return function() require("modules.utils").load_plugin("smartyank", { highlight = { enabled = false, -- highlight yanked text higroup = "IncSearch", -- highlight group of yanked text timeout = 2000, -- timeout for clearing the highlight }, clipboard = { enabled = true, }, tmux = { enabled = true, -- remove `-w` to disable copy to host client's clipboard cmd = { "tmux", "set-buffer", "-w" }, }, osc52 = { enabled = true, escseq = "tmux", -- use tmux escape sequence, only enable if you're using remote tmux and have issues (see #4) ssh_only = true, -- false to OSC52 yank also in local sessions silent = false, -- true to disable the "n chars copied" echo echo_hl = "Directory", -- highlight group of the OSC52 echo message }, }) end