
31 lines
689 B
Raw Normal View History

2024-03-03 04:54:14 -05:00
# _ _ _ _
# | |__ _ _ _ __ _ __(_) __| | | ___
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# |_| |_|\__, | .__/|_| |_|\__,_|_|\___|
# |___/|_|
general {
ignore_dbus_inhibit = false
# Screenlock
listener {
timeout = 600
on-timeout = hyprlock # command to run when timeout has passed
# on-resume = notify-send "Welcome back to your desktop!"
# Suspend/dpms
listener {
timeout = 660
# Laptop Settings
# on-timeout = systemctl suspend
# Desktop Settings
on-timeout = hyprctl dispatch dpms off
on-resume = hyprctl dispatch dpms on