#!/bin/bash # _ _ __ _ _ # __| | ___ | |_ / _(_) | ___ ___ # / _` |/ _ \| __| |_| | |/ _ \/ __| # | (_| | (_) | |_| _| | | __/\__ \ # \__,_|\___/ \__|_| |_|_|\___||___/ # # by Stephan Raabe (2023) # ------------------------------------------------------ # Install Script for dotfiles and configuration # yay must be installed # ------------------------------------------------------ clear echo "DO YOU WANT TO START THE INSTALLATION NOW?" read -p "(Return to start, Ctrl+c to cancel)" c # ------------------------------------------------------ # Install required packages # ------------------------------------------------------ echo "" echo "-> Install main packages" packagesPacman=("alacritty" "scrot" "nitrogen" "picom" "starship" "slock" "neomutt" "neovim" "rofi" "dunst" "ueberzug" "mpv" "freerdp" "spotifyd" "xfce4-power-manager" "python-pip" "thunar" "mousepad" "papirus-icon-theme" "ttf-font-awesome" "ttf-fira-sans" "ttf-fira-code" "ttf-firacode-nerd" "figlet" "cmatrix" "qalculate-gtk" "adapta-gtk-theme" "terminator" "polybar"); packagesYay=("brave-bin" "timeshift" "tela-circle-icon-theme-orange" "pfetch" "preload" "bibata-cursor-theme"); packagesPip=("psutil" "rich" "click" "pywal"); # ------------------------------------------------------ # Function: Is package installed # ------------------------------------------------------ _isInstalledPacman() { package="$1"; check="$(sudo pacman -Qs --color always "${package}" | grep "local" | grep "${package} ")"; if [ -n "${check}" ] ; then echo 0; #'0' means 'true' in Bash return; #true fi; echo 1; #'1' means 'false' in Bash return; #false } _isInstalledYay() { package="$1"; check="$(yay -Qs --color always "${package}" | grep "local" | grep "${package} ")"; if [ -n "${check}" ] ; then echo 0; #'0' means 'true' in Bash return; #true fi; echo 1; #'1' means 'false' in Bash return; #false } _isInstalledPip() { package="$1"; check="$(pip list | grep "${package} ")"; if [ -n "${check}" ] ; then echo 0; else echo 1; fi } # ------------------------------------------------------ # Function Install all package if not installed # ------------------------------------------------------ _installPackagesPacman() { toInstall=(); for pkg; do if [[ $(_isInstalledPacman "${pkg}") == 0 ]]; then echo "${pkg} is already installed."; continue; fi; toInstall+=("${pkg}"); done; if [[ "${toInstall[@]}" == "" ]] ; then # echo "All pacman packages are already installed."; return; fi; printf "Packages not installed:\n%s\n" "${toInstall[@]}"; sudo pacman -S "${toInstall[@]}"; } _installPackagesYay() { toInstall=(); for pkg; do if [[ $(_isInstalledYay "${pkg}") == 0 ]]; then echo "${pkg} is already installed."; continue; fi; toInstall+=("${pkg}"); done; if [[ "${toInstall[@]}" == "" ]] ; then # echo "All packages are already installed."; return; fi; printf "AUR ackages not installed:\n%s\n" "${toInstall[@]}"; yay -S "${toInstall[@]}"; } _installPackagesPip() { toInstall=(); for pkg; do if [[ $(_isInstalledPip "${pkg}") == 0 ]]; then echo "${pkg} is already installed."; continue; fi; toInstall+=("${pkg}"); done; if [[ "${toInstall[@]}" == "" ]] ; then # echo "All packages are already installed."; return; fi; printf "Pip packages not installed:\n%s\n" "${toInstall[@]}"; pip install "${toInstall[@]}"; } # ------------------------------------------------------ # Install required packages # ------------------------------------------------------ _installPackagesPacman "${packagesPacman[@]}"; _installPackagesYay "${packagesYay[@]}"; _installPackagesPip "${packagesPip[@]}"; # ------------------------------------------------------ # Enable services # ------------------------------------------------------ sudo systemctl enable preload # ------------------------------------------------------ # Create .config folder # ------------------------------------------------------ echo "" echo "-> Install .config folder" if [ -d ~/.config ]; then echo ".config folder already exists" else mkdir ~/.config echo ".config folder created" fi # ------------------------------------------------------ # Create symbolic links # ------------------------------------------------------ echo "" echo "-> Install symbolic links" _installSymLink() { symlink="$1"; linksource="$2"; linktarget="$3"; if [ -L "${symlink}" ]; then echo "Link ${symlink} exists already!" else if [ -d ${symlink} ]; then echo "Directory ${symlink}/ exists" else if [ -f ${symlink} ]; then echo "File ${symlink} exists" else ln -s ${linksource} ${linktarget} echo "Link ${linksource} -> ${linktarget} created" fi fi fi } _installSymLink ~/.config/qtile ~/dotfiles/qtile/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/alacritty ~/dotfiles/alacritty/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/neomutt ~/dotfiles/neomutt/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/picom ~/dotfiles/picom/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/ranger ~/dotfiles/ranger/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/rofi ~/dotfiles/rofi/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/spotifyd ~/dotfiles/spotifyd/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/vim ~/dotfiles/vim/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/nvim ~/dotfiles/nvim/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/polybar ~/dotfiles/polybar/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/dunst ~/dotfiles/dunst/ ~/.config _installSymLink ~/.config/starship.toml ~/dotfiles/starship/starship.toml ~/.config/starship.toml _installSymLink ~/.bashrc ~/dotfiles/.bashrc ~/.bashrc # ------------------------------------------------------ # Install Theme, Icons and Cursor # ------------------------------------------------------ _installSymLink ~/.gtkrc-2.0 ~/dotfiles/.gtkrc-2.0 ~/.gtkrc-2.0 _installSymLink ~/.config/gtk-3.0 ~/dotfiles/gtk-3.0/ ~/.config/ _installSymLink ~/.Xresources ~/dotfiles/.Xresources ~/.Xresources _installSymLink ~/.icons ~/dotfiles/.icons/ ~/ # ------------------------------------------------------ # Clone wallpapers # ------------------------------------------------------ echo "" echo "-> Install wallpapers" if [ -d ~/wallpaper/ ]; then echo "wallpaper folder already exists" else git clone https://gitlab.com/stephan-raabe/wallpaper.git ~/wallpaper echo "wallpaper installed" fi # ------------------------------------------------------ # Install custom issue (login prompt) # ------------------------------------------------------ echo "" echo "-> Install login screen" sudo cp ~/dotfiles/issue /etc/issue echo "Login screen installed" # ------------------------------------------------------ # Init pywal # ------------------------------------------------------ echo "" echo "-> Init pywal" wal -i ~/wallpaper/default.jpg -n echo "pywal initiated" echo "" echo "DONE! Reboot suggested..."