#!/bin/bash # ____ # | _ \ __ _ ___ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __ # | |_) / _` |/ __| '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \ # | __/ (_| | (__| | | | | | (_| | | | | # |_| \__,_|\___|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| # sleep 1 clear figlet "pacman.conf" echo echo ":: This script will activate or deactivate additions for your pacman.conf." echo if grep -Fq "#ParallelDownloads" /etc/pacman.conf then if gum confirm "Do you want to activate parallel downloads?" ;then sudo sed -i 's/^#ParallelDownloads/ParallelDownloads/' /etc/pacman.conf else echo ":: Activation of parallel downloads skipped." fi else echo ":: Parallel downloads are already activated." fi if grep -Fxq "#Color" /etc/pacman.conf then if gum confirm "Do you want to activate colors?" ;then sudo sed -i 's/^#Color/Color/' /etc/pacman.conf else echo ":: Activation of Color skipped." fi else echo ":: Color is already activated." fi if grep -Fxq "#VerbosePkgLists" /etc/pacman.conf then if gum confirm "Do you want to activate VerbosePkgLists?" ;then sudo sed -i 's/^#VerbosePkgLists/VerbosePkgLists/' /etc/pacman.conf else echo ":: Activation of VerbosePkgLists skipped." fi else echo ":: VerbosePkgLists is already activated." fi if grep -Fxq "ILoveCandy" /etc/pacman.conf then echo ":: ILoveCandy is already activated." else if gum confirm "Do you want to activate ILoveCandy?" ;then sudo sed -i '/^ParallelDownloads = .*/a ILoveCandy' /etc/pacman.conf else echo ":: Activation of ILoveCandy skipped." fi fi sleep 2