#!/bin/bash # _ _ # __ ____ _| | |_ __ __ _ _ __ ___ _ __ # \ \ /\ / / _` | | | '_ \ / _` | '_ \ / _ \ '__| # \ V V / (_| | | | |_) | (_| | |_) | __/ | # \_/\_/ \__,_|_|_| .__/ \__,_| .__/ \___|_| # |_| |_| # # by Stephan Raabe (2024) # ----------------------------------------------------- # Cache file for holding the current wallpaper wallpaper_folder="$HOME/wallpaper" if [ -f ~/dotfiles/.settings/wallpaper-folder.sh ] ;then source ~/dotfiles/.settings/wallpaper-folder.sh fi cache_file="$HOME/.cache/current_wallpaper" blurred="$HOME/.cache/blurred_wallpaper.png" square="$HOME/.cache/square_wallpaper.png" rasi_file="$HOME/.cache/current_wallpaper.rasi" blur_file="$HOME/dotfiles/.settings/blur.sh" blur="50x30" blur=$(cat $blur_file) # Create cache file if not exists if [ ! -f $cache_file ] ;then touch $cache_file echo "$wallpaper_folder/default.jpg" > "$cache_file" fi # Create rasi file if not exists if [ ! -f $rasi_file ] ;then touch $rasi_file echo "* { current-image: url(\"$wallpaper_folder/default.jpg\", height); }" > "$rasi_file" fi current_wallpaper=$(cat "$cache_file") case $1 in # Load wallpaper from .cache of last session "init") sleep 1 if [ -f $cache_file ]; then wal -q -i $current_wallpaper else wal -q -i $wallpaper_folder/ fi ;; # Select wallpaper with rofi "select") sleep 0.2 selected=$( find "$wallpaper_folder" -type f \( -iname "*.jpg" -o -iname "*.jpeg" -o -iname "*.png" \) -exec basename {} \; | sort -R | while read rfile do echo -en "$rfile\x00icon\x1f$wallpaper_folder/${rfile}\n" done | rofi -dmenu -i -replace -config ~/dotfiles/rofi/config-wallpaper.rasi) if [ ! "$selected" ]; then echo "No wallpaper selected" exit fi wal -q -i $wallpaper_folder/$selected ;; # Randomly select wallpaper *) wal -q -i $wallpaper_folder/ ;; esac # ----------------------------------------------------- # Load current pywal color scheme # ----------------------------------------------------- source "$HOME/.cache/wal/colors.sh" echo ":: Wallpaper: $wallpaper" # ----------------------------------------------------- # get wallpaper image name # ----------------------------------------------------- newwall=$(echo $wallpaper | sed "s|$wallpaper_folder/||g") # ----------------------------------------------------- # Reload waybar with new colors # ----------------------------------------------------- ~/dotfiles/waybar/launch.sh # ----------------------------------------------------- # Set the new wallpaper # ----------------------------------------------------- transition_type="wipe" # transition_type="outer" # transition_type="random" wallpaper_engine=$(cat $HOME/dotfiles/.settings/wallpaper-engine.sh) if [ "$wallpaper_engine" == "swww" ] ;then # swww echo ":: Using swww" swww img $wallpaper \ --transition-bezier .43,1.19,1,.4 \ --transition-fps=60 \ --transition-type=$transition_type \ --transition-duration=0.7 \ --transition-pos "$( hyprctl cursorpos )" elif [ "$wallpaper_engine" == "hyprpaper" ] ;then # hyprpaper echo ":: Using hyprpaper" killall hyprpaper wal_tpl=$(cat $HOME/dotfiles/.settings/hyprpaper.tpl) output=${wal_tpl//WALLPAPER/$wallpaper} echo "$output" > $HOME/dotfiles/hypr/hyprpaper.conf hyprpaper & else echo ":: Wallpaper Engine disabled" fi if [ "$1" == "init" ] ;then echo ":: Init" else sleep 1 dunstify "Changing wallpaper ..." "with image $newwall" -h int:value:25 -h string:x-dunst-stack-tag:wallpaper # ----------------------------------------------------- # Reload Hyprctl.sh # ----------------------------------------------------- $HOME/.config/ml4w-hyprland-settings/hyprctl.sh & fi # ----------------------------------------------------- # Created blurred wallpaper # ----------------------------------------------------- if [ "$1" == "init" ] ;then echo ":: Init" else dunstify "Creating blurred version ..." "with image $newwall" -h int:value:50 -h string:x-dunst-stack-tag:wallpaper fi magick $wallpaper -resize 75% $blurred echo ":: Resized to 75%" if [ ! "$blur" == "0x0" ] ;then magick $blurred -blur $blur $blurred echo ":: Blurred" fi # ----------------------------------------------------- # Created quare wallpaper # ----------------------------------------------------- if [ "$1" == "init" ] ;then echo ":: Init" else dunstify "Creating square version ..." "with image $newwall" -h int:value:75 -h string:x-dunst-stack-tag:wallpaper fi magick $wallpaper -gravity Center -extent 1:1 $square echo ":: Square version created" # ----------------------------------------------------- # Write selected wallpaper into .cache files # ----------------------------------------------------- echo "$wallpaper" > "$cache_file" echo "* { current-image: url(\"$blurred\", height); }" > "$rasi_file" # ----------------------------------------------------- # Send notification # ----------------------------------------------------- if [ "$1" == "init" ] ;then echo ":: Init" else dunstify "Wallpaper procedure complete!" "with image $newwall" -h int:value:100 -h string:x-dunst-stack-tag:wallpaper fi echo "DONE!"