existing folders and files." echo "But you can decide to keep your local versions by answering with No (Nn)." echo "Symbolic links will be created from ~/dotfiles into your home and .config directories." echo "" # ------------------------------------------------------ # Confirm Start # ------------------------------------------------------ while true; do read -p "DO YOU WANT TO START THE INSTALLATION NOW? (Yy/Nn): " yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) echo "Installation started." break;; [Nn]* ) exit; break;; * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";; esac done # ------------------------------------------------------ # Create .config folder # ------------------------------------------------------ echo "" echo "-> Check existing .config folder" if [ -d ~/.config ]; then echo ".config folder already exists." else mkdir ~/.config echo ".config folder created." fi # ------------------------------------------------------ # Create symbolic links # ------------------------------------------------------ echo "" echo "-> Install dotfiles with symbolic links" _installSymLink ~/.config/picom ~/dotfiles/picom/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/alacritty ~/dotfiles/alacritty/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/ranger ~/dotfiles/ranger/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/rofi ~/dotfiles/rofi/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/vim ~/dotfiles/vim/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/nvim ~/dotfiles/nvim/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/dunst ~/dotfiles/dunst/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/wal ~/dotfiles/wal/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/starship.toml ~/dotfiles/starship/starship.toml ~/.config/starship.toml _installSymLink ~/.config/hypr ~/dotfiles/hypr/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/waybar ~/dotfiles/waybar/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/swaylock ~/dotfiles/swaylock/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/wlogout ~/dotfiles/wlogout/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/qtile ~/dotfiles/qtile/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/polybar ~/dotfiles/polybar/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.xinitrc ~/dotfiles/qtile/.xinitrc ~/.xinitrc _installSymLink ~/.gtkrc-2.0 ~/dotfiles/.gtkrc-2.0 ~/.gtkrc-2.0 _installSymLink ~/.config/gtk-3.0 ~/dotfiles/gtk-3.0/ ~/.config/ _installSymLink ~/.Xresources ~/dotfiles/.Xresources ~/.Xresources _installSymLink ~/.icons ~/dotfiles/.icons/ ~/ # ------------------------------------------------------ # DONE # ------------------------------------------------------ echo "DONE! Please reboot your system!"