#!/bin/bash # _____ _ _ _ __ _ # |_ _(_)_ __ ___ ___ ___| |__ (_)/ _| |_ # | | | | '_ ` _ \ / _ \/ __| '_ \| | |_| __| # | | | | | | | | | __/\__ \ | | | | _| |_ # |_| |_|_| |_| |_|\___||___/_| |_|_|_| \__| # sleep 1 clear figlet "Timeshift" _isInstalledYay() { package="$1"; check="$(yay -Qs --color always "${package}" | grep "local" | grep "${package} ")"; if [ -n "${check}" ] ; then echo 0; #'0' means 'true' in Bash return; #true fi; echo 1; #'1' means 'false' in Bash return; #false } timeshift_installed=$(_isInstalledYay "timeshift") grubbtrfs_installed=$(_isInstalledYay "grub-btrfs") if [[ $timeshift_installed == "0" ]] ;then echo ":: Timeshift is already installed" else if gum confirm "DO YOU WANT TO INSTALL Timeshift now?" ;then yay -S timeshift fi fi if [[ -d /boot/grub ]] && [[ $grubbtrfs_installed == "0" ]] ;then echo ":: grub-btrfs is already installed" else echo ":: grub-btrfs is required to select a snapshot on grub bootloader." if gum confirm "DO YOU WANT TO INSTALL grub-btrfs now?" ;then yay -S grub-btrfs fi fi sleep 3