This is my configuration of Hyprland (Wayland) and Qtile (X11) for Arch Linux based distributions. This package includes an installation script to install and setup the required components.
You can find the installation video (Version 2.7.1) on YouTube: <ahref=""target="_blank">Install Arch Linux with Hyprland & Qtile</a>
For Arco Linux users: Please reinstall/force the installation of all packages during the installation/update process of the install script. The script will also offer to remove ttf-ms-fonts if installed to avoid issues with icons on waybar.
The installation script will prepare the configuration files in a folder ~/dotfiles-versions/[version] before copying into the final destination in ~/dotfiles
If you want to modify the installation files just before the copy procedure starts, you can create a file in the folder ~/dotfiles-versions
You can delete folders and files or update existing configurations.
rm -rf ~/dotfiles-versions/$version/vim/
rm -rf ~/dotfiles-versions/$version/nvim/
This script will for example remove the vim and nvim folder before the installation. The symbolic link will not be created because the source folder doesn't exits.
You can find a template in .install/templates/
The suggested method to start Hyprland is from tty with the command Hyprland bacause login managers (display managers) are not official supported (
The dotfiles installation script will offer to deactivate the installed display manager and to activate SDDM.
The dotfiles package also includes a configuration for the SDDM theme sdd-sugar-candy ( and a configuration to run SDDM in X11 mode to get the best compatibility.
With the Hyprland settings script you can copy the current wallpaper into SDDM and use it as a background.
To fix the mouse issue on Hyprland, open the Hyprland settings with <kbd>SUPER</kbd> + <kbd>CTRL</kbd> + <kbd>S</kbd> and select in Environments the variation kvm.conf
## Base Hyprland installation with Hyperland Starter
If you want to install only the core packages of Hyprland as a starting point for your Hyprland experiments please also try my Hyprland Starter script:
The welcome screen includes the most important keybindings to open a terminal or a browser.
You can start the ML4W Welcome App by clicking on the L icon on the right side in waybar or be entering ml4w in your terminal (if you're using the .bashrc from the dotfiles).
In the Settings Menu you can access the following functions:
- Update Wallpaper: Opens the wallpaper selector
- Change Waybar Theme: Opens the waybar theme switcher and gives access to the available themes for the waybar status bar
- Change GTK Theme: Opens nwg-look to select the theme for GTK 3 applications incl. widgets, icons and cursors
- Refresh GTK Settings: Reloads the Hyprland GTK configuration (required when changing the mouse cursor)
- Hyprland Settings: Opens the Hyprland Settings script to customize the look and feel, environment variables, monitor resolution, etc.
- Network Settings: Select your network configuration incl. WiFi
- Update your System: Starts the terminal application to update your Arch packages (pacman & yay)
- Cleanup your System: Removes old orphans and cached files generated during previous installations
- Reload Waybar: Reloads the waybar
- Toggle Waybar: You can hide or show waybar when you want to try our other status bars.
You can find the sourcecode of the ML4W Welcome App in this repository:
Included is a pywal configuration that changes the color scheme based on a randomly selected wallpaper. With the key binding <kbd>SUPER</kbd> + <kbd>SHIFT</kbd> + <kbd>W</kbd> you can change the wallpaper coming from the folder ~/wallpaper/.
In addition, you can switch the Waybar Template with <kbd>SUPER</kbd> + <kbd>CTRL</kbd> + <kbd>T</kbd> or by pressing the "..." icon in Waybar with the themeswitcher.
You can open the settings script with <kbd>SUPER</kbd> + <kbd>CTRL</kbd> + <kbd>S</kbd> to select variations for your hyprland.conf and customize your desktop even more.
You can create custom variations by copying a file from the ~/dotfiles/hypr/conf subfolders like monitor/default.conf, give the file a custom name (e.g., mymonitor.conf) and select the variation in the settings script in the corresponding section.
You can also edit the file custom.conf which is included at the bottom of the hyprland.conf and can hold you personal configurations.
You can also edit the file directly in the settings script in the section Custom.
I had several issues with xdg-desktop-portal-wlr on Hyprland and Waybar. Please make sure that xdg-desktop-portal-wlr is uninstalled and xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland is installed.
Included is a pywal configuration that changes the color scheme based on a randomly selected wallpaper. With the key binding <kbd>SUPER</kbd> + <kbd>SHIFT</kbd> + <kbd>W</kbd> you can change the wallpaper coming from the folder ~/wallpaper/.
<kbd>SUPER</kbd> + <kbd>CTRL</kbd> + <kbd>W</kbd> opens rofi with a list of installed wallpapers in ~/wallpaper/ for your individual selection.
In case of missing icons on waybar, it's due to a conflict between several installed fonts (can happen especially on Arco Linux). Please make sure that ttf-ms-fonts is uninstalled and ttf-font-awesome and otf-font-awesome are installed with
yay -R ttf-ms-fonts
yay -S ttf-font-awesome otf-font-awesome
## SDDM not showing (only black screen with cursor)
Switch to another tty with <kbd>CTRL</kbd> + <kbd>ALT</kbd> + <kbd>F3</kbd> Now you can login with your user.
Start Hyprland with Hyprland.
You can try to reinstall all sddm related packages.