return function() local transparent_background = require("core.settings").transparent_background local clear = {} require("modules.utils").load_plugin("catppuccin", { background = { light = "latte", dark = "mocha" }, -- latte, frappe, macchiato, mocha dim_inactive = { enabled = false, -- Dim inactive splits/windows/buffers. -- NOT recommended if you use old palette (a.k.a., mocha). shade = "dark", percentage = 0.15, }, transparent_background = transparent_background, show_end_of_buffer = false, -- show the '~' characters after the end of buffers term_colors = true, compile_path = vim.fn.stdpath("cache") .. "/catppuccin", styles = { comments = { "italic" }, functions = { "bold" }, keywords = { "italic" }, operators = { "bold" }, conditionals = { "bold" }, loops = { "bold" }, booleans = { "bold", "italic" }, numbers = {}, types = {}, strings = {}, variables = {}, properties = {}, }, integrations = { treesitter = true, native_lsp = { enabled = true, virtual_text = { errors = { "italic" }, hints = { "italic" }, warnings = { "italic" }, information = { "italic" }, }, underlines = { errors = { "underline" }, hints = { "underline" }, warnings = { "underline" }, information = { "underline" }, }, }, aerial = true, alpha = false, barbar = false, beacon = false, cmp = true, coc_nvim = false, dap = true, dap_ui = true, dashboard = false, dropbar = { enabled = true, color_mode = true }, fern = false, fidget = true, flash = true, gitgutter = false, gitsigns = true, harpoon = false, headlines = false, hop = true, illuminate = true, indent_blankline = { enabled = true, colored_indent_levels = false }, leap = false, lightspeed = false, lsp_saga = true, lsp_trouble = true, markdown = true, mason = true, mini = false, navic = { enabled = false }, neogit = false, neotest = false, neotree = { enabled = false, show_root = true, transparent_panel = false }, noice = false, notify = true, nvimtree = true, overseer = false, pounce = false, rainbow_delimiters = true, sandwich = false, semantic_tokens = true, symbols_outline = false, telekasten = false, telescope = { enabled = true, style = "nvchad" }, treesitter_context = true, ts_rainbow = false, vim_sneak = false, vimwiki = false, which_key = true, }, color_overrides = {}, highlight_overrides = { ---@param cp palette all = function(cp) return { -- For base configs NormalFloat = { fg = cp.text, bg = transparent_background and cp.none or cp.mantle }, FloatBorder = { fg = transparent_background and or cp.mantle, bg = transparent_background and cp.none or cp.mantle, }, CursorLineNr = { fg = }, -- For native lsp configs DiagnosticVirtualTextError = { bg = cp.none }, DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn = { bg = cp.none }, DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo = { bg = cp.none }, DiagnosticVirtualTextHint = { bg = cp.none }, LspInfoBorder = { link = "FloatBorder" }, -- For mason.nvim MasonNormal = { link = "NormalFloat" }, -- For indent-blankline IblIndent = { fg = cp.surface0 }, IblScope = { fg = cp.surface2, style = { "bold" } }, -- For nvim-cmp and wilder.nvim Pmenu = { fg = cp.overlay2, bg = transparent_background and cp.none or cp.base }, PmenuBorder = { fg = cp.surface1, bg = transparent_background and cp.none or cp.base }, PmenuSel = { bg =, fg = cp.base }, CmpItemAbbr = { fg = cp.overlay2 }, CmpItemAbbrMatch = { fg =, style = { "bold" } }, CmpDoc = { link = "NormalFloat" }, CmpDocBorder = { fg = transparent_background and cp.surface1 or cp.mantle, bg = transparent_background and cp.none or cp.mantle, }, -- For fidget FidgetTask = { bg = cp.none, fg = cp.surface2 }, FidgetTitle = { fg =, style = { "bold" } }, -- For nvim-notify NotifyBackground = { bg = cp.base }, -- For nvim-tree NvimTreeRootFolder = { fg = }, NvimTreeIndentMarker = { fg = cp.surface2 }, -- For trouble.nvim TroubleNormal = { bg = transparent_background and cp.none or cp.base }, TroubleNormalNC = { bg = transparent_background and cp.none or cp.base }, -- For telescope.nvim TelescopeMatching = { fg = cp.lavender }, TelescopeResultsDiffAdd = { fg = }, TelescopeResultsDiffChange = { fg = cp.yellow }, TelescopeResultsDiffDelete = { fg = }, -- For glance.nvim GlanceWinBarFilename = { fg = cp.subtext1, style = { "bold" } }, GlanceWinBarFilepath = { fg = cp.subtext0, style = { "italic" } }, GlanceWinBarTitle = { fg = cp.teal, style = { "bold" } }, GlanceListCount = { fg = cp.lavender }, GlanceListFilepath = { link = "Comment" }, GlanceListFilename = { fg = }, GlanceListMatch = { fg = cp.lavender, style = { "bold" } }, GlanceFoldIcon = { fg = }, -- For nvim-treehopper TSNodeKey = { fg = cp.peach, bg = transparent_background and cp.none or cp.base, style = { "bold", "underline" }, }, -- For treesitter ["@keyword.return"] = { fg =, style = clear }, ["@error.c"] = { fg = cp.none, style = clear }, ["@error.cpp"] = { fg = cp.none, style = clear }, } end, }, }) end