#!/bin/bash clear sleep 0.5 figlet "Diagnosis" echo echo "This script will check that essential packages and " echo "execution commands are available on your system." echo _commandExists() { package="$1"; if ! type $package > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo ":: ERROR: $package doesn't exists. Please install it with yay -S $2" else echo ":: OK: $package found." fi } _folderExists() { folder="$1"; if [ ! -d $folder ]; then echo ":: ERROR: $folder doesn't exists." else echo ":: OK: $folder found." fi } _commandExists "rofi" "rofi-wayland" _commandExists "dunst" "dunst" _commandExists "wal" "python-pywal" _commandExists "gum" "gum" _commandExists "magick" "imagemagick" _commandExists "figlet" "figlet" echo echo "Press return to exit" read