return function() local icons = { kind = require("modules.utils.icons").get("kind", true), type = require("modules.utils.icons").get("type", true), misc = require("modules.utils.icons").get("misc", true), ui = require("modules.utils.icons").get("ui", true), } require("modules.utils").load_plugin("dropbar", { bar = { hover = false, truncate = true, pick = { pivots = "etovxqpdygfblzhckisuran" }, }, sources = { path = { relative_to = function() -- Only show the leaf filename in dropbar return vim.fn.expand("%:p:h") end, }, terminal = { name = function(buf) local name = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(buf) local term = select(2, require("toggleterm.terminal").identify(name)) -- Trying to "snag" a display name from toggleterm if term then return term.display_name or else return name end end, }, }, icons = { enable = true, kinds = { use_devicons = true, symbols = { -- Type Array = icons.type.Array, Boolean = icons.type.Boolean, Null = icons.type.Null, Number = icons.type.Number, Object = icons.type.Object, String = icons.type.String, Text = icons.type.String, -- Kind BreakStatement = icons.kind.Break, Call = icons.kind.Call, CaseStatement = icons.kind.Case, Class = icons.kind.Class, Color = icons.kind.Color, Constant = icons.kind.Constant, Constructor = icons.kind.Constructor, ContinueStatement = icons.kind.Continue, Declaration = icons.kind.Declaration, Delete = icons.kind.Delete, DoStatement = icons.kind.Loop, Enum = icons.kind.Enum, EnumMember = icons.kind.EnumMember, Event = icons.kind.Event, Field = icons.kind.Field, File = icons.kind.File, ForStatement = icons.kind.Loop, Function = icons.kind.Function, Identifier = icons.kind.Variable, Interface = icons.kind.Interface, Keyword = icons.kind.Keyword, List = icons.kind.List, Lsp = icons.misc.LspAvailable, Method = icons.kind.Method, Module = icons.kind.Module, Namespace = icons.kind.Namespace, Operator = icons.kind.Operator, Package = icons.kind.Package, Pair = icons.kind.List, Property = icons.kind.Property, Reference = icons.kind.Reference, Regex = icons.kind.Regex, Repeat = icons.kind.Loop, Scope = icons.kind.Statement, Snippet = icons.kind.Snippet, Statement = icons.kind.Statement, Struct = icons.kind.Struct, SwitchStatement = icons.kind.Switch, Type = icons.kind.Interface, TypeParameter = icons.kind.TypeParameter, Unit = icons.kind.Unit, Value = icons.kind.Value, Variable = icons.kind.Variable, WhileStatement = icons.kind.Loop, -- Microsoft-specific icons Folder = icons.kind.Folder, -- ccls-specific icons Macro = icons.kind.Macro, Terminal = icons.kind.Terminal, }, }, ui = { bar = { separator = "  " }, menu = { indicator = icons.ui.ArrowClosed }, }, }, }) end