return function() local null_ls = require("null-ls") local btns = null_ls.builtins ---Return formatter args required by `extra_args` ---@param formatter_name string ---@return table|nil local function formatter_args(formatter_name) local ok, args = pcall(require, "user.configs.formatters." .. formatter_name) if not ok then args = require("completion.formatters." .. formatter_name) end return args end -- Please set additional flags for the supported servers here -- Don't specify any config here if you are using the default one. local sources = { btns.formatting.clang_format.with({ filetypes = { "c", "cpp", "objc", "objcpp", "cs", "java", "cuda", "proto" }, extra_args = formatter_args("clang_format"), }), btns.formatting.prettier.with({ filetypes = { "vue", "typescript", "javascript", "typescriptreact", "javascriptreact", "yaml", "html", "css", "scss", "sh", "markdown", }, }), } require("modules.utils").load_plugin("null-ls", { border = "rounded", debug = false, log_level = "warn", update_in_insert = false, sources = sources, default_timeout = require("core.settings").format_timeout, }) require("completion.mason-null-ls").setup() -- Setup usercmd to register/deregister available source(s) local function _gen_completion() local sources_cont = null_ls.get_source({ filetype =, }) local completion_items = {} for _, server in pairs(sources_cont) do table.insert(completion_items, end return completion_items end vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("NullLsToggle", function(opts) if vim.tbl_contains(_gen_completion(), opts.args) then null_ls.toggle({ name = opts.args }) else vim.notify( string.format("[Null-ls] Unable to find any registered source named [%s].", opts.args), vim.log.levels.ERROR, { title = "Null-ls Internal Error" } ) end end, { nargs = 1, complete = _gen_completion, }) require("completion.formatting").configure_format_on_save() end