#!/bin/bash # _ _ _ _ # | | | |_ __ __| | __ _| |_ ___ # | | | | '_ \ / _` |/ _` | __/ _ \ # | |_| | |_) | (_| | (_| | || __/ # \___/| .__/ \__,_|\__,_|\__\___| # |_| # clear sleep 1 figlet "Update" if [ ! -d $HOME/Downloads ] ;then echo "ERROR:: $HOME/Downloads folder not found." exit fi if gum confirm "Do you want to start the update now?" ;then # Remove existing download folder and zip files if [ -f $HOME/Downloads/dotfiles-main.zip ] ;then rm $HOME/Downloads/dotfiles-main.zip fi if [ -f $HOME/Downloads/dotfiles-dev.zip ] ;then rm $HOME/Downloads/dotfiles-dev.zip fi if [ -f $HOME/Downloads/dotfiles.zip ] ;then rm $HOME/Downloads/dotfiles.zip fi if [ -d $HOME/Downloads/dotfiles ] ;then rm -rf $HOME/Downloads/dotfiles fi if [ -d $HOME/Downloads/dotfiles-main ] ;then rm -rf $HOME/Downloads/dotfiles-main fi if [ -d $HOME/Downloads/dotfiles-dev ] ;then rm -rf $HOME/Downloads/dotfiles-dev fi echo echo "Please choose between the main-release or the rolling-release (development version):" version=$(gum choose "main-release" "rolling-release") if [ "$version" == "main-release" ] ;then wget -P ~/Downloads/ https://gitlab.com/stephan-raabe/dotfiles/-/archive/main/dotfiles-main.zip v="main" elif [ "$version" == "rolling-release" ] ;then wget -P ~/Downloads/ https://gitlab.com/stephan-raabe/dotfiles/-/archive/dev/dotfiles-dev.zip v="dev" else exit 130 fi echo ":: Download complete." # Unzip unzip -o -q ~/Downloads/dotfiles-$v.zip -d ~/Downloads/ echo ":: Unzip complete." cd ~/Downloads/dotfiles-$v/ echo ":: Changed into ~/Downloads/dotfiles-$v/" # Start the installatiom if gum confirm "Do you want to start the update now?" ;then echo echo "Starting the update now..." sleep 2 cd $HOME/Downloads/dotfiles-$v ./install.sh elif [ $? -eq 130 ]; then exit 130 else echo "Installation canceled." exit; fi elif [ $? -eq 130 ]; then exit 130 fi