return function() require("modules.utils").load_plugin("fcitx5", { msg = nil, -- string | nil: printed when startup is completed imname = { -- fcitx5.Imname | nil: imnames on each mode set as prior. See `:h map-table` for more in-depth information. norm = nil, -- string | nil: imname to set in normal mode. if nil, will restore the mode on exit. ins = nil, cmd = nil, vis = nil, sel = nil, opr = nil, term = nil, lang = nil, }, remember_prior = true, -- boolean: if true, it remembers the mode on exit and restore it when entering the mode again. -- if false, uses what was set in config. define_autocmd = true, -- boolean: if true, defines autocmd at `ModeChanged` to switch fcitx5 mode. log = "warn", -- string: log level (default: warn) }) end