# ML4W dotfiles 2.6 This is my configuration of Hyprland (Wayland) and Qtile (Xorg & Wayland) for Arch. This package includes an installation script to install and setup the required components. PLEASE NOTE: This branch is the rolling release of my dotfiles and includes the latest changes. Please be aware that this version is not a tested release. The released dotfiles are tested with Arch Linux, Manjaro Linux, EndeavourOS and Arco Linux. You can find the video on YouTube: Dotfiles Configuration and Installation [TOC] # Installation To make it easy for you to get started with my dotfiles, here's a list of recommended next steps. The script will try to create a backup from an previous dotfiles installation. PLEASE BACKUP YOUR EXISTING .config FOLDER WITH YOUR DOTFILES BEFORE STARTING THE SCRIPTS FOR INITIONAL INSTALLTION. PLEASE READ THIS README until the end before starting the installation. ## Installation with GIT (Rolling Release of main branch) ``` # 1.) Change into your Downloads folder cd ~/Downloads # 2.) Clone the dotfiles repository into the Downloads folder git clone https://gitlab.com/stephan-raabe/dotfiles.git # 3.) Change into the dotfiles folder cd dotfiles # 4.) Start the installation ./install.sh ``` ## Update with GIT (Rolling Release of main branch) ``` # 1.) Change into your Downloads folder cd ~/Downloads/dotfiles # 2.) Pull the latest version and update the repository git stash; git pull # 3.) Start the installation to update ./install.sh ``` ## Update with GIT (Rolling Release of main branch) You can also update by deleting the ~/Downloads/dotfiles folder and clone again. ``` # 1.) Change into your Downloads folder cd ~/Downloads # 2.) Delete existing dotfiles folder from Downloads folder rm -rf ~/Downloads/dotfiles # 3.) Clone the dotfiles repository into the Downloads folder git clone https://gitlab.com/stephan-raabe/dotfiles.git # 4.) Change into the dotfiles folder cd dotfiles # 5.) Start the installation to update ./install.sh ``` ## Installation by downloading the latest release If you don't want to use the rolling release, you can download the latest release the latest release https://gitlab.com/stephan-raabe/dotfiles/-/releases or choose the the latest tag https://gitlab.com/stephan-raabe/dotfiles/-/tags and download the zip. ``` # 1.) Change into your Downloads folder where you have downloaded the release to cd ~/Downloads # 2.) Unzip unzip dotfiles-2.6.zip # 3.) Change into the new dotfiles folder cd dotfiles-2.6 # 4.) Start the installation to update ./install.sh ``` You can also use the dotfiles installer script to download and install the latest release: https://gitlab.com/stephan-raabe/installer ## NVIDIA There is no official Hyprland support for Nvidia hardware. However, you might make it work properly following this page. https://wiki.hyprland.org/Nvidia/ That's why NVIDIA GPUs are currently not supported by my dotfiles. But in upcoming releases, I will try to setup Hyprland for NVIDIA based on the article above. ## Installation in a KVM virtual machine Qtile X11 works fine in a KVM virtual machine. The Hyprland performance is low but it's enough for testing new features. In virt-manager please make sure that 3D acceleration is enabled in Video Virtio and the Listen type is set to None in Display Spice. To fix the mouse issue on Hyprland, open the Hyprland settings with SUPER + CTRL + S and select in Environments the variation kvm.conf # Some important key bindings - SUPER + RETURN: Alacritty - SUPER + CMD + RETURN: rofi application launcher - SUPER + SHIFT + W: Change wallpaper - SUPER + PRINT: Screenshot - SUPER + CMS + Q: Logout screen All keybindings for Hyprland with right mouse click on Apps in waybar or here: https://gitlab.com/stephan-raabe/dotfiles/-/blob/main/hypr/conf/keybindings.conf?ref_type=heads All keybindings for Qtile: https://gitlab.com/stephan-raabe/dotfiles/-/blob/main/qtile/config.py?ref_type=heads # Templating & Settings ## Hyprland Click to watch on YouTube Click to watch on YouTube Watch on YouTube ### Wallpaper and Pywal Included is a pywal configuration that changes the color scheme based on a randomly selected wallpaper. With the key binding SUPER + SHIFT + W you can change the wallpaper coming from the folder ~/wallpaper/. SUPER + CTRL + W opens rofi with a list of installed wallpapers in ~/wallpaper/ for your individual selection. ### Waybar themes and themeswitcher In addition, you can switch the Waybar Template with SUPER + CTRL + T or by pressing the "..." icon in Waybar with the themeswitcher. The templates are available in ~/dotfiles/waybar/themes. You can add your own personal themes into this folder. More information here: https://gitlab.com/stephan-raabe/dotfiles/-/tree/main/waybar ### Hyprland settings You can open the settings script with SUPER + CTRL + S to select variations for your hyprland.conf and customize your desktop even more. ### Screensharing and recording In case you have issues with starting Waybar please make sure that only one xdg-desktop-portal-x is installed additionally to xdg-desktop-portal. I had several issues with xdg-desktop-portal-wlr on Hyprland and Waybar. Please make sure that xdg-desktop-portal-wlr is uninstalled and xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland is installed. More information you can find here: https://gist.github.com/PowerBall253/2dea6ddf6974ba4e5d26c3139ffb7580 Please note that every Arch Linux system is different and I cannot guarantee that everything works fine on your system. ### Main packages - Terminal: alacritty - Editor: nvim - Prompt: starship - Icons: Font Awesome - Launch Menus: Rofi - Colorscheme: pywal - Browsers: chromium (brave optional) - Filemanager: Thunar - Cursor: Bibata Modern Ice - Icons: Papirus-Icon-Theme - Status Bar: waybar - Screenshots: grim & slurp - Clipboard Manager: cliphist - Logout: wlogout - Screenlock: swaylock-effects ## Qtile ### X11 Click to watch on YouTube Click to watch on YouTube Click to watch on YouTube ### Wayland Click to watch on YouTube Watch on YouTube You can find more screenshots here. Watch on YouTube ### Wallpaper and Pywal Included is a pywal configuration that changes the color scheme based on a randomly selected wallpaper. With the key binding SUPER + SHIFT + W you can change the wallpaper coming from the folder ~/wallpaper/. SUPER + CTRL + W opens rofi with a list of installed wallpapers in ~/wallpaper/ for your individual selection. ### Qtile status bar switcher With SUPER + SHIFT + S, you can switch between the Qtile standard status bar and Polybar and back. ### Main Packages #### Qtile X11 - Terminal: alacritty - Editor: nvim - Prompt: starship - Icons: Font Awesome - Launch Menus: Rofi - Colorscheme: pywal - Browsers: chromium (brave optional) - Filemanager: Thunar - Cursor: Bibata Modern Ice - Icons: Papirus-Icon-Theme - Status Bar: Qtile status bar - Compositor: picom - Status Bar: Qtile status bar + Polybar (optional) - Screenshots: scrot #### Qtile Wayland - Screenshots: grim & slurp - Clipboard Manager: cliphist - Logout: rofi power menu - Screenlock: swaylock-effects ## Wallpaper repository You can find my wallpaper collection in the repository https://gitlab.com/stephan-raabe/wallpaper